4 months and very painful muscles

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Here I am 4 months post tkr. Saw physio today and he looked at my gait. Now before my op my gait had not been good due to having difficulty putting weight on my bad knee which meant that I tended to straighten it as i walked. Now i needed to relearn how to walk correctly landing on what my PT calls a soft knee. So I have been practising this today and my knee is complaining. Specifically the area at the top of my scar which is very painful now. That area has always been a little tender but now it feels as if I have slashed it with a knife! I am icing it right now I hope it improves. 😢

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    It seems to go on and on doesn't it!  Mine today is sharp piercing pains at the back of the knee. . a new one for me at twelve weeks!  One day . . . one day we shall forget all this, I hope!
    • Posted


      it does become a bit obsessive doesnt it! I long for the day when I can forget its there!!

  • Posted

    I was relieved to read your post. I'm 21wks now and apart from a bit of 'burning' sensation below the knee from the nerves waking up the only real problem i have is the area above knee which is very painful. No swelling as such. But really sore on walking and bending. Feels very tight and uncomfortable.

    I'm seeing the specialist again on 16th. But your post cheered me up a bit. smile

    • Posted


      its funny isnt it. That area above my knee has been the most tender from the beginning. Good luck on the 16th!

    • Posted

      Thankyou - much appreciated!

      I massaged some Voltarin into it last night and that helped a bit.

      Hope you continue to improve smile

  • Posted

    This will hopefully improve Sally.

    I had TKR nearly 3 years ago.

    I had my left knee replaced and also had bad osteo arthritis in my right ankle following a road accident in which I fractured it when I was 14. I am now 64!

    What has now happened is not only my knee better but I also hardly have a twinge of pain in my right ankle. This is simply because I am distributing my weight differently.

    Keep up the good work and keep in touch.

    Love Sarahxxx

    • Posted

      Thanks for that Sarah. It is feeling much better now. I expect it will happen now and then. I am definitely distributing my weight differently now.

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