3 months constant 24/7 lower abdominal discomfort, bloating and nausea

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I have been suffering for over 3 months of a constant feeling of discomfort in my lower belly. This came out of nowhere and has caused me quite a bit of discomfort, pain and worry.

The best way to describe it is a sickly heavy pressure with bloating that makes me uncomfortable and brings nausea. To start with it was only really noticeable when I was sitting down but now it's constant with the only relief is lying in bed.

So far I have had the below tests:

bloods done (normal)

Ultrasound of Testes (normal)

Ultrasound of abdomen (normal)

CT scan with contrast of Abdomen/Pelvis (normal) 

Endoscopy (showed some acid in esophagus but normal otherwise).

I had a normal colonoscopy 3 1/2 years ago due to stomach cramps (this is different as Buscopan dealt with that) .

This doesn't feel like IBS as it isn't a cramping/shooting pain it's just a dull sickly pressure bloating pain and I also don't have constipation or the runs.  

Not really sure what else to pursue as I have spent a small fortune so far on tests and specialist with no answer. I feel they want to put it all down to health anxiety but I have never had these troubles before like this, it feels like something else serious is going on.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    IBS can cause bloating pain and dull pain.  I had four types of pain with my IBS:  deep grinding, dull, stabbing and sore to touch pain.  Everyone experienes IBS pain differently.  It doesn’t have to be cramping or shooting pain. I don’t always experience cramping with my IBS.   Mine started with constant, three and a half months of deep grinding, dull pain. Are you experiencing any periods at all of hard, pellet like stools or loose urgent stools?  Have you had a change in frequency or colour of stools? Sometimes you can have very subtle bowel habit change that you don’t even notice.  I barely noticed that I was having softer urgent stools because I was so relieved to be having a break from the constipation.

    If nothing has shown up in tests, it is likely to be IBS epecially since Buscopan helped which is an IBS medication.

    • Posted

      Buscopan helped with cramps I experienced a few years ago when I got a colonoscopy. Back then I had constipation too so that was IBS I was dealing with.

      I have tried Buscopan and Membevarine for what I have been suffering this time but nothing has helped, I also take Amitriptyline for headache issue (30mg) but that doesn't help with this stomach discomfort either.

      My stools are fairly soft but not runny and also a bit lighter but no change in urgency or constipation.


    • Posted

      IBS doesn’t go away.  It cones and goes.  You may well be having an IBS flare up.  Symptoms can change over time as well.  It sounds like you are having a slght change of bowel habit.  You can get all sorts of bowel habit variations other than diarrhoea.  I have had simply looser stools or urgency as I would not recommend anti depressants for headaches.  These drugs are very toxic.  You are far better off with a conventional painkiller.  Anti depressants may well be causing some of the symptoms you are having now.  I would taper off the antidepressants.  The higher dose you take, the more likely you will get side effects. Mebeverine is also not good either.    You are better coming off that. Ask your doctor for a different anti spasmodic or to increase your dose of Buscopan. 
    • Posted

      Thanks Pippa. Amitriptilyne is actually used for IBS my GI specialist said as well as other things so he said this is what they prescribe the anti spasm meds. I can't come off them really as it's been the only led that has helped with chronic headaches. I have been on them for 4 years.

    • Posted

      As long as the meds aren’t bothering you; that’s fine.

       I can only use mild antispasmodics such as Buscopan for my IBS because anything stronger would disagree with me.    I had a bad reaction to Mebeverine. I have balance and hand eye coordination problems due to dyspraxia and Asperger syndrome and some of the side effects of these types of anti depressants could make these problems worse for me.

      I have neuralgia as well which only gets better in hot weather. When it is cold, I feel the pain more but I choose to ignore it because there is nothing that can be done for it other than low dose antidepressants which I dare not take in case I make things worse.

  • Posted

    Hi scottio,

    I know it sounds very 'trendy' but, given the tests you have had ruling out out obvious things, could it be the onset of an intolerance to dairy or wheat for example?

    Or, unusual, but a mildly grumbling appendix? I know appendicitis usually comes on very quickly but I think (don't quote me on it) it can on rare occasions grumble on for a while.

    Has it been absolutely constant for the last few months or is it relieved at times? Can you keep a diary to see if it gets worse after eating something or doing something.

    I really hope you find an answer soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Lorix,

      It's not something I have thought of since I've always been able to eat what I like but I am going to have to rule things out so maybe going to start a food diary and look into it.

      I think the appendix was ruled out with ultrasound and CT scan. My discomfort is central not to either side of you know what I mean.

      It has been constant this past 3 months with maybe 4 days that I felt normal but it didn't last long. I find relief lying down otherwise it's there all the time. It doesn't effect my appetite so I haven't been losing weight.

      My big fear is pancreas and cancer but then it always is the worst case scenario with me!

    • Posted

      If you had pancreatic cancer, you would get tremendous weight loss, you would lose appetite and in some cases, you would get jaundice.  You would deteriorate very quickly.  CT scans are often used to detect tumours.  If you had one, it would have shown on your CT.  When I was panicking about my stomach pain, my brother, who is a constant plastic surgeon, told me that nasty conditions show up on scans especially if you are having symptoms,  Do not worry!
    • Posted

      Thanks Pippa. I do have dark urine despite drinking over 3 litres of water daily but I had my liver and kidney checked with bloods so I would imagine Jaundice would show on that. I even went and got those dip stick urine strips to check levels! 

      Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint where exactly it is ( I'm almost sure it's lower abdominal but other times I think it's higher up above belly button) so it's difficult to explain to the doctors. In the first few weeks of it I only felt the discomfort when sitting down so when I was up and mobile it wasn't a big deal but that changed to constant. 

      The best way to describe how it felt to begin with was if someone had kicked me in the privates (guys will know that sickly feeling) just a horrible dull ache.  

    • Posted

      You wouldn’t need a blood test to detect jaundice.   You would be able to see the yellow colour in your eyes and on your face. It can be seen clearly with the naked eye.  I have seen people with it!

      I would tell your doctor exactly what you have told me.  That will give a good enough explanation.  You could push for another urine test to see if you have a UTI.  Dark urine could suggest this especially if it burns to urinate or the urine is very smelly.  The other possibility is if you are drinking tea or coffee, it will darken your urine.

  • Posted

    Got some more bloods done

    My total Billirubin came back at 12 umol/l and my Direct billirubin was <2 umol/l

    Not really sure what these mean exactly, 12 seems a bit high to me although not past the abnormal range and <2 Direct seems awful low

    From what I can see online these results shouldn't be high enough to cause my jaundice symptoms 

    • Posted

      Ask your doctor to explain your results to you.  You will get a clearer answer that way.
  • Posted

    This was done online so no doctor to ask just a brief report saying all within Normal limits.

    Yes I have been crazy enough to buy those online blood tests! Just want to get bottom of it tbh

    • Posted

      See your doctor to get your results explained.  This is your best option.

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