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Hey, I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 26. I've been put on medication to regulate and bring it down. I am so upset at the fact this has happened - feeling so alone and depressed.
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RHGB meta59270
Obviously if you want to get off them, cutting down or out the things I mentioned and then having checks with your GP. Whatever you do, don't stop taking them, there can be serious consequences if you do, to which I found out at my cost.
meta59270 RHGB
shazza41 meta59270
I am a bit older but i feel your pain, alcohol also pushed mine up but stress played a big part too, i have added lemons, beet juice and bananas to my diet, all have potassium in and help, i also read that hibiscus tea helps, good luck.
helen_07568 meta59270
Um without meds it various 140-145 /90 - 99
Now its in the 119-130 / 80-89 so meds are helping.
Guest meta59270
My GP tried to go down that road and I rejected it.
I would suggest that you find and deal with whatever is going in your life that giving you stress. No amount of meds is going to help you until you deal with that.
You're not alone in have this problem. I'm going through a divorce and everytime I have to talk to my soon-to-be-ex, I get HBP readings. So I'll be glad when that's all over with.
Also look at your diet, some foods raise your BP.
meta59270 Guest
Guest meta59270
Losing weight and execirse has a signifcant effect on HBP.
Because you have been on meds for so long, I would suggest that you gradually wean yourself off, reducing the meds over a period of time but don't just stop taking them. I recently learned that daily Beetroot juice is highly beneficial for lowering BP. Stay away from simple carbohydrates like white bread, rice etc. Stop taking sugar and stay away from high sugar foods. Increase your potassium in-take by adding around 4 bananas a day. Drink grated ginger tea before going to bed. Drink 2Ltrs of water during the day.
I managed to get a BP this morning reading today of 127/91.
The natural remedies will take time to have an effect. Importantly you will need to make a detailed record of what you eat and your BP readings so that you can see the effects food have you. I suggest you start a spreadsheet showing date, times, food eaten and BP readings during the day.
Guest meta59270
meta59270 Guest
becky79414 meta59270
Hi. I've been to the doctors today about my blood pressure. I'm only 26 and it's pretty high for my age. The nurse has put me on the mini pill (CERELLE) instead of the one i was on before to see if it was that but gone back today and it's still high. She's referred me to see a doctor to see what they say might have to have an ECG but I'm stressing more now because of this
anna_m31511 meta59270
hypertension from terrible genetics is real. My boyfriend was 26 when he got on meds. He's a runner, sober, loves his job but does have a short temper. You're young and it's hard to understand that this isn't something you can control. Do not get off your meds. Do not follow this other mans advice. Use all the natural stuff you want but the only thing that will work is following your doctors advice. I'm no doctor but I see what happens with uncontrolled BP-strokes, failing kidneys-tethered to a dialysis machine for the rest of your life. Heart disease... Not to mention, you're going to have erectile dysfunction if you don't control that BP! You aren't alone. Hang in there and take those pills as directed!