2nd day on Librium detox from alcohol

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I started librium detox yest & shakes are more or less gone but I have diarrhea today & not eating only sipping water as feel bit nauseous..haven't eaten properly in a while due to the drinking..I've been on librium before but never had diarrhea at the time..just wondering is that part of detox..did anyone else ever get that? Thanks

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yeah, that is totally normal when you come off the drink, may get a bout of constipation once your tummy has settled down and you get your apetite back (which should be pretty soon) along with a craving for sweet things. Stick it out, the worst is nearly over, just need to keep to the path your on. Good Luck smile

    • Posted

      Thank you so much..it's just I've been on librium few times but that never happened before..I was afraid there was something else wrong

    • Posted

      HI Cherry123..yes, quite normal with such an extreme reaction and the others are giving you great advice..feeling horrible is normal but obviously not somthing you wanted but will happen..keep trying..best of luck and you are STRONG!! Robin
    • Posted

      Perfectly normal and in my experience is nothing to do with the Librium.  If you're not eating, just drinking water, then it's quite logical! After a binge, I always had to stay home, as would often be taken by surprise. Would recommend small amount of scrambled egg around day 3/4 even if you don't fancy it. Energy drinks are good too.

    • Posted

      Thanks Vickylou for the advice..I will get some energy drinks tomorrow ..hopefully if I can go out!!
  • Posted

    I have a lot of experience here..lol (unfortunately).

    But, fortunately I am on the other side.

    The dirrehea is probably from dehydration.

    No one feels like eating after coming off a binge.

    if you stay stopped your appetite will retun

    Your mood will return

    A better sleep pattern will occur

    A better YOU will emerge.

    Nothing bad comes from stopping drinking...except cravings to drink.


    • Posted

      Thanks Missy and everyone else who replied to me..great forum for getting advice and knowing you aren't alone..best of luck to everyone


    • Posted

      Cherry, you certainly aren't alone, we've all been there, done it and got the tshirt!,

      Are you taking any vitamins at all? When we don't eat properly or healthily the body (including the brain) gets depleted. Thiamine and strong vit B really helps. Don't expect an immediate miracle cure, but you'll start to feel better.

      RHGB or Paul turner are the experts and hopefully will be able to give you more information.

      Stay strong and keep posting

    • Posted

      Hi Vicdkylou..yes I have started taking a good vitamin called Orovite and I also started Thiamin tablets. Have also started eating a bit & got some of those sports drinks you mentioned. My main problem now is I'm absolutely exhausted. I had to do an exam yesterday and managed to get through it! I'm down to my 2nd last day of librium now..just one today and one tomorrow. Anyway have to be back in work tomorrow so just hope not to feel so dreadfully tired. Thanks for all your advice

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