36 years old and raised bp, don't know what to do.
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I'm a 36 year old female, I'm 5'6 and weigh 13 stone. I'm worried because I've had raised bp for at least 5 years, I monitor it at home and it's usually between 140/90 - 156/105.
I hate going to the dr, and my bp is always worse there. Last time I went was 2 years ago and they wanted to fit a bp monitor to me for 24 hours to see what it's like at home but I refused. At the time I was really stressed because I had microscopic haematuria (blood in urine). My dr bullied me into having a cystoscopy for this, the results were negative. I haven't been back to the dr since then.
I know I need to lose weight but I'm wondering if this will be enough to lower my bp, or could I have an underlying kidney problem?
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33309 moomin78
moomin78 33309
derek76 33309
eileen84687 moomin78
moomin78 eileen84687
derek76 moomin78
I would try dieting and exercise for a while to see it it comes down. You obviously know or can google the things to cut out of your diet. I read somewhere that regular swimming can bring down your weight by a pound a week. I doesn't seem to wortk for my wife who swims for about 4 1/2 hours a week!
I record my BP readings and give them to my doctor. A 24 hour monitor to me is just as big a cause of my BP going up as having it taken at the surgery or hospital.
In fact my doctors receptionist sometimes phones to say that it has not been taken for some time and the doctor knows that I record it and can I give her a reading.
moomin78 derek76
The last thing I want is to be put on medication for high bp without having first ruled out any possible underlying cause and I worry this is a real problem, as like you say, doctors don't want to spend money testing for things.
I'm going to keep a regular check on my bp at home and think I'll do as you suggest and see how my bp is when I've lost a couple of stone.
amsjo moomin78
For me it was a shock to find I had high BP but I took control and now I feel better than I have in years.So take that first step ... and get yourself checked out
Good luck
derek76 amsjo
amsjo derek76
derek76 amsjo
amsjo derek76
derek76 amsjo
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
amsjo MrsO-UK_Surrey
Derek I have heard that men can have problems with their breasts as it can enlarge them on men. I have to say for me a larger chest is not a problem
but I did have itchiness and discomfort for the first few months but it was worth it for me as it brought down my BP.
derek76 amsjo
It is totally amazing the effects drugs can have.
In the small print of Losartan it say that it can make your toenails fall off.
MrsO-UK_Surrey amsjo
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
I waited years for laser surgery to arrive here from America and then had to battle to get them to send me to another area health authority that did it.
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
I used to think that the most complained of were Metformin and Thyroxine topping the list but Statins, Beta Blockers and Warfarin run them close.
amsjo MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey amsjo