50 yr old woman, uterine fibroids, heavy bleeding every month

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Now anemic. Not sure where to turn. I was told by gyno to either go on pill or get a hysterectomy. I chose to try the birthcontrol pill for about 5 mths but it didnt really help w/the bleeding. I stopped taking that in the Fall. I met with a surgeon to determine if hysterectomy was good option. He did another internal ultrasound to see if fibroids grew, he said they didnt'...but I have "several", the largest is 2x2 inches around.He suggested Mirena which I turned down as I read horrible reviews. I'm going to make an apptmt with my gyno to see what I can do. Maybe 2nd opinion for hysterectomy? The blood tests show I'm not even close to menopause and I dont think I can keep up every mth with the crazy amount of clots, and bleeding, it's ridiculous.I have to take 1-2 days a mth off from my job. Any suggestions/advice? I'm in the USA.. Thanks, Sheila

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10 Replies

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    I would have the Mirena coil fitted first because if you don't like it you can always have it taken out and it is so easy to have taken out I know you read horror stories on the web but don't put yourself in the among them it might actually work for you before you decide to have the full hysterectomy I was so against having the Mirena fitted but I'm glad I did now it's nothing like the horror stories you read and it's so simple to have it taken out if it does not work for you

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      Yes I had them removed and the Mirena fitted and no I didn't gain any weight with it at all I hardly have any bleeding now and it has made me a lot more relaxed as in I don't feel run down anymore like I use to when I kept bleeding have it done what have you got to lose don't knock it until you have tried it go down that route first and at least you can tell yourself if it don't work out that you have tried all options try and be positive about it I think your be fine
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      Oh you had them removed? With what procedure? My doc didn't mention having them removed. Just said to have Mirena inserted. I may try it.
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      Hi Kelly. Do you mind my asking how long did the mirena take to kick in for you ?
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      The Mirena took a few months to kick in but I persevered with it and yeah it's painful to have it inserted but it's over with really quickly like in a matter of seconds and the good thing is it isn't permanant my sister has had hers in for 10 years now and she is 53 soon and she is as skinny as a rake and she loves the Mirena hasn't had any periods now for years
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      Hi Sheila I had them done under GA and had the Mirena fitted at the same time I was under but this is my second Mirena and the first one I had fitted at a clinic with just mild pain relief before I went in that wasn't to bad had a few cramps but then I was on my period at the time so to be expected
  • Posted

    The mirena takes a while to kick in but it's amazing. Don't be worried about getting it. Also have they told you about a uterine ablasion ?
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      I've just read bad things between a lot of painful having it inserted & terrible cramping for weeks plus weight gain. Not sure the benefits outweigh risks
    • Posted

      After a year maximum you can possibly have no periods at all for as long as you have it in so the remaining 4 years and if you get it replaced no periods for another 5 years.

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