25 with high BP

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How's it going guys glad I found this page

Anyways just wanted to share some stuff with you guys

I'm 25 years old and have been pretty much very athletic all my life been doing Jiujitsu for about 8 years competitively.

About a year ago I joined physical therapy school and during a class we were doing bp reading as a topic for the class

What do you know it I have high bp reading I couldn't believe it 160/100

Since then I've seen a doctor and been on some meds nothing seems to bring it down. I'm always at 150-170/80-100 bp reading there has been a few days when k hit 130/90 which made my day.

I've been super depressed sitting on the sidelines watching all my friends compete I haven't done anything in fear of spiking my bp and causing a HA

Any of you guys have any pointers for me?

Will post what Meds I am on in a few minutes

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32 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mig671, I just fumbled onto this thread. I totally understand how you feel. I am 25 this year too, been lifting weights for 4 years, never took roids and I too, have the same problem. Young hypertension. I was started on 2.5 amlodipine for hypertension few months ago for bp 155/89 and it was brought down to 130-140/69-79. But just this week, my blood pressure had gone up again. Shot up to 160/90 at my gp and she started me on 5.0 amlodipine. 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 in the evening. Still gonna wait out and see how it goes.
    • Posted

      Taking blood pressure medicine twice a day instead of once helped me. Some times adding a diuretic helps a lot. At one time my blood pressure was being controlled by just a dose of diuretic but I think my electrolytes got out of whack
    • Posted

      Tyrosine can raise blood pressure. Its in high protein foods. Which you probably consume as part of your workout program
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      Tonight I had Paleo diet food which was delivered this morning. I had some mashed potato and pumpkin. It was to die for. It had a particular flavor yummo. I started to feel sick about an hour later with huge headaches. Later on I had a big dollop of mashed potato and pumpkin. Then I go really sick and a even bigger headache. I took my BP which has been under control for some time . It was 170/84 and pulse was 48 and temperature was 35. I felt so cold. Then I realized they might have put MSG into the mashed potatoes. But Paleo putting MSG in their food. What else could it have been. I've eaten nothing else as I have gastritis. Hence me ordering spinach, brocolli and mashed potatoes and pumpkin . My BP is slowly going down. Still huge headache. I wonder if it was MSG. Very strange.

    • Posted

      An electrolyte imbalance doesn't have any specific effect on BP, but it will mess up just about every system in your body, causing all kinds of symptoms up to and including death from heart failure in extreme cases! Excessive use of diuretics causes loss of too much fluid, upsetting the delicate balance of salts (electrolytes) dissolved in our body fluids.

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      Sorry to be rude, Jackie, but why on earth are you buying in ready-made mashed potatoes? It's not like they're hard to prepare, even if you only have a single gas ring or hotplate.

      There's no way that's paleo - paleolithic man caught and cooked everything for himself. No ready meals in those days!wink

    • Posted

      U aren't being rude. This is the first tie I've ever done it. I live in Thailand and didn't have the energy to go to the supermarket in 40 degrees heat. I've had bronchitis, gastritis at the same time not to mention high blood pressure which is under control till tonight .... My BP shot up an hour after the mashed potatos. I thought Paleo was good and they didn't add anything .... I just came home from hospital 05.00 morning . They waited till my BP dropped which it has though shocking headaches. Pulse very low, 45. I should have stayed in hospital at least for one night and get all this sorted out.

    • Posted

      When your blood pressure went up how long was it til your next pill. Just wondering if your pill would have brought it back down

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