3rd time with mono, weight loss

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I was first diagnosed with mono when I was 18 years old, I am now 24.classic symptoms: extremely tired, sore throat, white pus on tonsils. slept for most of the time and managed to get rid of it. Thought I would be done with it.

Second time was about 2 years ago. I just felt off, no appetite, pain in my abdomen, no energy. I didn't think it was mono because I thought you could only get it once, I go to my doctor and sure enough the blood work comes back positive for mono.

This time is my third run with mono, mostly no energy, swollen spleen and liver, not as big of an appetite but still eating fine. Fatigue is improving after I was diagnosed last Wednesday. I have lost 7 pounds since going to the doctor, no fever and no nausea. Appetite is somewhat normal though I have been eating a lot better since being diagnosed.

reoccurring 3 times and loosing 7 pounds in a week. anyone else experience any of this or have any advice for me?

Thanks I'm advance

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    ive had ebv twice in 11 years and yes i thought you could only get it once ?

    the first time i didnt have the fatigue just a mental weirdness and anxiety that took months years to get over .

    this time i have had very bad fatigue now going into 10th month.

    you may need to get a full blood panel find out why it keeps reactivating. im not sure if mine is due to stress or over working out but one thing is for sure we must have weak immune systems and must contunue to boost with vitamins maybe for the rest of our lives

  • Posted

    I lost alot of weight in the first two months....just over a stone. I never lost my appetite but I couldn't exercise. My doctor told me it would of been my immune system using the fat as energy to fight off the virus. I was slightly overweight when I first got I'll. Now I'm not overweight.....only real positive I can take from this virus, but would not recommend it to anyone as an alternative diet.

  • Posted

    Hi Steph,

    I lost probably around a stone or two when I first got the virus and tbh could've done with losing the weight, obviously I would've rather have lost it by more conventional methods but I guess it's a positive, well it's not really cause i lost weight rapidly but I'm just trying to take the positives out of it. Seems like a lot of people experience weight loss with this virus so shouldn't be anything to worry about!

    Also empathize with the swollen liver/spleen, I had that for the first few months of the virus and it did affect my diet, but it does pass with time, unprocessed foods help the liver/spleen alot aswell as multivitamin supplements. Also had abdominal pain, which I was told was probably the enlarged spleen, which at the time made me worry like crazy, but i'm past that part of the virus now and have had blood tests since and my spleen and liver are as healthy as they've ever been!

    I'd say the only bit of advice I could give is trying various things to destress like yoga, meditating, breathing exercises etc. Whatever works for you but I think a big part of this virus (and maybe the cause of it re activating for you although i'm no doctor so I have no idea) is stress. This virus seems to almost feed off it. Obviously it's alot more easier said then done but I guess it's finding what works best for you!

  • Posted

    Hi Steph,

    Oh goodness so sorry to hear that you've had such an awful time with this virus over these years and that you have been unwell with it again. I remember how awful it was to go through it once, so to have to deal with that three times I can only imagine how painful and distressing that must be.

    Please hang in there Steph, what I can say from my own experience of having the virus 12 years ago was that after a terrible first year, I did start to feel better although I was still quite fragile and up and down a bit for a few years after that, but I did feel my body resilience get stronger and stronger as the years moved on away from this virus - although they say you can only get mono once, this kind of reactivation seems to occur with some people unfortunately in the first few years for whatever reason - but it doesn't mean to say that you won't get fully over it and beat this thing once and for all Steph. I had a bit of a reactivation about 21 months after initial diagnosis where my blood test showed positive for mono again, and was so panicked that I would have to go through all that again, but it did settle down within a few weeks and generally reactivations can pass much much quicker than the initial time, I do hope and pray that is the case for you Steph and remember hang in there you will get better and will get through this and get to the stage where this thing won't reactivate or cause you any more harm, trusting God with that (I know it was down to God only that I was able to get through it).

    As Dodge and George say, losing a bit of weight certainly can happen during mono, it's always something to keep monitoring and keep checking in with the doc regarding. Taking vitamins and herbs I found helped me to maintain a healthy weight during mono, a good strong multi-vitamin per day ( take Immunace Extra here in the UK), a B100 complex supplement per day (GREAT for energy levels and nervous system), higher doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000 mg per day), enough Vitamin D per day and immune boosting herbs like siberian ginseng, echinacea, oregano. Of course just check before starting to take any vitamin / supplements for any interactions with other mediations / health conditions. Although not an overnight cure, Iit can really help your body and immune system to cope a bit better when dealing this with horrible virus to take these kind of supplements.

    Bowen Therapy has been another alternative therapy I've found really helpful for different aches and pains I've had, very safe and non-evasive. The baking soda remedy is another one I've founded helpful too when going through viruses or infections - 1/2 teaspoon full of baking soda dissolve in 1/2 glass of plain water twice per day on an empty stomach for a week or two (they say not to do it for too long at a time so probably 2 weeks max) - I've really found that a good one.

    I do hope that this reactivation proves to be a very temporary and short-lived thing Steph, hang in there and remember you WILL get through this and back to full health again - I truly believe that. Thinking about you and message any time.


  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for the supportive responses. Still dealing with pain and fatigue but as long as I control my diet and take it easy I'm doing alright. Taking echinacea supplements and vitamin c and d tablets for immune boost regularly. Seems to be helping lots.

    Thanks again 😃


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