4 Months of Penile Pain, Irritation, Dribbling, Rash - No STD or Diagnosis. Help!

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Hello, I am seeking advice! I am 32 years of age and situation has lasted over 4 months. It started when a female at a strip club slid her hands into my pants and rubbed / grabbed my erect penis near the urinary meatus (opening). I felt a sharp pain at the time (not sure why honestly). I feel like perhaps it was due to her rubbing near the meatus.  The symptoms below started almost immediately from what I can recall.


1. Slight rash on the top of the penis glans (head of penis). It is worse after a hot shower. It comes and goes, and can appear almost like a plaque covering, scaly at times. It sometimes starts at the top of the corona (where head meets shaft) and runs straight down to the urinary meatus (opening) like a stripe.

2. No visible lesions (or blisters) or warts on the exterior skin surface. Does not appear to be any internally as well and doctors have not been able to observe anything.

3. Slight purple on one side of urethra, when the meatus is opened to look inside. A small bump is near the top of the purple, or tip of the meatus; however, two urologists believe it is vein related.

4. After urinating, urine dribbles out of the bottom of the meatus. The meatus opens and closes (at the bottom) and urine drops drip / discharge. I have to wipe considerably. The glans around the meatus looks swollen (more one side) and when I press on it, urine will discharge. It is almost like urine gets stuck in the tip of the urethra.

5. No noticeable discharge, but the penis appears and feels “wet” inside, especially post urination. It seems that I am leaking / dribbling throughout the day, after urinating. Urine color is clear.

6. Pain consistently on the underside of the glans near the meatus. The pain can sometimes be very sharp and burn. I also feel a tickle or tingle sensation in the head of the penis that comes and goes. The entire glans is sensitive to touch. This is extremely irritating.

7. The meatus looks red and inflamed at times. It can be very sensitive or painful to the touch and irritated by clothing. This feeling comes and goes in intensity.

8. The bottom of the meatus opens wide (top remains closed) when the penis has increased blood flow and/or is erect. This is abnormal for my body. You can see directly into the urethra when this happens.

9. When erect, the glans / head region seems larger than it had previously and I would describe it as swollen. There is also an internal pain near the underside of the meatus, where it opens up near the bottom (as described). Feels like it is stretching / pins and needles.

10. The glans has a more prominent reddish rash, during and after an erection. The rash appears like I have scaly / dry skin. Post ejaculation my urethra appears red and inflamed as well, when looking inside the meatus. This subsides after some period of time.

11. Semen color seems to be more yellow that I remembered, prior to this incident. Sometimes I feel like there is pressure on the front of my testicles.

12. The pain and irritation increase throughout the day. When I wake up in the morning the symptoms are not as noticeable, besides a dull pain on the under-side of penis glans. Sometimes there is some redness on the top of the glans area.


I have been well tested (multiple times) and am negative for the following STD's; HIV (RNA testing done as well), Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trich, HSV-2, Syphilis, Mycoplama & Ureaplasma, Hep A, Hep B, & Hep C. Again, all negative.

I found in this process that I am HSV-1 positive and likely have been for some period (so is a large % of the population).  I have had  blisters and a HSV like rash on the bottom of my nose in the past. I don’t think this is HSV-1 as there are no lesions in my genitals and this has gone on too long.

Due to viral load factors, I tested the viral infections (HIV, HSV-2, Hep) at 30 days and again at 95 days post exposure. I assume that I am in the clear based on statistics, but am certainly not a doctor. These tests were unlikely to be positive given the event as there was no intercourse.

Urine analysis looked okay. Red and white blood cell counts were okay, no bacteria infection or UTI found or diagnosed based on urine culture.


I have seen 5 urologists, 1 dermatologists and 1 family practice doctor. I have had 2 cystoscopies, and nothing was found (same urologist).

A family practice doctor thought it was due to some soap or lotion, but referred me to the 1st urologist. He thought nothing was visually wrong.

The 1st and 2nd urologist  said they have no clue as there was nothing outside of normal visual tolerance. The 2nd urologist gave me the 2 cystoscopies (camera up the urethra to the bladder) and nothing abnormal was found.

2nd urologist thought it was contact dermatitis due to the rash as nothing surfaced in either cystoscopy. My prostate was examined physically and was ruled to be okay. He referred me to another urologist and also said I should see a dermatologist.

The 3rd urologist confirmed the inflammation in the glans. He suggested to try Quercetin (there are clinical trials which have shown it has helped the prostate) and then potentially Doxy over a longer period as a next step (can be anti-inflammatory). My fear is taking an antibiotic without having a bacteria pathogen diagnosis could be pointless.

The 4th urologist (who the 2nd urologist referred me to) believed that this was related to nerves in the penis. He is a pain specialist and put me on Nortriptyline.

The dermatologist (urologist said I should see one) also saw inflammation and diagnosed the rash as a non-infectious seborrheic dermatitis. He prescribed a topical antibiotic / corticosteroid, which I used. I also tried a steroid. It has reduced some of the redness but not relieve any of the described pain or urine dribble. I am concerned about the use of a topical for an extended period (skin thinning) and have stopped using it. I have a follow-up visit with him scheduled.


1. Doxycycline 100mg x2 times a day for 10 days, initially when symptoms started. No relief.

2. Topical cream for rash: Ala-Quin initially for 4 weeks, then tried another steroid cream. Has somewhat resolved the rash issue (not totally).

3. Metronidazole (Flagyl) 2g, x 1 dose for Trich as there is not a great test for this (urine apparently has weak sensitivity). Trich can cause swelling, come and go symptoms, etc.

4. Nortriptyline 20mg every day to resolve nerve issue. I just started this.

5. Supplements currently taking: 1g of Quercetin daily (shown to reduce inflation in clinical trials), Multivitamin, AHCC, Folic Acid, Vitamin E and B12.

The symptoms continue to persist and these treatments have not worked.

My Questions:

1. Does this sound like an STD? Could it be another bacteria pathogen or NGU?

2. If this nerve related due to some trauma, would it cause the rash?

3. Are there any ideas regarding further testing or a diagnosis? I was considering a semen culture but don't know where to have this done.

4. Would a HPV virus cause these symptoms? In men, I believe the HPV virus is typically asymptomatic and/or presents itself with warts.

5. How can I test for HPV other than a biopsy of the penis or penis scrape (which most doctors don’t perform)?

6. Could this be yeast related based on the symptoms? I have noticed an increased coating on my tongue which scrapes off and dry mouth symptoms. I have also noticed the coating and dry mouth is much worse after drinking alcohol or eating sugar (yeast related).

I should mention that my anxiety over this is through the roof and am aware of some changes in my body as a result of it (anxious, no hunger at times, weight loss, etc.). I also think the dry mouth could be related to anxiety.

Please, I am looking for some help! I know there is someone out there that can help me as this has gone on for so long. This is such a struggle and always on my mind.

Further, I am terrified about infecting a new person who I just started dating. A couple doctors indicated that I was safe to have intercourse as I was well tested, but I don’t feel right about having intercourse with the symptoms persistent.

Thanks all for your help. - Steve

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  • Posted

    Hi all,

    I feel like I've got the same symptoms as you ... it has been a year...

    My glans looks red around the Urethra, becomes dry until it hurts.

    Especially after ejaculation (Sex or Masturbation), super red on the meatus.

    Checked STDs, other infections ... nothing

    Feel like a small permanent itch in my urethra, penis tip

    Lots of stress due to work + short trips between Europe and US with very few sleep hours

    Glans became very dry, it's difficult to aim correctly while peeing ...

    No other sexual relation other than my GF.

    I've consulted 2 Doctors, 3 Urologist, 1 Dermatologist ... It feels like mycosis, as cream antifungal did not work, they prescribed corticoid cream which helps for 1-2 days ...

    Still working on new options with one Urologist, but I feel like it is a bacterial / candididiasis that went up from urethra to the bladder and tescticules...

    I'm currently back on econazole creams on my glans (twice a day, not more), its seems okay but still not on the glans meatus.

    Next things I would try is oral fluconazole to clean from the inside.

    Things I can recommend while still trying to find a solution :

    • Back to condoms
    • Sleep a lot to keep your immune defence strong
    • Wash separatly and with high temperature the underwears + Often your towels (you can add Tea tree oil like 3 drops in 2L of washing liquid)
    • Wear loose and breathable underwear
    • Drink a lot of water - this while cleanse your bladder - feel less pain
    • Avoid coffee and strong tea (Camomille tea should be okay)
    • Avoid sugar - no more coke, and products that contain lots of industrial sugar
    • Avoid alcohol as well
    • Use organic virgin coconut oil on the skin to calm the itch/burn (it seems to help my skin becoming less red)
    • Maybe eating one or two spoon of coconut oil can help because of antifungal properties
    • Clean with warm water, but do not overclean it - If very dry / Hurt, even shower your glans every 2 days, the skin there is very thin...
    • Get your girlfriend checked as well, she can have small thrush symptoms without knowing it. Maybe we played ping pong and shared it all the time ...

    I hope this can help you guys !

    Feel free to let me know what do you think of the tips.

    I am also sharing a huge warning on automedication, please consult and do not apply anything stupid down here !

  • Posted

    This sounds somewhat familiar to what i have been going through for the past 6 months

    initially it started like this.

    -started to smell slightly under foreskin

    -pain in end of urethra and looks inflamed.

    -two lumps of discharge only happened once.

    -pain in testicles and back.

    -urine flow changed sometimes feels blocked at the end of my penis after initial wee.

    • extremely cloudy urine full of mucus.

    negative for STI/STD/UTI tests and also had cytopsy and my bladder looked healthy. had two weeks of doxycycline nothing changed but self medicated only 5 days of trimethorprim and my urine became 90 percent better no longer always in discomfort only if and after i ejaculate ect...

    been clinic twice and urologist once and feel abit lost with it all daren't have sex with my girlfriend.

    see pictures attached of urine. I now only really suffer from discomfort once u have urinated/ejaculated it used to be so bad but i am definitely feeling way better than last month but still in discomfort.

    before and after urine pictures, way clearer but still tiny bit of mucus.

    • Posted

      are the doctors saying anything? its getting very annoying that they cant seem to help when its their job...

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    They just assume nothings wrong because the common tests they practice don't show any results... this is definitely some type of infection as after the discharge i had all these symptoms and discharge is a sign of infection.

    going to try get some more trimethorprim since only 5 days made my urine 90 percent better and the guide is normally two weeks.

    i wont give up on this as i cant live with this for the rest if my life.

  • Edited

    THIS WILL BE MY LAST POST FOR AWHILE but i wanted to really make sure i wasnt throwing any misleading help out there. ive been through the wringer on this my dudes... so the most recent thing ive had done was surgery... we needed answers and i think ive got some. in this last procedure they put me out and took more biopsys 3 as a matter of fact... they stitched up my favorite appendage like gosh damn frankinstein lol.... just got the results this morning one was a cyst the other was from being circumsized more or less "trauma". HPV is out of the question so is HSV due to multiple tests. while i was out they did another scopcoscapy however you spell it lol and they found this time while i was out scarring in my urethra and a narrowing.. so while i was out they shoved a balloon in there and explanded the opening. i was bleeding out of my d hole for 3 days straight. they said the scar tissue will spike of forms of clear discharge at the tip and discomfort such as burning stinging split urin stream and bladder infections. the main question left unanswered is where did the scarring come from.. could have been injury could have been infection. sometimes life is a b**ch but when we all pull through we will appreciate life alot more because of it and hopefully this humbles up and holsoms up alot of us that didnt care enough in the past. bad luck is a result of bad planning good luck is a result of good planning. overall its been a year and one month since my symptoms started i do feel better not going to lie the area is still very tender for i just got out of the hospital a week ago. but have them look in your urethra and if you can be put out for it bc when i was awake for mine they couldnt find i think i was too tensed up. take antinflamities as needed i think our bodys are fighting this off better then the antibiotics. god bless i hope everyone gets better soon. gotta stay strong. theres alot more to life then your stupid ding dong so all of you quit being little babies and appreciate the things you have and the people around you. its a mental game too. you keep stressing your body wont heal itself. take care !

    • Posted

      Just curious, did they find anything other than the narrowing urethra? Glad your feeling better brother, good advice.

  • Edited

    Hello everyone. i have a long history with these symptoms. My story is somewhat different as Ive now had this twice. The first time i was like many of you. Went through all the testing, alot of antibiotics, and fungal cremes. Nothing worked. Onset followed unprotected sex with my wife. Nothing was out of the ordinary that night other than unusual dryness and alot of friction. After years of nothing diagnosed the symptoms just became tolerable but never fully disappeared. I learned what to avoid and just adjusted life accordingly. The symptoms lasted for five years. The beginning is tough as it breaks you down mentally. I gave up on doctors. I cant pinpoint exactly when or why but it just went away. We took a trip to a beach resort and somewhere around that time it resolved. I had spent alot of time in the ocean and believe the salt water may have helped resolve it. The only other thing that i had done that stood out was took 90 days of probiotic. Both were around the same time. Symptom free, back to normal for over a year. Fast forward to two months ago. This time unprotected anal sex attempted without lubrication. This time extreme friction obviously. exact same symptoms return within 36hrs. First time was vaginal, second time anal. Both times ALOT of friction. Im leaning towards candida as the problem. I saw my family doctor this time. Shes new to us so i didnt see her the first time around. She believes penile flora/microbiome is disrupted. This can happen from multiple things including friction. Ive started a good probiotic geared towards candida. It may have just been time that resolved it the first time around but im still gonna try something. I was left with scarring in my urethra from the first battle with this. I can feel it when pressing on it. If youre wondering how i got myself back into this keep in mind that i had nothing but guesses the first time. CPPS was what i thought it was. This time i have no doubt what brought it on and now realize exactly what caused it the first time.

    • Posted

      let us know how it goes mate, ive been scared to have sex with my girlfriend but by the sounds of it you have been ok.

      all my tests are clear but it still leaves the risk in the back of your mind, are you using candida probiotics?

    • Posted

      i am using candida probiotic currently. Everything Ive read suggests that it takes time. I wish i could say with certainty that it is what resolved it the first time. I had lived with the condition for so long that it had just become a normal part of life for me. The severity of the symptoms lessened over time and i would see periods of almost no symptoms then it would return. Its hard to pinpoint exactly when it stopped. I can tell you that I avoided sex during the first few months because i didnt know what was going on. Both my wife and I went through all the STD testing. All tests negative. I had been with her and only her for 15yrs prior to onset. We eventually resumed our sex life and continued it for five years while i still had these symptoms. Unprotected sex. She never had a single symptom. I personally have ruled out STDs as a possiblity. STI maybe still a possibility. Gotta pick something, try to treat it, and see it through. Ill keep checking this post for breakthroughs. Good luck man

    • Posted

      i had a very very similiar situation to you. Started after a long session of unprotected sex including anal. Lots of creams but no relief. I ended up taking weekly doses of flucanozole and finally got relief after about 5 months of feeling insane. I also swam in the ocean during this tone and that seemed to help a lot. I definitely think it was Candida. I just make sure to rinse right after sex and use lube when i masturbate now

    • Posted

      yeah i would say 90%. I honestly think so of the creams did more damage than the initial irritation. Took a long time to just not think about it. I think at a point it becomes very mental, any slight discomfort and youre worried somethings wrong.

      I now have unprotected sex a few times a week and the worst ill get is slight irritation afterwards which is just friction.

      I tried tea tree oil soap and all sorts of stuff but the canesten pill (fluconazole) and just living normally and trying to not focus on it did all the difference.

      i went back to using a dove beauty bar for soap and the same aveeno handcream for masturbation and everything is back to feeling normal.

      i think some of it could have been a placebo effect because i had so many tests and legit 7 doctors tell me nothing was wrong.

      Honestly therapy helped too.

      You can get soooo in your head about it but honestly if you really think about it there are many times you dont notice it. Fixating made it so much worse.

    • Posted

      yeah its a beast to deal with mentally. For me the second time through it has been nowhere near as bad as the first because i know what to expect and how to deal with it. Reading many of these posts takes me back to the utter misery the first time it happened. I obsessed on it for a long time. The reason I asked if you are 100% in the clear is because the first time i had this it resolved to a point that it was just a minor disturbance to me. Thats why it is hard to say what resolved it or exactly when it resolved because id go long stretches with nothing then a small flare up, then nothing for a month. Getting your head right is key(no pun intended) Obsessing and worrying only makes the whole thing 1000 times worse. Ill probably try the oral Flucanozole and see if that helps. Glad your feeling better man. If you think youre completely clear at some point update it here. This post needs more stories of success with this. Help calm a few people down

    • Edited

      yeah i really feel like i am 100%. i think anything im feeling is just the natural feeling and random disconfort you feel from time to time with having a penis haha. i only came back on here to say things were better because there were times i never thought it would get better.

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      john, once you started the flucanozole how long did it take to set in and make a noticable difference? I started it yesterday.

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      in canada you cab just buy it but its just the canasten pill for vaginal yeast infections. Might be a different brand in the states.

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      at least 3 days. Took a few rounds for it to fully go away, but i also stopped putting anything else on it and just trying to live normal.

    • Posted

      I also visited Florida a month after symptoms started and I thought it was just me but for some reason the ocean water made it feel so much better! Also we need to believe that there are no impossibles for God. Never stop praying! Keep your head up guys!

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