3rd good day !!
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Just thought I'd share because I was beginning to think that I would have to accept that this was who I was and how it was going to be. After my last increase I went on a bit of a journey and began questioning my expectations of the medication and came to the conclusion I was expecting too much. I had refused any counselling as 'it's not for me'; 'it's not the right time '; 'I'm too guarded' you name it I used the excuse. The realisation that I was avoiding everything that made me anxious dawned on me slowly and have now accepted help. Early days and I have my moments but feel I have turned a corner now.
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Digsby lin01
Just wanted to show my support for you and say "well done". None of us would choose to take medication that alters our brain chemicals or have counselling but they can both be very helpful when we've reached the end of our own inner resources. It's not a sign of weakness: infact it's the opposite. We struggle on and try to be strong which can force us to reach a point of burn-out because we're trying so hard to cope and regain our "normal" self. Medication and therapy have both helped me in the past so I would recommend them to anyone who is feeling anxious in their daily life. They can help tackle the underlying reason.
I hope you soon start to feel better and more confident. Don't expect too much too soon but accept each day as it comes and go with it, whatever it brings. Hopefully, the road to full recovery will bring you more good days than bad.
All the best,
lin01 Digsby
Digsby lin01
Recovery may not be a continual upward journey, but rather a winding, rolling landscape. Don't be despondent if you have a few dips - they are normal. Just don't let those dips rob you of your growing self-confidence and persuade you that you're not heading in the right direction - forwards! Keep in touch. You will get there if you don't give up the journey.
rachel62244 lin01
lin01 rachel62244
rachel62244 lin01
lin01 rachel62244