4 months of abdominal pain don't know what to do anymore

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Hello all I am a 24 year old male and have been having upper abdominal pain for 4 months now. I experience the pain in both my upper left and upper right abdomin. The pain is a very dull ache that comes and goes many times throughout the day. I would say the pain is usually a 4 or 5 out of 10 and typically lasts about a minute then comes back after another half hour. I have no other symptoms, my bowels are normal, my appetite is the same, I haven't lost any weight.

I have had blood tests, urine tests, an upper endoscopy, and a CT scan done all of which came back normal. My doctor who I trust very much told me that he doesn't believe its anything sinister like cancer and it could be an autoimmune disorder. He said that I should wait 6 months and keep an eye out for any symptoms, if any alarming things come up give him a call or else I'm schedualed to see him in 6 months.

My greatest concern is wondering if this could be something dangerous? God forbid this is cancer and I could have done more to catch it now rather than wait 6 months and possibly cost me everything. I really don't know what to do anymore, I've completely lost my piece of mind. I wake up every morning worrying until I go to bed. I feel like I'm going crazy.

Has anybody ever had my problem? Anybody have any idea what it might be? Am I crazy could this be something life threatening? I figure the least I can do is get a second opinion from another doctor. Thank you for listening.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Could be IBS.  I waited three and a half months and had eight doctor visits before being diagnosed with IBS.  I worried and panicked everyday from dawn to dusk. You could ask for an ultrasound and colonoscopy.  However, if these are clear, IBS can be diagnosed.  I started with constipation and the same pains all over the abdomen.  I had loose stools, and nausea with it.  Occassionally, I have a bad flare up.  Stress makes it worse.
  • Posted

    long time sorry to hear about your problem-----i have a stomach and acid  reflux problem---when i feel scary after a short time i have lot of burps-----and also worried about my stool though no blood in that----i have endoscopy last saturday 18 june and the doctor say that my stomach and esophagus is very clear no thing seen in it bad doctor take sample from my stomach for h pylori and give me good detail about my endoscopy---i have a problem i feel that some time my stool changes the colour though i don,t have gall bladder i have a surgery in 2010---my endoscopy is clear now wait for test of h pylori this coming saturday i have an appointment with doctor again----i am 30 year male little bit over weight----the problem now is my stool i have on and off dirreha and some time thin stool some time normal ------it make me worried though i don,t have sever pain but ifeel heavy some time in my stomach when i release gas i will fine then to bad-----i have visited plenty of dcotors more then 15 all of them will say me that no thing to be worried stool tests 2 times blood tests all of that come normal ------but i am worried before i pass stool 3 to 4 times now after using colofac for 6 months i pass one time or 2 times now-------but i am worried about colon cancer now-----i will request to the doctor next for colonscopy but i think may be he didnot-------bcoz he say me if we see some thing bad in endoscopy we will do for you colonscopy as its clear i don,t think that they will do colonscopy for me but i will insist my 3 ultrasounds is clear-----------now the doctor give me probiotic its works but no to much i want hard stool mine one is hard but not fully---philppina may i know what kind of medicine you used for your ibs------i us charcoal tablets didnot work to much colofac dinot work to much imodium works for me but when i leave it my stool will become soft--------worried about that have done blood tests to much no thing shown don,t know whats the problem make me worse
    • Posted

      I use Buscopan and Nurofen which help if I have a bad flare up.

      I noticed that you said Colofac reduced the number of your stools.  This is what is supposed to happen.  It is often used for those with IBS D to control diarrhoea.  If you are not happy with this medication, try Buscopan instead.

      Try not to worry because this will make symptoms worse.  Once I stopped panicking about my symptoms, they got better.

  • Posted

    Hi, Have you tried keeping a food diary to compare symptoms with anything you have eaten or drunk in the previous hours/days to the pain? A lot of us eat and drink things, like fatty foods, ready meals, fast food, junk food and alcohol without realising we may have allergies or intolerances to what's in them! Worth a try! rolleyes
  • Posted

    thanks philppia for your reply,

    i just try to stop thinking before i think i have some thing bd with my stomach and esophagus but now i have done endoscopy which come back normal----waiting for h pylori test on saturday i will have an appointment with doctor-------if i have thin stool it will sank it mean i don,t have infection of bowel-------but it make me worried to so sad can,t stop thinking i will discuss that with my doctor about colonscopy there is no one in my family having an issue like colon disease--------but google will make me more scared......don,t know  what to do--------always focusing on my stool why it go like that why its not like that it makes me crazy..............................................................as i say before i didnot feel any pain in my stomach----6 months ago i come to japan now i am in japan and my friends say that in japan most of the people pass small thin stool but its hard for me to accept in my own country i never pass thin stool though i have loose stool some time fine but thats not thin in japan i face this problem well don,t know but i will discuss it with my doctor this coming saturday

    • Posted

      Sometimes when you go abroad, the change of water and food can cause you to get constipated or have diarrhoea and have changes in the size and appearance of your stool. In the past, when I went to Italy, I would be constipated for two weeks to the point I had a sore stomach, felt tired, loss of appetite had nausea and dizziness.  The only way of curing it was to eat lots and lots of fruit. 

      One thing you could try is to see if you have eaten something that you would not normally eat.  Sometimes this can cause reactions.

      H pylori is more common in some countries than in others so it is good that you are getting tested for it.  

      I wouldn't google anything because it will make you more anxious.  Good luck and hopefully you will get answers.

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