4wks off Mirtazapine

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I was on Mirtazapine 15mg for 3.5 months for Depression after being on Fluxotine, Sertaline, Citrapram over the last 4yrs but all just stop working, I had to come off Mirt because it was making my joints hurt really badly and in that time I put on stone and a half and it made me feel really irritable in the mornings. 

It's been a month since my last bit of my tablet not had any major withdrawals not sleeping brilliant lost my appetite and my stomach has moments of being a bit loose, but I am feeling so flat no major dips but no clarity days will this get better in time or do I need to think about yet another antidepressant and what worries me will I have to be on them for life?


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I also want to come off mirt. (Due to weight gain)Was at my doctor yesterday he suggested moving to Pregabalin. Have you or anyone else heard of this?. I think you should congratulate yourself comming off them. I think you're body will still be adjusting.

    If you feel you need more help you should go back to your doctor.

    Take care.:-)

    • Posted

      I've just come off mirtazapine for the hurrendous weight gain. My GP wanted me to go onto venlafaxine but I've read that it's an awful drug to withdraw from so I asked to try an alternative until I see her again on 25 April. She prescribed trazodone which I started last night and so far so good x
    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, sorry for butting in, I was on Pregablin for a chronic pain condition - I think it's a nerve blocker rather than AD. Of course pain may be an issue for you, it wasn't mentioned in your post. Just disregard this if irrelevant.
    • Posted

      Hi, no I do appreciate your input. I'm not in any pain but this tablet was suggested for depression and anxiety! I've not agreed to it yet. I will be looking into it more now!


    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, I've had a very quick look and it's prescribed for a number of things Inc, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, fibromyalga and general anxiety disorder..............

      sorry, my mistake - just wanted you to research. It didn't alleviate my chronic pain but we are all different. For example I've used 30mg mirtazipine for over 10 years and it's works terrifically for me, no weight gain which I know is a common problem. For a while I was on 45mg and was like a zombie. Good luck you will find something that works, for most folk it seems to take several before finding 'the' one 😉

  • Posted

    Hi Karen

    you have done amazingly well getting this far. Everything I read seems to suggest waiting 90 days for an accurate evaluation. I know it seems a long time, but doable rather than starting another run of AD's. Obviously if you start to feel really bad within this time frame, you may need to try something else. I threw in the towel on day 30 and went back on mirt for the same symptoms you mentioned. I would say try and stick it out a bit longer and give yourself a chance to see if you can cope without an AD.

    wishing you success

    god bless ♥

  • Posted

    Hi Karen,

    bless you! You've certainly been trying hard, have you been offered CBT or similar? Do you have hobbies or interests? Are you in contact with people daily? Lots of Q's which you don't have to answer. Though I've taken Mirt 30mg for many years, I still have to work hard on keeping mentally okay. Depression wants us alone isolated, not taking care of ourselves and the downward spiral continues. You gone 4 weeks, could you manage a week or 2 more? But please discuss this with your doctor who knows you,not some 'ghost ' on a forum however well I wish you, and I do☺. Please speak to your surgery on Monday, okay? God bless you til then.

  • Posted

    Hi did you just stop talking it or did you taper?  I have been on for about 3.5 months.  Started at 15mg for 21 days, then upped to 22.5mg for 27 days and then 30 mg for 16 days.  Never helped with my anxiety.  So I tapered of 30 mg to 22.5mg and held for 2weeks and then down to 15mg and have been holding at 15mg for about 33 days.  I want to taper some more but I have tablets and you should only taper about 10% which is hard to do with them .  I may try 11.25mg.  Yes when I was tapering igot the burning tingling sensation in the arms and heandache and nausea for about 7 days and then things settled down. 

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