37 and menopausal
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Hi there, I will try to make sense as I type this lol! I'm 37 and have been experiencing the menopause since I was probably 30 I've had all the hot flushes and they seem to of tailed off now, only getting them occasionally, I eventually got the doctor with so much asking to do a blood test around a year ago and it came back that I was in my menopause stages, I've now not had a period for 95 days and the last one I had was only 3 days of brown discharge (sorry for tmi) that was 69 days from my previous period, so it's technically been 164 days since a real period (sorry I'm rambling) I'm now begining to think that I'm not likely to have any more periods..... the doctor gave me a prescription for HRT but told me she doesn't really agree with it but it's 100% up to me if I take it, I've got as far as collecting the tablets but not taking it, so I guess what I'm actually asking you guys is "has anyone found and natural ways to help with menopause?" The thing that worries me the most is my memory, I'm plagued with awful anxiety (every time I go to bed I fear I won't wake up) have the worst thoughts going through my mind and I just want to feel like me again. Sometimes i feel that I'm looking at myself from the outside, does anyone else get this feeling? I've read a lot about soy products being good for you but I also have an overactive thyroid and on medication for that and apparently soy can affect the way that works 😕 I just want to feel like me again and not like this person I don't know, TIA xxxxx
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Trishann louise12321
Hi there, I thought I was young at 42yo going through all of this, my mom was the same age so I guess it's hereditary. I was going to Drs after Drs for same thing and finally took blood work that showed I was definitely going through the changes and my Drs did not want me on HRT because it's a natural part of change and to adjust. The anxiety and pains here and there drive me up the wall and I go into a panic attack mode! I too am scared to take anything, even natural stuff because I feel it will mess up more my hormones! So I just try to eat better and I'm looking for a good multivitamin right now. I'm even scared to work out because I had a bad episode and it freaks me out! It's been 3years for me! I have good days and bad days.. but I'm hoping this will pass soon! Take care and God Bless!
gailannie louise12321
My suggestion is that you get a very good endocrinologist that can help with both of these connected issues. Estrogen and thyroid are definately connected.
At your young age, possibly a BC pill might be the answer. But it will take a good physician in your corner to work through these issues.
Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.
maddysmom2015 louise12321
Hi Louise,
I alternate between terrible health anxiety and debilitating brain fog (bad memory and clogged thought process), as you describe. I also very often have the dissociative feeling you describe of looking at yourself from the outside. That can be part of anxiety. I am a teacher and it happens a lot in my classroom.
I would agree with Gailannie that perhaps a holistic doctor who can work with the peri symptoms and how they intersect with the thyroid would help a lot. A chemist can tell you a lot about the interaction of soy and your current thyroid Rx. Perhaps s/he can make an over the counter recommendation that safely works with your current Rx.
I live in the US and there are some over the counter remedies for the symptoms that have black cohosh, ginko and soy. I am sure there are equivalents in the UK. Probably better!
I just started a very low dose birth control pill myself for these symptoms.
Please know we are thinking about you!
rachel333 louise12321
Hi Louise. I started menopause at 37. I have just recently had blood tests to confirm its over as I had a few random blood spots. All ok.
I was offered HRT. I don't want to take it as I don't feel its natural.
I have an under active thyroid. For 20 years.
Not overactive. I took Soy Isoflones all the time I went through the change.
Calm. Controlled flushes and sweat s
I have recommended them to friends who have settled with them.
A natural herb. Brilliant too.
Hope that helps. Take care xx Rachel
gelster rachel333