5 am and Flooding....
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5 am and I have just slipped back into bed. Here is my story, can anyone relate?
I wake up to the sensation of flooding and realize I better get my arse headed to the bathroom. I jump out of bed only to realize that the blood is running down both legs as well as sizable clots and that I am gonna leave a trail that I am going to have to come back and clean up. All this happens in seconds, and before i can even get moving, a massive Charley horse hits me in the back of my right thigh and leaves me cussing like I am in a scene from the exorcist. Finally it subsides and I run to the bathroom, kicking something laying in the hall floor and ripping my little toenail off. Great, more blood loss. I make it to the bathroom, clean myself up (no small feat) and change clothes and then begin the clean up of the trail and bed. Finally, I crawl back into bed, knowing I have this to look forward to again. The hubby is snoring peacefully. At least the dog missed me. Lol.
It used to be 7 or 8 days of heavy period, light clots and lots of cramping. For my entire life......in knew what to expect. Now I'm know what to expect...7 to 8 days, but 2 of them I will be unable to leave the house due to the tidal wave of blood and clots that are huge. The rest of the time its pretty light. Oh well. At least the cramps are gone and the crippling anxiety is getting better. Phew! Lol
Anybody else experiencing the flooding and clots? Been doing this about a year. I am 45 and been in perimenopause i would say for about 5 years. Still have regular periods, they have just changed. So flat I started taking iron pills, they have been a lifesaver.
Riding the red tide on the Oregon Coast,
1 like, 25 replies
mary18003 DearDoe
Yes. I had the flooding periods for about a year before they stopped. I would wear a super plus tampon a huge pad and put towels down over the sheets. Still, I would have to get up every couple house. I found progesterone cream from the health food storeade things a little better. Hang in there...this too shall pass.
Sochima822 DearDoe
Hi deardoe, yes, sorry you ripped your toenail(ouch) I went through similar flooding this and it's a very unpleasant feeling, especially with the horrible charlie horse pain that i still get. Your periods will start to subside with time. Hang in there.
BLR DearDoe
DearDoe, I really feel for you. I'm not going thru' half of what you are, in fact my experience is probably only just starting. I stopped having regular periods at 48 and at 51 I hadn't had a period for over a year until yesterday and it is pretty heavy for me. When they were more regular I remember streams of blood down my leg/legs and being up during the night and it's not nice at all. What does your doctor say? Have you done tests? I hope so. I'm going to doc this pm after work for some advice.
DearDoe BLR
Not going to do all the blood testing...seems unreliable. It's just a natural, if not sucks, stage of life and I am grinning and bearing it. Ugh. Lol
BLR DearDoe
....sorry didn't finish off
i hope you feel much better soon
metamorphed DearDoe
ha. This was funny, even though I shouldn't laugh. It's a real battle isn't it, to keep any sort of routine while going through this mayhem? They say to keep yourself calm and avoid stress!! How are we supposed to do this when we have to deal with this. Sorry for the terrible night you've just had and hope you have a better night tonight.
colleen90305 DearDoe
That is aweful. Sorry you have to deal with that. I've been lucky in that aspect. My periods have always been normal and getting lighter but my mind has been the most affected.
becky53379 DearDoe
Hi Kimberly, omgosh some of this made me laugh.....we have to try and keep our humor through some of this because Lord knows we have all cried enough. I have been getting flooding off and on but nothing like the red wave. I do get clots though. Ugh! I hope that you take plenty of time to relax today. You need it! Take care and im praying for you
maria101 DearDoe
i found out I had a small 2cm fibroid on my uterus hanging like a stalk since had it remove....my period has calm down early last year and now they have totally stopĀ
not in post yet but hoping to finish this year
it will slow down for you takes a while and when it does you feel lot happier and better....hugs xxx
jane50560 DearDoe
For some reason, the pot of my post that mentions sick stomach and hot spells and chills during my.periid was omitted. Anyone else have that problem?
maisie05 DearDoe
Oh gosh, I do struggle with flooding in the night and clots but never managed to make it sound funny! I'll think of you next time it happens ??
DearDoe maisie05
Thanks, that makes me feel better.
karen71465 DearDoe
DearDoe karen71465
Lol. I was just thinking about getting some if those. Hubby wouldn't care and I wouldnt care if he did. Lol
Lorene51 DearDoe
That has been every period since last November. I actually skipped a period for the first time in June (yay). Now I am on day 20 of my July period . I only had flooding for the first few days and now either light flow or just spotting 20 days!! I don't know about you but the heavy bleeding scares me!! Will this really end?? I have a few small fibroids but the doctors can't say if they are causing heavy bleeding or just my age (51). I have also started to have bad cramps!! I had a biopsy and MRI but everything was normal besides my fibroids.
DearDoe Lorene51
Lorene51 DearDoe
Thank you! It's good to hear other woman are surviving this process. My sisters and friends don't experience this and they are tired of hearing about it!! I know that half the battle is my own anxiety...
anne44931 Lorene51
Your post has given me some comfort. I'm in to week 6 of my latest period and I am really stressed out. Sometimes it's light and sometimes it's heavy with the odd spell of gushing and cramps. Have just started HRT so I'm hoping this will settle things down.
Lorene51 anne44931
Lorene51 anne44931
DearDoe Lorene51
anne44931 Lorene51
Lorene51 anne44931