2nd time Around TKR

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Hi All I am waiting now for my Right Knee Replacement on waiting list

Having Had My Left Knee Replaced when I was 49 11+ years ago was very successful

I know what to expect rolleyes However I believe that it is now common practice to Prepare  for Spinal Nerve Block Procedure As to General Anesthetic

I am Very Nervous about having this.... let alone another TKR 

Any Reassurance Much Appreciated


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24 Replies

  • Posted

    I had my left knee replaced 17 years ago with general anesthetic , and the right knee 18 months later with spinal block . The spinal block was the better operation , quicker recovery . Nothing to worry about , you can be sedated and possibly listen to music during the op so you don't hear the noise .

  • Posted

    I would NEVER agree to have another spinal block.  I felt 3 needle pokes, 

    blindly looking, I assume, for the right spot!

  • Posted

    Hi I had general anethesic so can't help you but good luck with your 2nd tkr

  • Posted

    Had spinal. Be reassured it is good option. Just ask for increased sedation if you are, like I was , nervous. Had my tkr 2 months ago. Good luck
  • Posted

    Hi Michywishy

    im 9 weeks posst tkr im in the UK i had a spinal block as you call it maybe a different name here it was a epidural same i think an injection into the lower spine and i was also put to sleep my surgeon said the epidural gives longer pain relief after the op i found it ok and had no problems or after effects hope this helps and good luck for a speedy recovery.

  • Posted

    I was terrified of the spinal and wanted a general. After a talk with the anaesthetist about why it was better, and he promised me I would be asleep and hear nothing, I did it and was glad after. You recover quicker- had a full dinner 2 hours after, and legs stay numb for quite a long time saving on pain for a while! You can be awake , lightly sedated where you can hear odd bits or heavily sedated where you hear nothing. He kept his promise! The down side is bladder control for a few hours.

    I was really scared but it was fine.

  • Posted

    I wish you a good recovery no matter which method of sedation you choose.  I wasn't given an option, but I had a lot of pain afterwards.  Good luck

  • Posted

    Hi Michy,

    I had a spinal block for my TKR in June, and I had absolutely no issues. People worry about hearing the procedure, but I told the anesthesiologist I didn't want to hear it, and he took care of that. (I'm not sure what he gave me, but talk to your anesthesiologist.) Wishing you the very best!


  • Posted

    Hi Michy,

    I went for op expecting a general and junior anaesthesist told me I was having spinal when in prep room.

    I spoke with surgeon and anaesthedit and they convinced to go for spinal.

    Had lots of sedation, did hearr c some noise but was too out of it to care. Recovery was really quick and has been excellent since Thank God. Op was in April.

    Go for it.

    Best wishes,


  • Posted

    Not sure where you are but there seems to be a trend to that in the UK from the reports on here. I'm in the US and with all 11 surgeries on my knee/leg I have had a general. One thing I've heardcrepeatedly, the spinal lets you wake up with no sickness, etc. I have never had any such problems. As a matter of fact, 2 of the last 3 times I had a full meal in recovery (private recovery room). The one new thing between my 1st tor in 2004 and the revision in 2013 was the pain control methods. The original was an epidural. The 2013 surgery and The 5 subsequent surgeries they used a femoral block. They leave the line in for 24 to 48 hours and it really does a fantastic job.

    I think the best thing is to discuss your feelings with the anesthesiologist and do what's best for you.

    • Posted

      I'm finding out from reading all,the posts that I didn't even have a choice about block or general, and I'm rather torqued.  I'm sure I was offered food but couldn't eat.  Three weeks in PT facility got me a grand total of three wraps.  Pain meds were never given at same time.  PTs were nice but they just put me on bicycle for 20 minutes, and I didn't feel like I was straightening leg enough to suit them.  This led to some very painful manipulations and made me afraid.

      bottom line is I was unpleasantly surprised by after care.  When I escaped, my PT told me to do 30 reps on exercise sheet 3 X per day which was wayyy too much after just 4 weeks.

      this is just a cautionary tale, and I hope no one else has to endure what I did.  Doing much better with home health PT and nurse.


      good luck everyone 

  • Posted

    Hi there michywishy,

    ?I am in UK and had a partial knee replacement on 6 Nov 2015. I had a general anesthetic. My sister living in a different part of UK had the spinal nerve bl;ock (what she called an epidural). She tells me she was aware of all the banging, tugging manipulating of the knee as surgery unfolded. Her recovery was a bit complicated because she found she was allergic to many of the pain control meds, especially morphine.

    ?I don't know why I had a general but see my surgeon in a weeks time and will ask him. Maybe because I have a heart arrythmia. The thing I found was all about recovery, I was home after 3 days with a 90 degree bend and had a three way battle, ridding my 'system' of the toxins from the general, stabilising my pain control and pushing on with my PT exercises. In there own way all three were problems in their own right.

    Hope this helps.


  • Posted

    Hello Michy,

    I am in the U.K. And had a right tkr last Wed and knew nothing about choice. I was given a spinal and was aware of the banging, etc, but I wasn't bothered by it as you are so relaxed by the anaesthetic. I had a little sickness once I went up to my room, but by day 2 I felt great! The nurses were fantastic at controlling the pain.

    The PT had me up and doing exercises every hour, but I was able to do so. I couldn't do all and they can be quite adamant, but do what you can.

    One thing to be aware of if your surgeon puts you in a brace. You feel so free when they take it off, but whoa! The pain when you first move your leg- I wasn't prepared for it.

    Got home on Saturday and have learned in these few days that you must manage your pain and exercises as is right for you. Push yourself, but be kind too.

    So, one week on from the spinal I feel great, my knee is bending well and I'm positive about my future mobility. I can get around without my crutches, shower in an over the bath shower, go up and down the stairs easily.

    Good luck with it Michy. This forum is such a help too - it's helped me a lot.

    Ps I am 57 and overweight.

    • Posted

      Well done Denise.

      Impressive so far.

      Keep it up.

      Take care,


    • Posted

      Hello Denise Thank You biggrin I have experienced TKR Surgery 11 years Ago So I know the Pain After 

      It was done under General so was completely Out 

      I am Very Nervous Re Spinal Block Etc

      But Thanks For The Info and Good Luck with the Rest of Your Recovery It Does Take Time For Me it was about 9 months Before I was Total Pain Free smile


    • Posted

      the pain from a spinal is minimal compared with what comes after!!! so nothing to worry about there really . . . 


    • Posted

      You got that right.  Had only spinal block 48 yrs ago during labor.  Wanted to kiss anesthesiologist.   However, my back muscles seemed to have lost strength.

      anyway, 6 wk visit yesterday.   Think my surgeon is hiding in Ben Ladens lair.  Never saw him again.  Good news is I got OK to drive  Manual trans.  PA agreed with me that it would be good exercise for right knee.  I still have Home Health PT for a while.  I nixed outpatient therapy for now.  Will decide at next appointment in 6 weeks.

       well I certainly got off the track their fish. What I was trying to say is that I experienced a lot of pain being in the nursing home because  I never could win the pain med lottery. Also the PTs there like they just graduated and everything was by the book and everything with the same and one of them hurt me real bad and left a bitter taste in my mouth about the outpatient stuff. OK I'm done ranting have a good day guys 

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