3.7 mass kidney
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I have been diagnosed with the above after incidental finding on ultrasound and then follow up with CT. Got op due 27th july. Not spread as yet and confined in kidney. Have been told 90% chance being cancerous. Very stresed re op and after pain, tubes in me when come rou d etc. Anyone got any experiences on this?
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StephieAck brummiebabe
Firstly, I am sorry about what is happening, it is horrid, I was in the same position just over two years ago.
I think it all depends on what op you are having. like mine was open and my surgeon went through my abdomen, most go through your back or side.
Let us know what op you are having and Ill see if I can help xx
Upbeat brummiebabe
Sorry to hear about your up and coming op and hope all goes well.
I had kidney cancer in 2008 and like you had an op to remove the kidney and growth shortly after. Mine was done via the stomach so I'm guessing my experience will only apply if yours is to be the same. I have included all the details so you can know what to expect.
The op itself was performed on a Thursday late morning and I was pre warned that they would place me in intensive care for the first 24 hours incase of any problems with the other kidney. Apparently this is standard proceedure at this hospital. They also said I would probably not wake up till I was back on the ward but told me as contact with family would be delayed so I was to warn them not to expect to hear from me (they could phone in to check I was okay). In reality I was awake by 4am on Friday and chatting to my nurse! (They also allowed me a phone call at 8am and toast although this was more difficult as "Our patients are never usually awake here!" I was moved to the ward later that morning as the Consultant said I was obviously fine. A cathater was fitted during the op so that the kidney output could be monitored and also to ensure no infections came through and I had a line into my neck and an arm. The line in my neck was removed before I went to the ward. The other line and cathater were removed three days after. In terms of pain, strong pain killers where provided and turning over in bed was not easy for a few days. I was allowed home on the Monday but had to have bed rest for about 2 weeks after. Walking upright was painful and I continued with pain killers for about 2 months but was gradually reducing them to nothing during that period. I returned to work which included a lot of walking and standing and some lifting 3 months after by which time only the lifting caused any problem.
Due to the incisions I did get nerve damage in my stomach and some of this still causes pain if I do things I know will cause the pain. If I don't there's no pain.
I hope this might help you feel less stressed about what is to come, just take it steady and listern to your body would be my advice.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
susan16426 brummiebabe
I aint been told how long i have or what will happen, im just waiting to have treatment. also my dad has just been told he has postate cancer and it took the drs over 2 years to find that out, he has lost so much weight but his gp wouldnt listen. he had to have a pace maker too, so im careing for me dad as well as trying to sort meself out.dont know how i aint had a nervous breakdown by now
Upbeat susan16426
Not sure which type of kidney cancer you have (as you didn't have the kidney removed)and you don't say where it has spread to so I won't comment re my experience as it may not be relevant. What I would say is although there is no cure for mastastic kidney cancer there are many biological treatments which prolong life whilst still offering a decent quality of life.
With regard your father, my father had prostate cancer when 59. It was removed and never returned. Sadly he died aged 80 from another unrelated cancer in 2010, having been diagnosed in 2008 shortly after my kidney was removed. Caring for him, if anything helped me cope with my own recovery. He never knew I had cancer.
I hope your Dads treatment goes well and he makes a full recovery too.
Jenny x
Upbeat susan16426
Best wishes. Jenny
maja68564 brummiebabe
Sorry to hear they have found a 3.7mm in your kidney, terrible shock, isn' it? They also found mine of similar size 'by accident' on an Ultrasound in Dec 2013 and it was removed through open surgery at the end of January 2014. It turned out to be Type II Eble Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, stage T1a. It was all contained within my kidney and they managed to excise it completely through partial nephrectomy, i.e. most of my kidney is still there. With my type of cancer the outlook is good if it has been caught in the early stages and so far my post-op scans have been clear. The operation is will be quite major and like someone already mentioned it will take a few weeks before you can turn over in bed again. Some websites say you should be feeling back to normal within 6-8 weeks, but I found it took me much longer - but then I am 62 yrs old and had just retired, so fortunately was under no pressure to return to work. But if you are still at work I would make sure you don't go back too soon. I felt tired for ages afterwards, only feeling I got my usual complete bouncy oomph back in August/September. Do make sure you have plenty of support when you get back home out of hospital - I was allowed out after 6 days and then district nurses came to redress the wound for a bit. Because I have a dodgy neck they operated through my tummy, so I have a pale curvy scar, which doesn't give me any pain at all, sometimes a bit itchy. I have been amazed what a wonderful job the doctors did and how soon your kidneys recover and just carry on as normal. I had a catheter during and immediately after the op, which saved me having to go to the loo. They will have you soon out of bed though for short periods of time and you can have a wash on a chair, etc. I also had an epidural fitted prior to the op for post-op pain relief. Finding you have a mass comes as a terrible shock, but it's got come out, and you will be taken very good care of and regularly monitored afterwards, so I hope your future will be bright! If you any further questions, just pop them on this forum here. Very best wishes, Maja
susan16426 brummiebabe
Upbeat susan16426
Really sorry to hear your news. Can't make any promises, just as the doctors can't at the moment as everyone is different and they really don't know.. However what I can tell you is I am now on my eighteenth cycle with Pazopanib and things are still good. (A cycle is one month) There are side effects but these can be mitigated and reduced but until you start you really can't predict your bodies or the cancers reaction. For me Tablets are taken daily, there is a blood test every month and CT scan every three months to monitor progress. Some hospitals use a slightly different cycle I believe but this is mine.
Also there are other tablets which I have been told will be available to me when Pazopanib eventually fails and if it doesn't work for you or you can't tolerate it no doubt you will get to try them too.
Try not to worry and if you want to ask any specifics please feel free to ask. I believe there is a private messaging area if you wish. Either way good luck I hope the treatment works as well for you as it has me. x
maja68564 susan16426
maja68564 Upbeat
susan16426 Upbeat
Im on my 2nd week of taking Pazopanib, side effects have not been to bad so far, but ive started having a bit of pain in my tummy now and again which is worrying, is this normal x
susan16426 maja68564
Upbeat susan16426
Once the wind has passed I'm fine. Other than that no pain.
Suggest if your satisfied it's not wind that you let the specialist nurse know.
Best wishes. Keep me posted.
Jenny x