2nd week off sertraline but high anxiety 😥
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Hi all,
I need some support... I have been off sertraline for 16 days. I did ween myself off them properly but this past week god have I felt the anxiety creeping in, I am so emotional I go from crying to literally wanting to expload everything is irritating me I don't see the fun in anything at the moment nd it's not fair on my children. I am not living with the constant fear of my health anxiety like I was before I seem to have control of this what I want to know is, is this a side effect because I do NOT want to go back on sertraline to calm me down but I'm at my Whits end to be honest.. I am ratty I am not good to be around at the minute and it's taking its toll not just on me but on my family as well😭😢
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Jozzer1983 Waza83
I hope the withdrawal passes really quickly and feel ok after a few more days of digging deep.
Waza83 Jozzer1983
Hi Jozzer,
I will start by saying yes the sertraline really helped for my anxiety I had constant worry about things being wrong with me especially after having my second child the worry of me getting an illness and not being here for my children. This thing that really worked for me was meditation and a lot of reading about what anxiety does to your body I needed answers for each sensation... Eventually i learned that you can't control what will be but you can control how you deal with it and I had CBT and this changed my life for the better because I started to make sense of the fact I was the one letting the worry and anxieties control my feelings... There is a book called feel the fear and do it anyway!! I would recommend it if you get chance read it. I do hope this helps you a little and remember you are not alone there's always someone to speak to on here.. these forums are amazing for that take care 😊
trisha68782 Waza83
Waza83 trisha68782
Thank you for replying, i have just woken up this morning and already had a little cry 😫 but I have also just told myself that today is a new day and tomorrow is gone I going to concentrate on what I'm doing this morning for now.. I do hope you manage to get an even keel on your medication don't be so hard on yourself if it works for you at the time then it's what you need.. I only came off sertraline because I am in a better place I do meditation when I can I have me health worries under control it's the the high highs and the low lows I cannot cope with. I am going to make an appointment with my GP and see what she thinks. Thanks again and good luck 😊
Waza83 trisha68782
how are you doing?
did you change your medication?
anne30266 trisha68782
I hope you are doing better. i am on the same boat, After 3 weeks on sertraline, I had good days and bad days, still hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've experienced many side effects but kept going especially after noticing improvements with my panic attacks and sleep. After upping the dose to 50 mg, my sleep got a little tough again although I take the pill in the morning, but its the racing anxious thoughts that affects my sleep, so I hope it'll get better soon.
anne30266 Waza83
Our stories are pretty similar: although I have had health anxiety all my life, it got worse after the birth of my 2nd child. i was put on sertraline and was able to function well for several years. i still had worries here and there, but overall i was ok. During last year lockdown, i exercised, did yoga and spent lots of time outdoors, so I was in a great lace mentally and decided yo wean off. it worked perfectly, no side effects. This Spring i had some minor health issues and coupled with some stress at work, my anxiety came back with a vengeance. After trying unsuccessfully yo address it, i decided to go back on sertraline, but just after one 50 mg pill, i had very scary, horrible experience. My doctor advised me yo start really low and up the dose slowly. i still had lots of side effects. I am now on 50 mg, still have anxiety, intrusive thoughts & compulsions, but my panic attacks seem yo have gotten better, i feel that i can rationalize with myself better, sleep was better while on 25 mg, but got a little rough on 50 mg - hope it'll get better.
I hope you overcame the withdrawal side effects and are feeling well now.
thank you for your reply, it is so hard to rationalise your thoughts when they feel so real. so I have been off sertraline for 18 day again and i am trying so hard but feeling like I am failing and falling apart tbh. I have been so emotional š¢ crying and worrying! I just want to sleep then I don't have to worry.
anne30266 Waza83
I strongly agree with you, Waza. The intrusive thoughts or my worries seem so real, legitimate, that i have a hard time rationalizing with them. For example, I have always been bad with names, and accepted it over the years, but now if I do not recall someone's name in a split second, I freak out, almost have a panic attack. The moment I calm down, I recall the name right away. My doctor said it's my anxiety that causes me to panic over things like this. Any physical symptom (mild pain, skin blemish, anything) can make me freak out and hyperventilate., so I really hope sertraline will help me calm down and not be that worried and stressed.
anne30266 Waza83
Waza, i was wondering how you are doing. My hope is you're feeling better and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to hearing how you are doing.
clive59268 Waza83
Healing from SSRIs is a long path, can take weeks, months or even years, but it will heal eventually.
Give it a while, relax, rest and repair. Also therapy is very important to overcome it.