3 weeks in taking 75mg Venlafaxine, struggling a bit with symptoms
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Hi, I'm looking to talk to anyone and everyone who has experience with this drug, really just need to talk I think 😃 I was started on 75mg of venlafaxine 3 weeks ago (depression and anxiety) and it's been pretty tough. First week I felt a strange energy rush (like I'd drank waaay too much coffee) and intense nausea after every dose, threw up a couple of times after taking it on an empty stomach because I couldn't bring myself to eat. The nausea and energy rush are both gone now but I don't have much appetite still and getting some diarrhoea and stomach cramps. I'm finding it hard to sleep as well, (though when I do sleep I have some very interesting vivid dreams) and feeling very tired and weak most of the time. I'm also very restless and agitated, with this awful new feeling of being SO bored of life and not wanting to do anything, even watching my favourite shows. My room is a rubbish tip right now & running out of clean clothes. The doctor will phone me on monday and I think he wants me to up the dosage as soon as possible. I want to do this too, as I've read that it works better on your mood after 150mg, and to be honest, as unpleasant as the physical symptoms are, I would put up with MUCH worse if they helped my depression and anxiety. I've taken fluoxetine, sertraline and citalopram in the past and felt absolutely no difference on any of them, good or bad, so I'm really desperate for this to work. But I'm very nervous. My main fear is that the restlessness and boredom will increase too, because it makes me feel like I'm going to go crazy. Does anyone have any advice or have you experienced the restlessness I'm talking about?
Thanks for reading!
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joanna1904 stephanie23782
I expect you already know this but this drug does take some time to find a level in your system. I started on 37.5 and gradually increased to 150 mg. I take the drug fir anxiety and depression as well as pain management. I take the drug with food. When I first took the drug I felt yuk for three days and then things settled. When I take it now I still feel a bit sluggish but it does wear off after a while. Definitely discuss with your GP. The difficulty with these drugs is that everybody is different. I increased gradually as I said earlier. I am not sure if i have helped but sometimes just talking helps when going through difficult times with medication.
irene55873 joanna1904
Hi,joanna, I can't recall how I felt when I was first prescribed Venlafaxine as it was such a long ...time ago.. If you are still going ahead with taking it PLEASE, remember to take it as the effects of forgetting are really bad.. I have forgotten a few times over the years and it's quite honestly a Nightmare! This may sound daft but if you forget to take it.. you don't realise and continue to Not take it.. because you "just forget" It's weird but true! I've had bad episodes .. acting Totally irrational.. out of character.. talking nonsense.. getting angry about silly things..crying for no apparent reason..List goes on.. and the only reason I was able to figure out what was wrong was "why am I feeling depressed ? I'm on antidepressants" I then realised I'd not been taking them.. So, if you Are going ahead with Venlafaxine, please take care.. and the other problem is the drug companies run out of it regularly.. Google and you'll see what I mean.. Again, best wishes and luck to you X
monna93589 stephanie23782
maybe we can connect on facebook and follow each others journeys? i will send you my name in a pm. feel free to connect on fb 😃
joanna1904 stephanie23782
Sure! Will look out for it. 😊
wendy94366 stephanie23782
stay away from this evil drug does more harm than good for some ppl
unlucy wendy94366
Hi Wendy glad to hear you see this as a EVIL drug and no longer see my advice as negativity , Look after yourself warm regards
irene55873 wendy94366
Wendy I agree 100% I can't wait to reduce to Nil now.. Taking a long time but it's caused me So much grief and problems.. I want off it now..
Tinker2028 stephanie23782
im on 75 mg right now.
i feel restless when i forget to take them or take them in the mornings.
maybe you can try taking them at a different time of day?
sometimes that can affect how you feel too.
ive tried with breakfast and lunch and it seemed like they didnt work ar great accompanied by restlessness. but now i take them when i eat supper 5-6 pm and i find them to work so much better and i also sleep better! i do get occasional vivid dreams. but thats nothing!
i felt like that on citolopram though it was horrible.
stephanie23782 Tinker2028
are you on the extended release version? I'm on the generic instant release ones and my doctor said to take 37.5 one in the morning and one in the evening. I worry that if I take them both in the evening it will mess up the levels in my system? I don't know, I guess I'll ask the doctor when he calls me. Thanks for responding xx
irene55873 stephanie23782
Hi, Stephanie, I'm on the same tablets as you are, Yes you need to take them one in morning one at night with a regular routine.. If you take the two at the same time you are overdosing.. Messes up your system.. as in your brain.. Need to set. alarms to remind you.. I've messed up with Venlafaxine by forgetting over the years and it's not pleasant.. believe Me ..
lynn67615 stephanie23782
just started ven er 75mg three days ago does it take a while to kjck in