5 weeks post hemorrhoidectomy and still so much pain!
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Hi, everyone! Just reading this forum & knowing I'm not alone in my suffering helps me, as I have felt alone and like I was only person still having so much suffering post surgery. I'm 5 weeks past hemorrhoid removal surgery and everyday feels worse or at least as bad as the day before. Will this ever end? I use the creams, soak in baths, keep clean, eat light to avoid harsh bm's, I still have anywhere from 3-6 a day, each one more excruciating than the last. At my 3 wk checkup, dr told me now I have a fissure, which is so painful I can hardly breathe. I havent sat for 5 weeks, just can't. NO WAY I can even think of working, I can barely walk. I'm terrified to eat because you eat, you poop. I don't wanna poop anymore. One bm has me in bed all day. I'm not a wimp, & this is not my first surgery, but by far it has been the hardest thing I've ever been through. I'm getting worse not better, or thats how it feels to me, & I just want my life back. The pain even when there's been no bm is more than I can take. All I do is cry. I'm so desperate for relief and to know that I'm not alone in this. PLEASE SOMEONE TALK TO ME!!
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Guest janet95101
Hi Janet..Sorry to hear your in soo much pain, I had a haemorridectomy in September 18. Everyone reacts differently to the operation and it sounds recovery is really bad for you. Are you on any medicine or stool softners at the moment? All I done was just rest and drink lots, and have high fibre food and small amounts. Totally get your point on eating small amounts so you dont need to go toilet.
As your BMs are hard, I think you should take or increase stool softners but check this with a doctor or pharmacist first. The last thing you want is to be constipated after a haemorridectomy (I was once and it was not nice).
Things do get better, the main opp is done so you are nearly there.
janet95101 Guest
Hello, & thank you for responding to me! I am also sorry you had to have this awful surgery. Yes, my dr has me on Percocet for the pain and I often have to take 2 at a time to have any relief. It takes about 2 hrs for them to kick in and they wear off in about 4, but I'm still glad I have them, it is the ONLY relief I get, even temporarily, and I know I'm lucky to have them. Some barbaric drs won't give you any pain meds. I also take 2 stool softeners daily. I alternate between that one day, to a dose of miralax the next. I havent really been constipated but a few times. I work really hard at having soft, formed bm's. I'm with you, all I do is rest and drink. (and try to figure out what I can eat that won't hurt me.) Thank God my work is not pressuring me to return yet, there's no way I could anyway. So you are about 8 weeks post op and feeling ok already?
Guest janet95101
Just make sure the any pain killers you take dont have codeine as they can constipate you..If they do just have the stool softner and lots of drinks. I feel much better, I was off work for like two months though because 1 month after the opp, I got constipated which brought me down quite a bit. Then got a small fissure! Within 4-5 weeks I could tell the difference and felt better, with no stinging / sore sensation.
Enjoy day time tv!
janet95101 Guest
No codeine in my pain killers and I since I dont take more than 2 a day, I also take 2 stool softeners to balance it out. Dr says since external area looks mostly healed my probs must still be internal and I could have internal fissure, etc that he cant see without an internal scope, which he'd have to do in the O.R. to use anesthesia because the pain of the scope is too great otherwise. Im itching almost nonstop (internally) and no creams Ive tried stops it. It drives me mad. I dont know if it means the inside is healing or that its a fissure. I heard they can make you itch really bad.
So you got diagnosed with a fissure at week 4 and by week 8 you no longer have stinging/soreness/itching/pain from it al all? I dont know how u couldve went back to work if you still had those probs, especially if they were coming from a fissure. OUCH!!!
Guest janet95101
Thats good news for you then..Externally its healing well. For the fissure, these normally sort themselves out and you can get creams for it which are soothing. My GP gave me one called Fuicidin so that the fissure does not get infected. Also That way you dont need the internal scope which will be horrible!!!
Yer week 4 or week 5 I got a small fissure which was a bit sore. But from week 6 lets say, I woke up one morning and felt like I had a new bum lol. No pain, no soreness, nothing. It was amazing. I took 2 months of work. I didnt want to rush going back until I was 100%.
Give yourself a few weeks and you too will start to see the difference. You focusing on the main things that you need to be..Just rest up
janet95101 Guest
My surgeon gave me a nitroglycerin cream-$600 for a tube. I didnt fill it. I may see if my Gp will call in a cream to help my severe itch. Also, my butt feels extremely hot all the time, between the cheeks, even after Ive had a washcloth soaked in ice cold water and sqeezed out between my butt to numb it. Why would it still be so hot when a cold cloth has been there? Is that a sign of something bad or just normal heat?
Guest janet95101
did you pay $600 for a cream?? creams in the uk cost around £10!! Not sure why your bum feels hot to be fair, could just be because your sitting on it / lying down all day? I wouldnt worry to much about that. Use the cold compressions if that helps...But your doing all that you can so now just try and let time heal it. Very easy to get depressed in this state, I did feel down at times but things get better, believe me 😃
jane16431 janet95101
Hi Janet, we FEEL YOUR PAIN. Even for those who have largely recovered, the memories don't go away. As I posted in another thread, its a club that no one wants to join but once you are in the club the comraderie is close.
Five weeks is still relatively fresh. It was months before I felt mostly normal.
Here is an idea; go on a fasting cycle, just be sure to keep some fiber source in your system and stay hydrated. Fasting for 24-36 hours, 2X per week, is very doable and you will obviously have less BMs. I just did a fast and I thought it would be awful but it was not. Check with doc, but I would consider trying it.
janet95101 jane16431
Thank you, Jane, on your fasting idea. I see my surgeon today for my 5 week checkup and I'll ask him about it. I went on an all liquid diet at first: soup broth, gatorade, water, and all I got was diarrhea. That was just as bad, so no more liquid diets. I've done the dry toast, plain rice, banana diet the dr put me on to stop the diarrhea: and it constipated me. So I stopped it. Raw veg and salads and all that roughage is hard for me to digest, always has been, so I can't even eat the healthy, light foods they say to eat. UGH! I'm tired of my own complaints. My hubby keeps telling me to be patient, that this, too, will pass (I'm just afraid I'll be one of those people who take 6 mos to a year to fully heal and that terrifies me and breaks my heart for my family.) I will put a reply post on here tonight after my 5 week checkup to let ya'll know how my fissure is healing and how everything else looks. THANKS!!
jane16431 janet95101
i hope it helps, please do post an update. It is all useful information
janet95101 jane16431
So I go back in 3 weeks to see surgeon. Outside surgical site from 3 hemi removals looks nearly healed, but internally is still problematic. Red, raw, tender, painful, etc. He said without doing an internal scope he cant say for sure whether there’s an internal fissure, probs with the 2 internals he left in, or just taking longer for my insides to heal than the outsides. He said I wouldnt make it through an internal scope without anesthesia, so that’d be another trip to the OR. I told him I dont want that if at all possible, so Im doing another 3 weeks of ointments, pain pills, rest, sitz baths, & trying to control my bm’s to allow the insides to heal (Im working really hard on that part.) I cant see him till Jan 3rd because of the holidays, so thats it. 3 more weeks of this and if no better, back to OR for internal scope. Im obviously just one of the “unlucky ones”. Plz pray for my internal healing so that I dont have to go back to the OR in 3 weeks for an internal scope to see whats going on inside. I pray to God its not an internal fissure. Thank you for listerning. I Sure wish I had better news.
jane16431 janet95101
I would do the same you are doing, try to get through the three weeks to avoid another procedure. One thing is for sure, you are not alone in your plight. When I was going through the peak of recovery we actually considered opening up a chat room just to provide reciprocal support.
HemHell janet95101
hi, can i ask what your diet is like and did you stop using laxatives quite early after your surgery?
Having had the surgery 16 days ago, and its not been easy, ive found most of my problems were due to difficult stools that would take 12 hours to come out, and i stopped taking laxatives after my first proper bowel movements because i was embarrassed of the side effects...
janet95101 HemHell
Hi, my diet right now is whatever I can eat or drink that wont give me diarrhea or constipation. Its different each day, & what works for one is a nightmare for others. I never was given laxatives, but I bought miralax and take it (1/2 capful in 8 oz water) every other day. The other day I lay off the miralax & take 2 stool softeners...but never laxative & softeners on same day...I learned the hard way I'll be on toilet all day. I drink 64 oz water daily, cant eat any raw veg or even cooked (diarrhea), no salads or soups or stews (diarrhea) no rice or stuff like chili, spaghetti, anything acidic (constipated or very painful bm's). I try to eat a small pk of oatmeal for bfast to keep me regular, lunch i usually just drink gatorade with maybe a handful of saltines (plain), supper i try to find something that wont make me go or I just have an ensure with more water and/or gatorade. Its not ideal, I know, but if I dont stop using toilet multiple times a day, my inside is never gonna heal. Im at the point that after all the pain the bm's have caused me, Id rather be hungry than full and pooping.
HemHell janet95101
post surgery i was given Laxido and Senekot, laxido, in addition for pain relief i was give a narcotic, IBprofin and paracetamol felt awful taking 3 sachets of laxido a day, by the 3rd day i was pooing pretty much every time i moved, lost all dignity as i gave up going to the toilet because it became soul crushing i'd go toilet pass wind some diarriha would come out and as soon as i cleaned up and go back same urge would come again.. when that happens several times an hour you give up... but what i found was that my first actual solid bowel movement which came 6 days after surgery was not painful, felt strange and relieving but not painful.
My mistake was to then completely stop the laxido and i didn't have a proper solid poo again for another 8 days, that was only made easier because i started taking movicol...