3 weeks post op

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Apologies in advance as this is a bit of a whinge.

I'm 3 weeks post op having had my left knee and right hip replaced. The dressings came off yesterday and everything is healing nicely. My hip is fine, a bit sore but otherwise ok. My knee is very stiff and painful at times and exercise is very difficult. Although I'm getting around ok on crutches I've not been brave enough to tackle the stairs. I was supposed to be going for physio this morning, but couldn't bend my knee enough to get into the car!

I just feel a complete failure and very sorry for myself. I feel that I'm letting everyone down, especially my wife who has been marvellous to me.

Please, will some one give me some motivation - I feel very down.

Thank you whoever took the trouble to read this


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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Kevin,  it takes time, a lot if time.  You sound like you are doing fine. You had a double whammy...  No one can truly understand the recovery for these unless they have been there., and we are all different.  Some heal faster than others.  I has my surgery last July and it took a good five months before I felt I had close to the strength I wanted.  I was biking every day outside...climbing steps, etc.  I'm sure your wife wouldn't want you pushing yourself too hard and having a set back.  If she's willing let her read some posts here and that will help her understand more what we all have gone and are going through.  Good luck....you will get there.
  • Posted

    Don't beat yourselfup over this, I hadfull knee replacement and my leg bandaged for a full three weeks due to large horrible blisters which appeared after my op, and could not bend it at all.  Today 10 days after the bandages came off I am bending and doing the exercises, sometimes it is painful but bearable. My physio who I saw yesterday for the first time was impressed, so it will come but take one day at a time and do not over do the exercises as this will cause more harm that good.  Hope this helps
  • Posted

    Don't be too hard on yourself! I can't imaginehaving a knee and hip done at the same time. If your hip isn't too bad. you'll be able to start concentrating on your knee exercises now. It is early days yet. Things will improve gradually. Try to keep your spirits up.

    Good Luck!

  • Posted

    Goodness you had 2 major replacements that going some, be brave and positive, things will get better do you have some excersise sheets to work from for at home, if not you can find them on the internet, and to be honest our physio was a waste of space, ice as much as is feasible and if you get the nightmare jiggers muscle spasms try heat ie : hot water bottle, when your wounds are healed try and get to a hydrotherapy pool it works wonders. It will improve we are at 11 weeks post TKR and today has been a hard day but positive thoughts, you will get there keep posting and keep reading your not alone
  • Posted

    Hi Kevin bloody hell having two at same time you will be in a lot of pain... My husband drives and I do not a bit of advice move the car seat right back so it's easier to get in the car and get out it really helps.... Get ice packs on your knee for swelling as much as possible ...tiny little bends if you can is better than nothing it will come good in the end chin up mate I'm three weeks post op on Monday and wend for a two mile walk other day my knee is done in lol done too much did the same with left leg but ice ice ice and the bend is coming back xxx
  • Posted

    Kevin, I am just over 4 weeks post op and I can honestly say that I have had only about six good days in that time. Between sickness, tiredness, pain, severe constipation (which probably made me more miserable than the rest) and the inability to get any real bend in my knee; I thought I was never going to feel better. These past two days I have seen such an inprovement in my demeanour, I still can't do much but I feel so much better mentally. You will reach that point, hopefully soon. Getting in and out of the car takes a bit of manoeuvring, a lot of wriggling; make sure you have the car seat as far back as possible and use anything and everything to help you wiggle into position. I usef my good leg to hold my bad one up as I manoeuvred, in your case maybe your wife could assist. Hopefully things will start to imrove for you, we all go through these challanges daily and when we overcome an obstacle it builds our confidence. Good luck.
  • Posted

    Hi Kevin. 

    I would question anyone who says that either operation is easy but two at once and both left and right!!!! Just the knee replacement was a shock to the system. I for one had that much swelling I could not bend in the first 3-4 weeks. I did as Lynn said little and often. At 3 weeks I to had a dreadful job getting into van to go to physio. Could not push seat back in a van. However because it was only knee I managed it. When I was measured I had reached 90 so it proved little and often worked for me. I am now 6 weeks 1 day I have still got pain and very bad swelling but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It might take weeks or months to get there but it doesn't matter as long as I do. Take this attitude and you will be fine, I am sure your wife is worrying about you. So talk to her and tell her how you are feeling, it helps. Talk to all on this forum that also helps.

    Please take it steady take all medication the you are prescribed and if pain not under control see GP. Ice for swelling and plenty of rest YOU will get there. Good luck I look forward to hearing about your progress 

  • Posted

    Kevin, you are not alone, everyone will have times when they feel crap. Disturb/ or little sleep, strong medication and the stress of doing the exercises all seems too much at times. I promise you, you,ll feel better soon, we almost have to go through this low to realise, how hard it is. Treat yourself to a drink, chocolate or good film, whatever normally cheers you up. I feel better when I go out, as I feel trapped at home . An hour away from home, then I come back wanting to get home. Hang on in there Kevin we all understand and are glad you had a whinge as most of us feel the same.
  • Posted

    To everyone who's taken the trouble to reply to my post a great big thank you from both me and Bernie (my wife).

    I read your kind words and had a cry at the enormous kindness of people who were total strangers.

    i'm hoping to get a decent nights sleep and will start again tomorrow knowing thati'm not alone. That means a great deal to me.

    So once again, thank you



    • Posted

      It's such a roller coaster Kevin. I can't imagine having two replacements done at the same time!  It is exhausting and emotionally draining but you've got Bernie on your side - sounds like she's a great support. Getting into the car was horrible for me the first few times, so with both sides of you trying to recover it is no wonder you couldn't do it today.  If you can, try calling the physio on the phone to see what they suggest as they may have some helpful advice and can assure you that this isn't any kind of disaster - everyone struggles at some point with getting the knee bending.

      hope you get some sleep tonight and that tomorrow is better. There are always people around on the forum for a bit of moral support!

    • Posted

      Kevin don't get down you are so brave going the double!  I am 20 weeks and still can't bend my leg properly.  At your state I had problems getting in the car snd didn't drive for 8 weeks.  Don't be do hard on yourself.  Take plenty of rest, can't emphasise too much as this is when you heal.  Don't rush anything, it all falls into place when you are ready.   Wish you well 
  • Posted

    Whinge away having those to ops entitle you to it !

    Seriously, don't beat yourself up as we all travel at different speeds sometimes even backwards.

    You are doing well go slow take meds rest up and breathe

  • Posted

    Kevin are you for real lol only 3 weeks post op??? I am now 5 weeks post op for left TNR I am 56 and was considered young for a TNR And was told it would be a doddle!!! Well let me tell you I wish id never had it done?? I still roll round the bed crying with pain, I cant sleep at night and all I long for is just 1 hour of pain free comfort!!! I am driving folk's mad I am soooo tired from bad nights that im too tired through the day to cope!!! The swelling has gone down but the pain and stiffness are horrendous. I can manage a bath now with a bit of difficulty but its worth it cos I do get relief in the water. I have had no physio since hosp but I have got a GP.s appt on Mon and im praying she can help. So I think ur expecting too much from yourself just take it a bit easier and dont be sooo hard on yourself
    • Posted

      Hello Andrea

      Hopefully you should start to feel better soon. I had to wait 6w to have a bath which was heaven. Sleep is something to aim for have you tried sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees that for me was great.

      Please look at other sections on this for tkr there are some wonderful suggestions from all stages of after ops I am now week 9 and still have a pressure sore in my heel so look lovely in a pair of odd daps one sock holding in the dressing with a fat knee !

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