5 months in and terrible nausea
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It's been 5 months since I was diagnosed with mono and I've had various symptoms since then. Headaches, sore throat, tender lymph nodes (not swollen though), high temperature (only the first week) and fatigue. Now there's this absolutely terrible nausea and it's not letting me eat anything. I also feel like anxiety has kicked in so hard cause I can feel my chest tight and hurting. But the nausea is absolutely the worst symptom so far. I don't know if anyone suffered from nausea caused by ebv. Previously I've suffered from depression/anxiety, but I can feel it now even worse with ebv. And it's persistent. I've tried Xanax, it has helped a bit, but still I don't feel right. Also, I have tonsil stones cause by mono, and they hurt like hell, also I've been having the sore throat since the beginning of mono. Don't really know what to do or where this is going, but I'm terrified and anxious now. I've tried multivitamins, vit C 1000mg, zinc supplements, tried to eat healthy, drink loads of water and everything. Such a struggle. I can't even leave my house the way I feel. Any help would be appreciated.
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Malene tea94227
So sorry you're feeling like this. I had nausea too, if this is any comfort, so it's pretty normal, maybe this can lessen your anxiety. Someone else here mentioned nausea too.
Hang in there, you will get better day by day, you'll get stronger. You're going through a rough patch, it's horrible, but it will pass eventually. Such a nasty virus!
tea94227 Malene
Thank you Malene. Yes, I hope I'll get better soon. I'm sorry to hear you went through this hell as well. Hope you have recovered by now. It's a nasty virus indeed.
Malene tea94227
You're welcome. I just only got better last week after 3 months. I hope this is the end of it, but it is sooo tricky, you never know. Hope you get better soon. 😊
craig07920 tea94227
Hi Tea,
So sorryto hear you've been going through such a hard time with mono. It sounds quite similar to where I was after 5 months of the virus, I really want to reassure you that these symptoms you describe can be very normal for this virus and it's still very normal unfortunately to be experiencing them after 5 months. It took me 9-10 months to see a real breakthrough and turning point, not saying it will take that long for you, everyone is different - but just want you to know that this does get better and just hang in there for now, I know it's so hard to do when going through it. Thinking about you and remember you will return to full health, I was the same so worried that I wouldn't but thanks to God he helped me through - hoping and praying for a breakthrough and turning point for you really soon Tea, thinking about you.
tea94227 craig07920
Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, Craig. I'm trying to calm myself down thinking everything will be alright in the end. This virus has to be the most dreadful I've ever seen. Glad to see you and most people have recovered.
craig07920 tea94227
It's not easy I know Tea, it does get better let me reassure you - it's just so frustrating it can take time, but the first 6 months are by far the worst in my experience and the intensity lessens after that until full recovery comes!
Mono_too tea94227
Hi Tea,
I had all these symptoms and lost about 25 pounds, I could eat melon and oatmeal and that was about it and it was hard to even do that, I also had that anxiety and internal shakiness. I did eventually recover but it was close to a year. I am older so that didn't help.
I drank green tea, which helps with inflammation.
kikisan Mono_too
Hi Mono too,
It is good to hear about recovery on these threads. I am so happy for you. I have real neurological concerns that my docs don't seem to be taking very seriously. Of course I am hoping they are right when they say that I have no signs of neurological disease but I really don't think I have been examined properly. I am 5 months into EBV and CMV. I also got Dengue Fever in March
.... I have extreme weakness in my limbs, shakiness (internal and external) and pins and needles in my hands legs and feet. Do any of these symptoms ring a bell? If so, did they eventually go away?.....I am a 48 yr old woman. I am very petite but lost 8 pounds which is a lot for me. Are you my around my age?
Mono_too kikisan
I was 54 when I came down with it, yes to all symptoms you have mentioned. I think it has neurological side effects, my daughter and I call it brain fog. I was ill for 11 months and still with little energy for awhile after that, mornings were the worst.
craig07920 kikisan
Hey Kiki,
Still thinking about you as you have been hit with so much and really empathising with your frustration of not feeling like you have got all the help you need from the doctors - praying God can intervene and guide you to the right treatment for everything you're going through right now.
With EBV I do remember having some what felt like nerve pain in my limbs at times, it seemed to go on for ages but it did go away completely as things got better. I think they say B complex vitamins, Co-enzyme Q10, Passion Flower and Cayenne Pepper can all help with nerve pain, but just be careful taking too many at same time and get the right advice as I'm no expert.
I still truly believe that despite being hit with this triple blow that you are going to get better Kiki - 100% completely better from all the things you are going through and that you will be a stronger and more resilient and happier person for it. Hang in there and praying for God's help for you at this time
craig07920 Mono_too
Hey Mono,
Still thinking about you and your daughter and granddaughter - it's hard enough for one person in the family to get this horrible virus but for three to go through it at the same time and in quick succession, it's hard to imagine how tough that must be. You have been doing all you can to help your family Mono I can really see and sense that, and God knows that and I truly believe He is going to look after all three of you and bring you through and safely back to full health - just praying that the turning point for your daughter and granddaughter can come soon.
youngboy238 Mono_too
Sorry you had to go through this too! But glad you recovered from it! And yes I get the neurological symptoms too, and so sorry your family members have to go through it too! That must be a drag. But you can be there to help them as you have went through it yourself.
How did setbacks seem to go for you? Because I feel like what I am going through is more than a setback, as i got this setback at 3 1/2 months and it’s still going on at 5 1/2 months and it’s not getting better. I haven’t seen any glimpses of being back on track and where I should be either. It’s weird before this I was going on a good direction, and improving but I got hit with this and it all went downhill since.
Still thinking about your family!! They will get through this too just like how you did.
Mono_too youngboy238
The setbacks are so discouraging, they happened a lot in the first year, one day at about 11 months it just lifted, still didn't have the energy I should have though, it has been about 21 months since I got sick and am feeling almost normal. This will happen for you too. I think that the biggest lesson you learn is how to listen to your body and go with how you feel and when you recover you will appreciate everyday in a new way. All the best to you.
youngboy238 Mono_too
This is the 8th week of my setback, and it just won’t get better. It feels like It’s slowly just getting worse and worse. Did you ever get some like that? This setback I am going through is just not improving.
craig07920 youngboy238
youngboy238 craig07920
Mono_too youngboy238
youngboy238 Mono_too
I’m not sure why, also I have these fevers now too, and I didn’t have them way back to the very beginning. So I’m also worried about those. Thanks for the great words though!
craig07920 youngboy238
It's totally understandable to be worried Young Boy, just remember this won't last forever definitely it won't!! As Mono says these setbacks can be very normal and it can be normal for them to last for an extended period at times which is so frustrating - but it's like waves it goes down and comes back up again, and you will get back to that crest of a wave again I truly believe where you are through this and feeling much better.
Hang in there and thinking about you and still trusting in God for your recovery - thanks so much for your thoughts, prayers and kind words for me too means so much!
youngboy238 craig07920
Mono_too youngboy238
youngboy238 Mono_too
Thanks for the encouragement!! It does mean a lot. Did you ever feel like it is just getting worse and worse? During this setback that is what I feel like and it is not getting better.
craig07920 youngboy238
Hey Young Boy,
I did feel like at times it was just getting worse and worse and couldn't stop the slide. I think a lot of people go through that kind of phase with the virus and it's so frightening and tough to deal with - but really want to reassure that it doesn't keep going on like that, eventually things will stabilise and slowly start to improve again. Mono is right that it takes the immune system a long time in many cases to get a grip of this virus, that doesn't mean to say it won't get a grip of it though because eventually it goes and it kicks it out for good - so it's okay to remember that even though it doesn't feel good today and it's hard to see recovery, that you definitely will recover and get through this even though it doesn't always feel that way.
Absolutely you are going to get better I truly believe that and Jesus is the great physician and healer and I believe He is going to bring healing in your life - just hoping and praying for a breakthrough and turning point soon, it may be much closer than you think.
youngboy238 craig07920
Thanks for the great words! Thanks for the example from when you had mono too! And yes it is really hard to see recovery! I do appreciate the encouragement a lot!! Im still thinking about you Craig!! Hope your doing better.
Mono_too youngboy238
craig07920 Mono_too
You're so right Mono about those feelings about just wanting your life back. I think everyone going through it grieves in a way for their old healthy lifestyle. Hoping your daughter and granddaughter are doing better, still thinking about you for sure!
And Young Boy absolutely you are going to get through this - Mono is right recovery will happen for you and it will be an amazing recovery and be liberating. I truly believe that, but for now just take things slowly and hang in there each day, trusting God. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts and prayers for me too, means so much and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!