50 and living my nightmare
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i just turned 50 few weeks ago and i feel horrible . iam trying to figure it out my tooth ache and it seem the pain comes during ovulation cycle and after periods i already have a root canal and a revision 2 dentist and 2 endo telling me no fracture and no infection , i get ocasional night sweats, joint pain like left hip, left shoulder. stomach issues tgat cones and go . im so over this and very depressed
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Keljo48 Eliaimee1970
I went through a very similar thing a few years ago. Teeth ache, gums hurt. Dry mouth. My dentist said there wasn't anything wrong. I did have a root canal and a crown put in. Went to a different dentist who was a condescending jerk. He said for dry mouth try chewing gum or cooking mouth watering foods. Really, Wow, is wife is so lucky. lol He sent me to an oral surgeon who asked me if I was in menopause. I said perimenopause. He said it can cause phantom tooth pain. He was the best and I could have hugged him. So forward 2+ years later. It went away. But apparently traded up to worse crap. I am post menopause now I have a whole world of issues. Reoccurring left breast pain. And pounding skipping heart. I have severe arthritis now and just had a steroid shot in my right knee so I can walk like a 51 year old instead of an 80 year old. I didn't want the steroid shot but insurance only will pay the cheaper of the treatments first. The shot worked but my skipping/pounding heart is worse. I keep thinking that I am going to have a heart attack. I don't want to go to the ER.
Anyway, I take L lysine (recommended by my doctor) and it seems to help with mouth issues. I still get the weird crusties (gross, I know) in the corners of my mouth. My mom got this and now I realize so many things with her she had a bad menopause and didn't know what it was. Breaks my heart. My poor mom.
I feel post meno is worse for me because the issues are amplified and I don't know if it is hormone related or health.
I take evening primrose for breast pain. (used to work like a charm) but it does help with night sweats.
I also take chelated Magnesium for skipping heart. Used to work awesome. Not anymore.
Most days I feel I am broken beyond repair. 🙄
sakura26 Keljo48
So glad you posted this! I wish I had an oral surgeon like yours. I just had clueless or ahole dentists. I had horrible toothpain for over a month, went on 4 courses of medrol and found nothing. Finally seems weirdly better but not completely. I have every peri symptom so dreading if meno could be worse. And on top of that can't take hormones yet because have giant fibroid and a dermoid. Why are most doctors even OBGYN so callous and clueless?
Eliaimee1970 Keljo48
omg phanton tooth ache? wao i beleived that im have been in pain for a long time and im keeping track and is around my ovulation period. all my jont pains are in my left side . hartburn Gerd, huatal hernia . i still have periods , my heart skips beats donflip flops . i walk crocked
Eliaimee1970 sakura26
i told them to take the tooth out and they refused . my GYN wont do nothing becuause i still have periods ughh . and the men doctor dont get it . im just iver the pain and saturday got the shingles vaccine and wao was painful but i had to do it my mother didnt get the vaccine and got shingles ans after 6 months she still in pain and my brother got his at 40 and got again this year .
kelly55079 Eliaimee1970
yep I turned 50 last October and it was the worst year ever for me.... Thought I had a curse on me.
Eliaimee1970 kelly55079
i feel the same way and i have a young husband and i cant fake the joints pains lol