24h monitor!
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I have had the 25h monitor on today! But it's fishing out reading at 200+/100+ I don't know whether to worry or just put it down to the anxiety of having it go off every 30 minutes! It's never been this high before and was 123/73 this morning! anyone else got any advice or Experience?
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AlexandriaGizmo Vaultdweller111
Hi best advice I can give you is chill, I can tell by your post your really anxious and that will throw your bp up and down, just sit down and do square breathing and it will come down and if it doesn't then still no point in worrying cause its best to know and get meds than not knowing.
Vaultdweller111 AlexandriaGizmo
Thank you! I'm trying my best to relax this evening! Fingers crossed it's a boring one in front of the t.v with a hot chocolate!! I'm on propranolol for anxiety which help control my bp too! But as I've had this monitor today, I had to stop taking them a week ago!
jessemol5 Vaultdweller111
So many causes for your bp to go up. I suffer from worrying and the more I checked the higher it got. I just learned breathing exercises, thought about better things and had some soothing hot chamomile tea or hibiscus if you prefer. I'm trying to avoid high sodium meals and snacks which don't help. Too much caffeine for sure. I quit energy drinks and alcohol too and I'm doing better. Hope it works out for you but worrying just makes it worse for sure .
Vaultdweller111 jessemol5
I think you're spot on with the more I check the higher it is!!!
I'm hating every minute of it!!!!
autumn.witch Vaultdweller111
I had the same problems with the 24-hour monitor. Hated every minute of it and got some ludicrously high readings. I'm surprised they didn't frighten me into early death.
Vaultdweller111 autumn.witch
Just no reason for it to be so high!! My own monitor isn't reading my bp this high!!!
I want it over with! What did they do when they saw your high readings?
autumn.witch Vaultdweller111
I discussed it with the practice nurse and the doctor and they both agreed the high readings were just another form of "white coat syndrome" and agreed to use the readings from my home monitor instead. At my age (retired) they are happy to allow me to manage without medication just as long as I stick with the lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques. It is all working out very well and my BP hovers around 145/90 and never, ever goes above 150/90.
Vaultdweller111 autumn.witch
See I'm 23 and mine ranged at resting 120/73 to taking a random reading at 140/90 when I've not been resting! This machine is reading much higher than anything I've ever had! Even when I was pregnant and had high bp, it never got over the 200's!!!
mike92384 Vaultdweller111
You stated it yourself...You dont know whether to worry or just put it down to the anxiety of having the machine go off every 30 min! You're anticipating the machine going off...so naturally, you become anxious about the reading. No wonder the number is high! Give it a rest. Settle down., you're not doing yourself any favours.
Explain your feelings to the doctor. This may explain just why the numbers are hight, especially when you had a completely normal reading earlier (123/73).
So, chill out...try to forget the machine. After all, it isn't a two-headed monster.
Vaultdweller111 mike92384
Unfortunately that's easier said than done! Without being able to take my anti anxiety medication I'm more on edge than ever!!
jane243 Vaultdweller111
Why have you had a 24 hour monitor, did they already suspect you have hypertension?
When I had one I'd no idea what the reading were until after I'd taken the machine back to the surgery. The dr just rang me later and said I'd need to go onto meds and whatever I did myself it wouldn't be enough to bring it down.
24 monitors are the pits - you can't get a wink of sleep and they parp off at most inconvenient times! I had one after having had a health check when they found I had high BP, just to confirm really. The worst 24hours of my life!
Vaultdweller111 jane243
I was originally on the medication for anxiety! But I was getting headaches, went in and the dr took it, it was high so she told me to take the meds daily for anxiety and blood pressure! That's why she ordered me to go on the 24h
so far tonight though I've had 4 error readings! No actual reading, but my own monitor is reading fine!
jane243 Vaultdweller111
Not sure I understand, you were on BP meds for anxiety?? Hope you've finished with the 24hr thing now anyway and it has told the dr what she wanted to know. Don't let the blighters bully you though. Some drs are inclined to just say 'Do as I say'.
I don't know if it's true or not but I've heard that once you are put on meds the body only recognises them with the result that yu are on them for life.
Vaultdweller111 jane243
I'm on propranolol, it's a versatile drug, used generally for migraines, anxiety, bp and sometimes depression I heard! Not finished until tomorrow at 10am
I want it over with!!!
Oh I won't let her bully me! I'll make sure she hears how I've felt the whole way through this!
jane243 Vaultdweller111
Propanolol is a beta blocker then I suppose. My husband took atenolol for a while but not for blood pressure.
Vaultdweller111 jane243
I hardly slept at all!!! But at resting I was down to 125/77 by their machine...
Yes its a beta blocker!! It works wonders!!! Now I can't wait to get this thing off!!!
mike92384 jane243
jane243...while a lot of people believe that once on bp meds, always on bp meds, this isn't always the case. Some people will exercise, reduce their weight, cut out salt etc.etc...then next thing they know, the Dr. is reducing their meds or eliminating some of them.
mike92384 Vaultdweller111
Vaultdweller111...believe me, you're not doing yourself any favours by obsessing with the bp machine!!! If the 24hr holter is not performing properly (if this is what you think), it's hardly your fault. Do not hook up your own machine & take readings.
Vaultdweller111 mike92384
It went back this morning! They agreed something didn't sound right! Glad to be back on my tablets though!!! At least I made them aware of it! Just waiting for a Drs appointment now!