3 weeks post op TKR - calf pain - is heat ok?

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I'm just 3 weeks post surgery for a TKR and my calf is constantly aching - I've been told ice is what should always be used, but I feel this pain needs warmth ... can anyone tell me if it would be ok to pop a heat pack on my calf? TIA smile

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    My therapist says never, never use heat. Its what it does to the early healing process, blood pooling and tissue damage. I agree, it sounds good but it like putting a pillow under your knee and letting your leg hang over, it is not good for the positive outcome.
    • Posted

      sad  .. yep I'd heard the same, no heat. I was just hoping that because it was the calf, and not the actual knee, that it might be ok sad Thanks for your input smile


    • Posted

      A week from tomorrow I get my 3rd knee installed. It will be the 5th complete rehab and 11th surgery on the leg. Some things in the process are the same and others di#er from time to time but ice only is the one constant.
  • Posted

    If your calf is aching and especially if you have ankle puffiness see your Doc. Deep vien thromboses are possible from any leg surgery. A friend of mine had the same pain and had a dvt.

    PS.  heat or cold I don't know but no massage he was told.

    • Posted

      Thanks FS, I've been cleared of DVT - had a special sort of ultrasound last week, so hoping that's still the case ... no massage either, huh? Damn, more meds then - hate feeling like a zombie sad


    • Posted

      I wonder if you could use a deep muscle rub cream. I used one on the underside of my knee, because I was in tears from how tight and painful it was. I did do some light massaging, but nothing much.
    • Posted

      Hi Moandrieu

      I hadn't thought of that, dah! Silly me!

      I'll try it now!

      Thanks for that, and yep, I sure do understand the tears over the tightness and pan ...


      Lindy from Oz

      TKR - 27.5.15

  • Posted

    I have just read all of the comments below, I was told I could use heat behind the knee. I often have a heat pack under and ice on top. I would therefore assume that for calf muscle pain you could use some heat. I would check with your surgeon or physio.
    • Posted

      Thanks Carol,

      I'll try that ... I can't imagine it'll do too much harm wink



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