5 months post op

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I had my RTKR done November 24, 2014. At around 6 weeks post op I was doing great. No problems up/down stairs, walking, even kneeling to scrub floors. Recently I have felt worse and worse. Having trouble with stairs, sometimes walking, and bad pain in the evenings and at bedtime. Besides pain, the knee feels warm. Have I done something to it, or am I working too hard (garden, yard, house, etc.)

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Best to get a professional opinion - does sound as though you have overdone it - try reverting to post op routine ice, rest, meds etc but if it doesnt settle get an MRI if possible - could be an isolated flare up but could be something else. Maybe try some antibiotics in case there is an infection. 


  • Posted

    Mmm...I think kneeling that early on was not advisable.  I have only ever knelt on my first TKR once, and that was in desperation trying to get out of a hotel bath...and 8 months after the operation.  It puts so much pressure on the knee.  Best get it checked out, and maybe an x-Ray...
  • Posted

    Yes......too much too soon. Get more rest and go back to the basics of excercise and rest. If you had undergone open heart surgery you wouldn't be going that hard and this surgery Is every bit the physical/mental drain. Slow down and get caught up.
  • Posted

    Thanks for all the posts.  Guess when I think about what I've been doing it might have been too much too soon.  I have even put in a garden, regularly mowed the yard, and established a butterfly garden (hauled and layed 40 bags of mulch!)  I'll slow down and see if that helps!  Maybe thought I was as good as new - haha
  • Posted

    I think your doing too much??? I also agree with someone who mentioned kneeling on it. Scrub the floors with a mop or buy a stream one??? I would also see your GP see what he says just to he sure??? im 8 weeks post op and my cons said im doing too much by changing bed's? ?? on my own and stretching up for the washing from the line he said ive to stop doing it for a couple of months.
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that you're having problems😞 I seem to remember that your kneeling down to scrub stairs was done at an early stage after your op? (We're at a similar stage as I had my op on 22/10/15 and think I replied to your post about kneeling). Anyway, just to say if I over do it I still get  reminded and it just demonstrates just how much time you need to give TKRs to recover-a long painful process for most of us!I also currently have a tooth abscess and before I started on a course of antibiotics my knee started to feel  very uncomfortable but this seems to have sorted itself out with the medication. Sadly, the most common cause of infection in women with TKRs is apparently urine infections and quite often you don't even know you have one (applied to me twice when I had pre op tests!) so perhaps it would be best to get the possibility of infection checked out?

    Anyway, take care and don't ignore it😀

  • Posted

    Hi yorkyrebel - sorry to hear you're in pain again -hope you have it sorted soon! Just shows this op needs long term patience. I'm a few weeks later than you January this year and I've been kneeling a bit now and then washing floors and gardening but I think I'll go very easy on that from now on!. Reading all your comments about cross infection - is there any risk of a septic focus in a tooth causing a problem with your knee, even at 4 months? I'm going to ring my dentist tomorrow for emergency appointment as have suspect infection in a capped tooth. Knee seems OK at the moment but would be glad if anyone has any advice?
    • Posted

      Hi! I am prone to abscesses in my teeth (safly😂) and because of this fact, I specifically asked my surgeon if what I should do if I get an abscess or a UTI and he said anything involving pus needs antibiotics PDQ and to tell my dentist so that its on my records-done! Be cautious and get the antibiotics! Take care Glenda😄
    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your advice - will definitely take it and ask my dentist for antib's as soon as I see him. Cheers!
    • Posted

      You're welcome and sorry for the odd wording but wretched predictive text plus no glasses!😎
    • Posted

      My surgeon was adamant that anything done with teeth needed antibiotics - even a routine cleaning - though the dental association has just come out with the recommendation that antibiotics are not needed for a cleaning. Anything else though, get them. The teeth are one of the best passages for bacteria to enter the whole system.
    • Posted

      My surgeon also was adamant about antibiotics before dental procedures, even cleaning since they can scrape too close to the gums, etc.  My last visit required an antibiotic, but since the dentist was out of the office a few days prior to my visit I was required to contact my MD for the RX.  He promptly complied.
    • Posted

      Thanks Joan! Glad I asked about this - the last thing anyone would want going through such a gruelling operation is an infection! Seeing my dentist on Friday - earliest I could get and will insist on antib s.I live in the UK and it's my impression this risk isn't viewed with with such gravity here, the only time this issue came up was briefly during pre op questionnaire. Cheers again x
  • Posted

    I am 6 months TKR now and I still have some pain on stairs and standing up from a sitting position. My knee is also still quite warm. I've been doing some gardening but nothing like hauling 40 bags of mulch, and even the small amount I am doing makes itself felt and I have to go sit down for a while. My head, on the other hand, is feeling so much better since I'm off all the pills and I'm getting enthusiatic about things again.
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this.  My partner tells me I just don't know how to quit.  Yesterday I weeded both the veggie garden and the bee/butterfly garden.  Today I hauled in another 15 bags of mulch, mulched the veggie garden, watered front and back yards, mowed and weed eated.  Knee tender tonight but really not doing too bad.  Now it's my poor feet that hurt!!!  Also, yesterday went for a body bone scan to see how things were progressing.  I was told by the technician she had never seen feet "light up" so much as mine did - even by those that work on their feet all day, every day.  Apparantly bones that are healing and/or ailing appear lighted on the scan - she said my shoulders, arms, hands, ribs, knees, ankles and feet were all bright, especially my feet.  Overweight?  Too active? Arthritis? Or all of these combined?
    • Posted

      Now what I did was to find a tall, strong, 30 year old and pay him to haul stuff and cut down trees, etc. I'm also going to start some myofascial therapy sessions just to see if it helps. I knitted so much during my rehab that I have developed some sort of overuse strain in my arm! I guess we just have to knuckle down a realize that as we get older, our physical life has to go a little slower.

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