4 month antibiotic treatment

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I have LS and recently in the last few years I have been tortured with UTIs. I have had four already this year. I'm interested in which antibiotic people were prescribed for a 4 month treatment. I'm totally miserable and want to try this. I had knee pain and tingling after cipro and I did tolerate macrobid well. Took it for 11 days and  and the UTI symptoms came back 3 weeks later . On another note, between the LS and the UTIs I have no interest in sex as it terrifies me because I feel it's going to trigger a UTI or irritate my LS. I'm 58 and honestly don't care all that much, although it makes me sad. But I do feel guilty and feel badly for my husband who is still very interested in sex but knows better than to ask. Ugh. So depressing. Any thoughts from fellow sufferers?

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    Just one thought to add, I had low level UTI problem and actually what made the biggest difference - odd as it sounds - was that the gynae prescribed use of HRT suppositories which really did sort me out.  Best wishes.
  • Posted

    I've had them too a while back, all the time these bladder infections and then again another antibiotic treatment.  I even had an internal investigation of the bladder. (can't think of the name of that procedure at present)  But in the end I realised that it was LS related. 

    ?When the de-fusing improved further the bladder infections went.  I still have to keep a careful watch on things.  But at least I understand.  When a bladder infection feeling comes up I rinse after my bathroom visit with water in which a small amount of apple cider vinegar.  The bladder may temporarily be irritated by my use of baking soda rinses.  So then I make this switch to the acv till all calms down again.  So far so good. 


  • Posted

    You might have seen this before but try the following:- Mix 4 tablespoons organic castor oil, 2 DROPS Lavender essence Oil, 1 DROP Lemon Grass Essence Oil. Don't exceed the drops stipulated of the essence oils. I haven't had an itch for over 3 weeks for the first time in over 30 years!!

    Wash with tepid water and dry thoroughly, even with a hairdryer. Use soap and toilet paper with no perfume.

    And .... I sympathize with your problems, I know just how you feel so you are not alone.

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