32 weeks on the waiting list don’t know where to go from here HELP
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I have now been on the waiting list for 32 weeks, I have phoned the booking administrator a few times to ask what the position is I find her most unhelpful. I was originally told that I could not go on anyone else’s list as my hip was a really complex hip and only my surgeon that done my right hip would do it. I first phoned at 12 weeks and was told quite cheekily that I was not the only one
waiting and not to phone again just to wait either on a phone call
or a letter.
18 weeks I phoned again as everyone was putting pressure on me saying they can’t leave you in this state they can’t go by the 18 weeks that is the guaranteed treatment time well hey ho was told again basically there was nothing I could do just wait the booking administrator is possibly the most unsympathetic person I have ever met in my life, but I still stay pleasant actually I was crying on the phone that day as I was at my wits end.
To give a little insight into this never ending saga I am a 54 year old female and I was told when I was 45 that I needed both hips done right away but as I was so young they were loathe to do them and also I was overweight so I would need to lose the weight, so I struggled on and lost the required weight I eventually got the first RTHR Done in March 2015 which has been ok, but my surgeon came to see me the next day and said it was possibly the worst hip replacement he had done in his 35 years and that he wanted me to lose more weight to get the left one done as that one was worse than the right which was rubbish at that point as the right one in my opinion was worse. I was in theatre for 4.5 hours and they broke one of my teeth as they had to intubate really fast, the anethitist came up and apologised for breaking my tooth and told me to send him the bill, obviously I never I paid for it myself.
At 21 weeks I fell so went to A & E and the on call doctor was lovely she sent me for an X-ray and when she seen it she was shocked and said no wonder I was in pain as there was nothing left of my hip joint she thought she was going to keep me in but she had to get an orthopaedic consultant down and he said that unfortunately it requires 2 surgeons to do my hip as it is really complex and that they have to tie up there time and a theatre time so that was were the problem lay and he said that my surgeons list was running at 24 weeks plus at that point so he said you won’t have to much longer.
So I went home with hope that I wouldn’t be much longer so the 24 weeks came and no news so I phoned the booking admin lady again told her what I was told and she said that was rubbish and more or less said I was lying as no one would say that to me I again asked if I could be referred to another surgeons list and again she said no as not my surgeon could do my hip so basically wait on the phone call or letter I was really upset and struggling with the situation.
My Mum fell and broke her shoulder and her appointment was at my surgeons clinic so I ventured out in the hope I could speak to him which I did here is how the conversation went
Surgeon: what are you doing here
Me: aww I’m here with my Mum, how are you? is there any sign of me getting my hip done as I am really struggling in my nicest most pleasant manner
Surgeon: my list is running at 26 weeks plus
Me: I’m 29 weeks
Surgeon: well if you don’t want to wait on me phone up and go on someone else’s list
Me: aww I thought I couldn’t go on anyone else’s list
Surgeon: if you don’t want to wait
Me: ok thank you it was nice seeing you
32 weeks now and still heard nothing so I phoned the booking administrator and she said I’ve already told you you have to wait on a letter or phone call so I said that I had spoke to my surgeon 3 weeks ago and he said that I could phone and go onto someone else’s list she said no you can’t no one else will take you because of the complexity of your hip and your other medical problems, I said what other medical problems she said your narrow windpipe.
I have been walking with crutches for seven years I have been sitting up in bed sleeping for the last 14 months and now have bed sores I take 80mg of Morphine in the morning and 80mg at night and then 20 mg throughout the day as I need it as well as paracetamol, I am ready for screaming the place down.
Sorry for the long winded post.
Happy Halloween (Living the Nightmare)
JACQ X😢😢😢💕💕
1 like, 33 replies
lyn1951 jacq23288
Don;t know if your system works the same as australia, but after 3 presentations in the ER, they have to get a consultant in to assess your condition.
I was told this by nursing staff, when they were looking after me post surgery, they could not understand why I had not gone to ER, instead I had been trusting in my GP.
I have since fired him, told to by the consultant surgeon, in no uncertain terms told me to get rid of him before he kills you, hes been working very hard not looking after you as he should.
I know on the day I presented for my outpatients, first appt, the consultant surgeon was shocked, he tried to get me admitted as an emergency, my ball of my femur had drilled a hole through my pelvis, 20 odd weeks previous showing on MRI scan, and he could not understand why I had been made to wait so long, he told me I had a broken hip joint to all intents and purposes, and even that turned out to be a mess, booked for urgent surgery the following week and sent home, 3 days later developed a DVT, surgery cancelled.
6 weeks later surgery finally done, a great success.
jacq23288 lyn1951
Jacq x
sjhips jacq23288
Hi Jacq23288
I don't know if you've tried this, but f it was me I'd ask my GP to refer me to a different hospital, preferably a private one where ops don't get cancelled for emergencies. According to NHS Choices it is your legal right to choose where and by whom you're treated if you're being referred for treatment, as long as the treatment will not cost more than it would do in an NHS hospital. The NHS choices homepage has loads of info on all the hospitals in each area of the UK and gives waiting times for different ops, patient reviews etc. If you google NHS Choices you can explore all the options, and then see if your GP will give you a re-referral.
Hope this helps, good luck
jacq23288 sjhips
Jacq x
auntiebeanie jacq23288
Hi Jacq, If in the UK the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for your area, should be made aware of this, totally out of order that you have to wait so long. They will liaise with the hospital and sometimes will get you treated at a private hospital. I would also complain to the Chief executives office of the hospital concerned.
Hope you don't have to wait too much longer.
jacq23288 auntiebeanie
Jacq x
Rocketman_SG6UK jacq23288
Oh my dear, you really are going through an awful time with the NHS aren't you. I find it totally unacceptable for a mere appointments clerk to be so dismissive of your pain and anguish. You have done your part in losing the weight, and I personally know just how hard that is. To be treated like this is beyond words.
I guess from your words about writing to your MSP that you're north of the border, so travelling to somewhere like RNOH Stanmore (the leading UK experts in Orthopedics) really would be out of the question.
I think you really do need to "raise the roof" with whoever you can, MSP, GP, Health Authority, PALS, just to get your hip sorted out.
jacq23288 Rocketman_SG6UK
Thank You
Big Hugs
Jacq x
lisa31002 jacq23288
Hi Jacq, I've been trying to think what else you can do besides printing your post off and sending it to all the people already mentioned or going back to A&E and refusing to leave. It really is appalling how you are being treated. 💐
clare83752 lisa31002
Hi Lisa A &E is for accident and emergency and going then refusing to leave would not help And wouldn’t get her seen any sooner the NHS have waiting list and yes they can be longer than 18 wait and if it is more complicated then it can be a longer wait
jacq23288 lisa31002
Hi Lisa was at A & E and the doctor was lovely she actually said she was keeping me in as my hip was that bad and then the next thing there is an orthopaedic consultant down saying he was so sorry but because of the complexity of my hip there was nothing they could do as only my surgeon deals with this type of hip, but having said that I keep getting told different things so I now don’t know if I’m coming or going. Anyway I live in hope.
Big Hugs
Jacq x
zibbett jacq23288
I commented earlier and after following all the comments.
Everyone is sympathetic and supportive but you are still no more nearer to having your operation.
Why not pay for your operation???
I took a loan to pay for my hip
replacement and was seen within 2 weeks
Best money ever spent
Just a thought and wishing you well
jacq23288 zibbett
Big Hugs
Jacq x
renee01952 jacq23288
hi jacq
I am so sorry darling ... I don't have any tips for you as I live in Holland --- there are similar stories here with our system and people go to Belgium where there are no waiting lists ...
Big warm hug
doreen51229 jacq23288
Have you tried ringing your surgeon's secretary? you should be able to find the number on the internet. Where do you live? are other people waiting as long as you?
Just keep your pecker up (as they say)
I had Revision THR (Revision is to take the previous THR removed from 24 years previous) 6 weeks ago it was a 5 hour op with 2 x bone grafts and a lot of muscle work, I'm still only partial weight bearing but my physio says I am where she would expect me to be at 6 weeks. I can tell by the various pains I get the muscles have a long way to go yet to get back to normal. The original pain has gone so thats' something to look forward to for you. Hope when you get it done that it all goes well and the surgeon and his team are fully supportive of any questions you ask along the way.
Thinking of you.