3weeks post op ..a bit down
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Doing pretty well,still using 2sticks ...walking about an hour or so outside every day ...feel my mood has dipped a bit ..anyone else found this ...might be cos I'm sort of missing my work ,not driving etc ...
Any advice greatefully received..thanks gx
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beth2509 gail_27284
That's all great. I'm two weeks post op. Yes, I think it's feeling like your life is getting back together and having big parts of that life still missing. I'm dying to get back in my car, and feel sure I could drive now - but insurance won't allow it. And I'm doing bits of work from home - keeping up with emails and so on.
I'm setting myself little goals every day that help me improve and keep me focused. Some of them are little treats- today I am getting Apple turnover with fresh cream! Yum! That way it doesn't feel like life is never-ending box sets
That would be enough to depress anyone...
gail_27284 beth2509
Haven't started the box sets yet 😬..and trying to keep busy ...a bit of work from home ..I think I'm just frustrated..I go at 100% normally..have to remind myself that it's been pretty major surgery...and bouncing straight back onto things is just not gonna happen ....ahh patience 😌
beth2509 gail_27284
Yes I'm usually at 100% - but I had lots of practice at adapting this year, unfortunately. I've been barely able to walk for six months and six weeks not driving in that time. And I still have some other "broken bits" to work through yet! But in the middle of July, rushed as an emergency into hospital with a hip that had collapsed, with a broken ankle already (and three other stuff!) the only question my boss had was "out of all the things you could have thought you needed, you grabbed the work tablet and phone first?". That wasn't entirely true. I took my own tablet and phone too! Well, I needed them. I had £9 million bid in the middle of being written!!!!!
Hmm.. Patience... What's that????
miele55255ch gail_27284
I am a little over a year and a half and I can certainly remember feeling a bit moody. There were even days I actually cried. Not because of pain but because I felt totally helpless!
But as I further progressed those feelings seemed to dissipate.
Just hang in there! It DOES get better!
margaret45049 gail_27284
Hi Gail. Im almost 3 weeks post op too & feel proud of how far ive come in such a short time, hadnt expected that. It sounds as if you have greater walking stamina than I currently have, dont think I could manage an hour yet but try to get out every day. Its definitely getting easier as the scar becomes less painful & tight & i gain confidence on the 2 crutches- 1st time out on my own today!
Despite my positve attutude there have been tears, mainly due to frustration at my inability to do basic things eg wash& dress easily. Even dropped my newspaper on way back home today & couldnt pick it up- a passing driver stopped to help me, how kind was that?!
Keep up the good work, early days in our long journey but worth it!
Suziemo margaret45049
Hi Margaret .
I had a hip op 5 weeks ago . Sounds like your doing really well
sympathis on the frustration of dropping things. Today I got ready for my walk with my two sticks ,I usually unlock the door ,step out then pull the door closed with one of my sticks no problem, lock up and go .
Today I somehow manage to drop one of my sticks in that progress ,not being able to just bend down and pick it up ( due to the 90 bending rule)
i had to go inside ,climb the stairs to get my grabby stick to retrieve my crutch. Just little things like that are frustrating arnt they .
Doesnt everything take a long time to do ,just want to move ,twist and go but we can't . Sure we will get there in the end.
Best wishes
kris1964 Suziemo
Use golfers bend! Stick operated leg behind you and you can reach the floor without breaking the "rule". Honestly it works. Read Rocketmans info on this.
K. X
beth2509 kris1964
I agree - it does. Although I will also confess to having broken the rule a couple of times without thinking about it first. I've also noticed that a lot of sticks don't have any wrist wraps. Mine do, but if you don't have any, get some cord, loop it around the stick at or near the top; tie a knot to create another bigger loop. Slip the big loop around your wrist and if you acidentally drop the stick, it's attached to your wrist! Useful for outside. It's a hikers trick for not losing your pole.
Rocketman_SG6UK beth2509
Good idea, also the 'stick clips' my wife came up with
susan_106 gail_27284
Hi Gail
I'm 6 weeks post op and certainly felt week 3 and 4 were the worst. It seemed like good improvement and then seemed to stall a bit. I'm now no sticks in the house and can manage without sticks outside if going for a short walk but need the comfort of a stick if going for longer
I can make all the meals for me and hubby who is 2 weeks post op I'm hoping to get okay to drive at 6 week check tomorrow. I have a cleaner helping with the chores but can do most things myself but keeping her just now 😊
It does get better
hazel14263 susan_106
Get the all clear to drive from Tuesday but still
Need my painkillers !
Rocketman_SG6UK gail_27284
Your body has been through a brutal operation, and it needs time to heal correctly. We do seem to suffer many setbacks as we recover both physical and mental.
I had periods of depression which I had neverever suffered from before this operation. This very common, don't worry too much, you will get better, but probably not as fast as you think you should - we all seem to expect miracle recoveries.
gail_27284 Rocketman_SG6UK
Yes think I expected the new hip to be popped in and I would just be back to normal 🤔,note to self ..be patient
kris1964 gail_27284
Don't be daft. You are doing brilliantly. Sounds like me at three weeks!
You HAVE to rest. Box sets were my salvation. Watched House of Cards. Brilliant! About 1.00pm every day I would feel weepy. Take some Tramadol. Wrap up on the sofa and probably sleep! Or watch box sets. Also watched Breaking bad! Don't judge!
5 months on I am back at work as a Community O.T. Went back after 12 weeks. Walking 3-4 miles a day up and down hill. Even jumped a stream yesterday.
Completely understand how you feel. You and us are so lucky to have a new hip. Take care of it and rest and just do prescribed exercises. The muscles have been cut and take AGES to recover. Be patient.
Honestly it will be the best thing. Let the soft tissues heal and then you can work them!
Sending Magic healing fairy dust! 💫🌟??
gail_27284 kris1964
Thank you so much Kris...I'm a pilates teacher ,perhaps knowing how my body works ,it's almost like me not being strong enough ...not planning on going back to work till Feb ..I do find that taking my meds does really help ,paracetamol,ibuprofen,couple of times a day ..only taking Tramadol at night ..oh well Game of Thrones here I come ...done Breaking Bad ( a masterpiece) ...gx
hazel14263 kris1964
beth2509 kris1964
My biggie frustration is 3pm. It's like clockwork. That is the time that it does not matter what I am doing, or what I have done during the day - I cannot stay awake! I have never been a "napper" and it's the thing I keep trying to get past, and fail. Afternoon naps just seem so "old person" !!!
Suziemo hazel14263
I watched game of thrones and the fall after hip op 😀
hazel14263 Suziemo
Great minds ....😜
Suziemo hazel14263
Now watching I think it's called 'star cross ' quite different to the previous ones but ok ,any other box sets recommendation ?
renee01952 beth2509
beth ... just surrender and enjoy the "naps" - you will miss them, seriously ... your body needs it and so much healing is taking place when sleeping -
big warm hug
hazel14263 Suziemo
Well I tried mr Robot didn't like it . Lucifer is brilliant ! I am
Contemplating what's next .. I am told Stranger things is superb and man in High castle good . My daughter said the making of a murderer is good too . Don't wanna go back to work now ! I recommend lucifer ...
jenny03900 hazel14263