3 days post op of laparoscopy; co2 gas troubles help

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So I am 3 days post op of my laparoscopic surgery to take out a 4-5 inch cyst on my right ovary and a small one on my left. I can handle the incision pain as it comes, but the worst has been the CO2 gas they pumped me with. I can literally feel the bubbles moving under my chest, around my stomach, my belly, and my shoulders. As of now my shoulders are sore, but the gas under my chest and around my abdomen just bother my breathing and eating. Is there any way to pop them or shift them elsewhere than my chest? I can't do the upside down thing people are talking about since it's already hard to walk and pee, I sure as heck can't go upside down. Thanks for reading and answering smile

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow! Can't believe you still have the pain from this! Shame on them for not releasing as much gas as they could before stitching/glue your incisions up. I had some gas from mine the day after my surgery, but it was gone within a few hours. Only thing that helped me was walking around, and pain medicine. I feel for you, my pain from this was horrible! If it isn't gone by tomorrow, I would call the surgeons office and let them know. You shouldn't have to suffer with that for that long! 
    • Posted

      I wish there was a way for my body to absorb the gas faster so it can go out on either direction. It'd be great if I can just locate em and pop em as I find em. I'll really have to stay on top of my pain meds if this persists rolleyes

      How many times a day did you take the pain meds?

    • Posted

      Day of surgery, I came home in the later afternoon, and I took one pill at night, day after surgery was my worst day, took one pill in the a m and two in the p m, that was when my gas was horrible, next day, I took two in the morning, and two at night, just to be sure I didn't have that pain happen again, then after that, I only took as needed. Didn't want to become dependent on them. Some days I only took 800 mg ibuprofen instead. Didn't need any of either after the first week. My incisions never hurt, it was all gas pain and some stomach pain. Hope you get relief soon
    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing smile How long until you fully healed? I'm actually missing school because of this.
    • Posted

      I had a different surgery, but still laparoscopic. I'm still healing technically, having had surgery March 2nd. But, my incisions have healed. I have one incision that the glue hasn't come off yet, and still have phantom weird feelings where surgery was inside, but am feeling better everyday. 
    • Posted

      Good luck to you too. It just takes time to settle in. We will feel better, day by day. 😊
  • Posted

    The pain will last about a week,l used deflatine tablets from pharmacy and it helped having a hot bath and also using a hot water bottle.the doctors tip you up on your shoulders and gas gets trapped under your shoulder blades and it hurts like hell. You could also try a gentle shoulder massage if anyone is willing to help. Hope this helps

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