35 and on HRT...
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Hi lovely ladies, I'm 35 and was told this week that after months of ongoing bloods and terrible symtoms i am definitely in early menopause and have been started on HRT. I'm currently feeling so awful so am crossing everything that the tablets work and some girl power on here will help!
The tiredness is almost too much to handle, does anyone have any secret tips to help with that? I've worked really hard to combat the insomnia but the daytime exhaustion is another level.
Also did anyone go through it this early, also how long did it take for the HRT to settle?
I feel like I've only just recovered from 9 months of Hyperemesis with my two year old....me and hormones iust aren't friends!
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rachel54558 carly54939
i am going through early menopause. i started at 24 and i am now 29. Look people will try and recommend vitamin and stuff but honestly it does not really help and there no scientific evidence its help.
i been trying different types of HRT for 2 years and really finding it difficult to get the right one. My dr says that if side effects are going to calm down it normally takes 3 to 6 months .
the tiredness can be really bad . i have found exercise helps a little. though not much else.
hope this is helpful
carly54939 rachel54558
Thanks so much for your advice, so reasurring to know others are in the same boat...even if it's not a nice one : (
I think you're right about exercise,its just so hard to feel up to it isn't it!
I'm hoping the HRT kicks in but i have heard it might be trial and error with which one works, you just become desperate for something to help don't you X
NothinforNothin carly54939
Nothing helped me over the counter. I cannot take HRT and I hear after you stop it your symptoms come back. I tried 2 antidepressants and didn't want to but, had to my symptoms were so severe. Both made me really sick. I swore them off for several months to try and tough it out and my doctor told me my symptoms would come back. They did worse. I just started Lexapro and it is supposed to be effective for menopause and I've heard it's one of the safest and one with the least side effects. The first two weeks could be rough for some. I've only had dizziness which is starting to subside. I'm on it 19 days and although the improvements are small I'm finally starting to calm down and see that gradually days are getting easier. It is supposed to really start working within 4-6 weeks. Hopefully the HRT helps you. I just wanted to throw this out as another thought or option. The fatigue for me has been the worst along with horrific anxiety which again, is finally starting to calm. Try to eat clean and get good sleep. Relaxation is key. Exercise helps with aches and pains. I did a lot of walking when this first hit huffing and puffing all the way. I could barely stand. I'm better physically but, still struggling with the anxiety. I wish you all the best. Hang in there. So many of us are in this same position. Sending hugs..
carly54939 NothinforNothin
thanks so much for your advice, i really appreciate it : ) I'm sorry you haven't found much that helps, you just become desperate for something to work dont you. I am on an anti-depressants as well, i was put on them 6 months ago when my symptoms were really bad and they were trying to get to the bottom of what was going on. I struggled with them for a good few months but things did eventually settle, i know how rotten they can make you feel though.
I think exercise is definitely key, i just need to find some energy just to do half an hour or so.
Sending hugs right back X
jamie37119 carly54939
Have you had a second opinion...not to rock the boat, but you have a two year old...could very well be a hormonal imbalance rather than early menopause. Have they even factored that in? That can take years to get back in line. One of the causes of post natal depression and many horrible symptoms.
carly54939 jamie37119
Hiya : ) I've seen a few different doctors and lots of different things tested blood wise,would those show an imbalance?Would HRT fix an imbalance i wonder?X
rachel54558 carly54939
A hormone imbalance would have very different blood results than menopause. so it would totally depend on your results. Generally if you have high levels FSH its menopause though a doctor well be able to tell you more . If you think your diagnosis is wrong speak with a doctor. Hormone levels are very difficult to interpret if your not medical trained as they vary though out the month or depending on age or various other reason.
carly54939 rachel54558
Thanks so much for your advice : ) I've asked to see my blood results and my FSH levels are really high and the lab have stated ovarian failure so guess that explains it.Oh the joys!