46 post menopausal and had a bleed after 19 mths
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So after 18 months of menopausal symptoms and no bleeding, I had an 8 day bleed which was heavy every day.
Went to doctors and was referred within 2 days to hospital for ultra sound. Ovaries fine, cervix appears fine and no infection detected. However the ultrasound revealed a 17mm thickness of the endometrial. Will not have results for 3 -4 weeks.
I am also overweight and have type 2 diabetes controlled by diet. These are risk factors.
Consultant was concerned / confused due to my age.
I am such a positive person but cannot help being a little concerned. I haven't discussed my worries with my lovely family and skirted around it with my fiends but would like some help
Thank you
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carolrd nic2222
nic2222 carolrd
Biopsy at hospital with gynaecologist not under. It was a pipelle.
Last period Jan 2015 until last month. Before that the previous 3 years I only had 3 or 4 across the year. When I was younger they were very heavy and painful.
In the last year I have had all the symptoms of the menopause from palpitations hot sweats loss of concentration etc etc etc and lost all the ovulation symptoms - headaches sore breast etc. Doctors told me that I was likely going through the change but wouldn't give me a blood test. Which I wish they had now as I would be more certain about whether I should be worried or not!
Had the biopsy on Thursday and still have niggling pains??
As I was getting dressed the gynaecologist said if I was older or had diabetes he would be more worried - my heart jumped and I said that I am diabetic! I should have asked more questions but I just didn't.
Hope yours goes ok - are you being put under?
Thank you for your reply
carolrd nic2222
did they say if your cervix was closed? I much older so i'm scared somethinmg furious! I had a heavy bleeding after 19 mos of none then spotted 7 days and it stopped in Sept 2015 and then on June 2, 2016 had heavy period on July 5th I had a cervical biopsy and pap smear and they where okay, My gyn attempted the uterus biospy but my cervix was so closed he couldnt get it so scheduled this thursday at the hospital to be put under for scope and biospy. My uterus linning is 9mm but i'm for sure post menopausal and much older than you so fightig this tormenting fear has been so hard to do!
Below is my dates and times:
Last period was March 20, 2013 went all the way without until February 2014 I started spotting so after the spotting in feb 2014 then I went without a period until Sept 18 2015 and started spotting for seven days then I made it till June 2, 2016 but this month 10 to 14 days before I started bleeding I had ovulated the egg white discharge then June 2, I started heavy bleeding for about 4 days stopped for 5 days completely and then started spotting again and stopped completely on July 5, 2016
nic2222 carolrd
Oh no bless you. It is awfully worrying - but pretty much all I have read there are not many that get the worst diagnosis.
My cervix appeared normal - apparently!
The gynaecologist said that if I was 4mm or under he would not worry but 17 seems a big difference.
I don't want to worry any of the family and have played it down - non- picked up on the biopsy word. I am sure it will be fine but needed to share my worries X
Let's keep In touch and share our stories ??
DearDoe nic2222
nic2222 DearDoe
He asked when my mum had hers but she had a hysterectomy - which wasn't very helpful!
I am obviously worried for the results -- but I was getting used to not going through the symptoms twice!
kathleen69032 nic2222
Hi Nic, I'm 54 yrs old and had post menopausal bleeding after 14mos no period. I'm overweight and just found out I'm type 2 diabetic. I started bleeding in March had vag ultrasound and found thick lining and polyp. I bled off/on till July 21 when I had the polyp removed. I had to switch gyn docs cuz I didn't like the first one. I had a D&C and a hysterscopy with biopsy of uterus lining and Pap smear all done at same time under general anesthesia. The biopsy if uterus came back fine and paper smear too. The polyp was atypical so good thing it was removed. I'm getting another FSH blood test done this week to see where I am ... She said I was at 16 in April and once you hit 23 you are in menopause. So I'm starting over counting the months without a period. I asked her why I would have stopped bleeding for 14 months then have a polyp....she said just a couple things to know about diabetes and hormones and bleeding, fat stores estrogen which keeps the lining of the uterus thick, diabetes messes up many body functions including hormones. I was put in Metformin in May for the diabetes and it has an affect on periods by evening them out ... Dr said they use Metformin for patients who have irregular periods.
nic2222 kathleen69032
Thank you Kathleen - I am diet controlled at the moment but it is food to hear that the diabetes could be the reason.
It made me feel a bit better last night - thank you for sharing.
Decided I need to better control my diabetes so being proactive today - off for a swim and yoga session followed by planning my diet. Can't afford for this to be anymore than my bad habits.
Thanks again
nic2222 kathleen69032
So had my annual diabetic review this morning and am managing the diabetes extremely well without medication (not taken metformin for about 3 years now).
A bit fed up though as when I went for the smear test which the doctor suggested they couldn't so it for 3 months because the doctor had taken a swab last week before she referred me.
Still waiting for results from biopsy