3 Months of Frozen Shoulder
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My name is Lisa and I have been suffering from frozen shoulder and
tendinitis since late August I have been seeing an orthropedic doctor
regularly and been going to physical therapy 3 times a week and practicing
stretching exercises at home as well This condition has changed my
entire life the pain and aching I experience are undescribable most of the
time the painmedication doesnt help I put moist heat on my shoulder as
often as I can
and ice my elbow and hand from the aching I have read that deep tissue
massage helps losen the muscles and helps with the range of motion that
I currently dont have does anyone have suggestions to help me get
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All the best to you and keep trying to find the right treatmet for the best relief. Hopefully you will find some relief somehow . I know what are you going through, this is the most painful condition I ever had to suffer beside having my kids.
I have to clarify that I actually have a frozen hip, hard to believe! Can you imagine stepping in your shoulder everyday?
All the best to you.
unable to complete every day tasksfinding this support page certainly makes
me see that im not alone in pain I never heard of frozen shoulder nor
know anyone with this condition I cant imagine the pain you must
have with frozen hip hope your feeling better soonso thankful
for this site
After a year of a frozen shoulder, I have had manipulation under anaesthetic. It was less than a week ago, and the shoulder is still sore, but I have full movement back and can now exercise it fully. I had physio and acupuncture, but I made no difference. Now, it feels as if there's a purpose to the physiotherapy. Good luck to you. It's such a painful condition - I sympathise.
physical therapy is running out so im learning home exercises im hoping this
condition doesnt last a year not sure I can handle it that long im glad that ur
doing better and woukd like to hear more about your progress
movement back to where I was before the frozen shoulder pain I see my
orthropedic dr in a few weeks and he said he plans on giving me another injection I dont look forward to that but hope it helps my movement to get better.
Thanks for keeping me updated on your progress