4 days post opp

Posted , 4 users are following.

Band fitted tuesday. Feeling ok. Small amount of abdominal pain and no shoulder pain. I am suffering with acid though. Its horrid. Im using gavescon which helps a little. Will this die down once im back on solids?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Well done you!  I didn't suffer with acid immediately post op but have done since. Thing is, the burning pain of heartburn/acid reflux is very similar to the burning of nerve pain. So, I'm never sure whether it's acid or the nerves around the band. I spoke to my dietician about this yesterday in a follow up appointment .. . she wasn't really very sure. So I've gone back to taking Lansoperazole daily (in an orodisbersible tablet form), and so far I've known some improvement.  Were you on antacids prior to the op? Do hope this settles down for you, and welcome to the journey!
    • Posted

      Hi. Thanks for getting back to me. No ive never suffered before except when i was pregnant. Im praying its not a reguar thing as nights have been very bad. I will mention it to my dietician when i speak to her. Will stick to gavascon for now then!
  • Posted


    I hope it settles down for you.

    Maybe try some milk - that's good at neutralising acids.

    Wish you all the best on your journey for a new you :D

    • Posted

      Im drinking shakes so during the day isnt as bad. And thanks. Im sure i will let you know how i get on x
  • Posted

    I didnt suffer from acid when newly post op however as i built up the restriction in my band with fills i did suffer from acid at one stage and needed a slight defill - i still get it if i eat late at night or lie flat in bed - i need 3 pillows to raise my head up - if you suffer worse at night try proping yoursel f up a bit more in bed - hope this situation gets better for you 

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