4 months since i had a normal taste in my mouth
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Hello, I am 51 years and in menopause 3+ years- i woke in march and had a vile taste in my mouth at first it was metallic then it went to sour and bitter and only goes away when i eat sleep or chew gum. I have also went to 6 doctors 2 oral surgeons and 1 eme visit- i hve had surgery sialendoscopy for a blocked gland and was praying my taste would come back but it didnt- the surgery did heal my gland- but i have major hot flashes in day and when i sleep- im so sad and disappointed and feel a sense of doom- i have never been so open with my feelings i pray someone can answer this and give me some expierience with this thanks lost in misery PS i have a gyn appt on tuesday hope they can help me...
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ruth09950 diana26536
diana26536 ruth09950
susan556 diana26536
Ruth didn't know you could by cloves toothpaste, i will buy some.
Sue x
diana26536 susan556
Its a blessing that i can talk on hear and get advise- i appreciate your resp and will update after my gyn appt...have a greatd day! Diana
kimberly60059 diana26536
diana26536 kimberly60059
monay56094 diana26536
I have had the same thing with the bad taste in my mouth when my levels drop. I have that same mouth wash and it does help so much. Also the feeling of gloom is a bad feeling and Testestrone helps thats so much. It gives you that sense of well being. Good luck let us know how you do.
diana26536 monay56094
So sorry to hear you had this taste to- 4 months now and im doing all i can to stay happy-when did you notice you had a bad taste and how long did it last? I went to doctor today and she gave me ascript to have hormones checked i have never had them checked-i am almost praying it is the culprit because then i will have an answer-sounds terrible of me but I cant take this mouth it has its own eco system- but i did find out that all my other organs are well-so one more trip to a neurologists on thursday because there is a nerve in your tongue that i could poss have a prob with- but for now you have all calmed me down- i will do my best to have a good weekend- i wish you a happy weekend as well!
keepsmiling15 diana26536
I do not know alot about your experiences with unpleasant tastes in your mouth. My daughter had a vile smell in her breath and she was advised to take some de congestants and it helped alot. You can have blocked sinuses and then you loose your taste. You may already know about this and may be useless info. Your surgery has healed your gland and you have to move forward from that. I think with the hot Flashes, things are getting too much for you and things are just all piling up and you are getting very worried and stressed. I do it myself! I am nearly 48 and have got some hot flashes and they really dissrupt your sleep etc. NOt nice at all! The sense of doom is hormones all over the place. Have you tried listening to some relaxing music while you sleep? I found the sound of rain helped a bit. You then get in a routine and the music gets familar and soothing so to speak. I also have a fan near by bed. It was on all night last night. I am not sweating too much yet but i undestand it is hell on earth! Obviously the surgery and the menopause is alot to deal with. I think you should write all your symtoms on a piece of paper so you can discuss with the Gyno on Tuesday. At least you are doing something positive to help you prepare for Tuesday. You will get through the menopause. Take a deep breath. I sometimes find i put my fingers in my ears and just listen to myself breath helps bring me down a notch or two. Perhaps it is some form of medication? Menopause is a change and you will learn to deal with it. I am trying my best not to de rail! Goodluck!
diana26536 keepsmiling15
keepsmiling15 diana26536
diana26536 keepsmiling15
Your a doll- and I love that I found this forum-I went to my primary doctor today and she did give me a script for hormone bloodwork- she also explained to me the cotton dry salty saliva at times ( my mouth is an eco system) can be due to my levels- i am actually praying this si what they find- because i will have qan answer at least- the dissapointment i get is where the worry comes from- For now i will try to keep this weekend out of my head regarding my issue- i will try to enjoy sleeping and having a good weekend- i cannot take myself at times the amount of worry i give myself- thanks again for being there for me someone whom you have never met but have such kindness to- have a lovely weekend yourself- i will keep updating-
ruth09950 diana26536
Forgot to tell you all that clove toothpaste is quite hard to find. I used to buy mine at wilkinsons but its not in stock at the moment. Holland & Barrett do loads of herbal toothpaste that do not contain mint but do look at the ingredients as although some say tea tree or aloe vera they often also contain mint! Mint has a drying effect on the mouth so although it may give you immediate relief as it stimulates the saliva glands it is short lived & once again you'll soon be experiencing problems again!
Remember a mint free mouth wash & mint free chewing gum. Wilkinsons do a sensitive mouth wash, slightly pink in colour & doesn't contain mint & is cheap. Try juicy fruit chewing gum or lidl do a nice blackcurrant cassis one.
Now heres another thing you could try I'm trying it out at the moment. Tea whether its normal, earl grey or green etc etc contains tannins these also dry the mouth out & coats the tongue, I love my cuppa, oh well!!
Carbonated water etc also gives immediate relief but is a huge no no as this irritates the gums etc.
I have done so much research on dry mouth/burning tongue syndrome as Drs & Dentists seem to be unaware that this actually exists & is part of the dreaded menopause with the drop in oestrogine, its one of my worse symptoms!!! Google burning mouth/tongue syndrome for loads of advice.
Breathing through your nose is also meant to help! Remember mucus from the nasal passage also dries up during the menopause & can often affect taste & smell! I really hope all this information helps. Take care
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peggy64920 diana26536
diana26536 peggy64920
we have not painted in house but thanks for that- i will be having hormones checked on tuesday morning- doctor said cotton mouth and salty mouth could be due to low oestrogen- i will keep u updated ty