51 - new to Menopause

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Hi all.  Im 51 and have recently experienced my first symptoms of the dreaded menopause!!  Very very heavy period, flooding etc for 10 days or so and to my horror they have returned again, one week later.  Doc prescribed  tranexemic and provera.  Not particularly keen to take the provera - any comments would be appreciated.


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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Gillian.

    I had the start of it a few years back now. I'm 51 aswell.Myself ive had two bleeds this year, and I just stopped regular ones back in 2012.

    And they came back this year. I had two shows this year. I was troubled by this, and I was sent for an ultra sound, and they found I was clear. The guy said in the hospital, that sometimes these things happen to us, and there is no explanation!

    And everything is fine.

    So that was reassuring anyway.

    But I've just battled on with my health, and just accept that is part if natures way for me. 

    As long as there are no problems, attached to my menopause, I just carry on with hot flushes, and just get on with life. 

    Part of growing older. 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks so much for your reply. 

      I'm the last of all my friends to experience any symptoms, thought I might have escaped - obviously not!

      The bleeding seems to have settled a little for now but I made the mistake of reading the side effects of provera - never a good idea - although "knowledge is power"!

      I'm preparing myself for a rocky road ahead but determined to stay positive. 

      Thanks again



    • Posted

      Hello Gillian I take provera too it don't help I had an ultrasound they did find a small fingertip of fibroid he suggested a dnc he said it might help but it doestnt guarantee the bleeding will stop so now I am going to get a hysterectomyjust the uterus taken out I have been bleeding for two months can't stand it

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa

      Was just reading your post and it sounds like my daughter- in-laws mother. She started perimenopause and bleed for a full 2 months...through her clothes all the time. She would wear tampons with a pad to work and still flood her clothes. She finally went to her doctor and before doing anything invasive he told her to have a D&C. She also had the fibroids but told her it was nothing serious. 

      She is perfectly fine today and all the bleeding has stopped! I know no 2 people aren't alike but the story sounded so similar I had to share that with you. Ive had a D&C before also they are very fast and no big deal. Hope this helps...be blessed xx

    • Posted

      Yes it did I'm still bleeding unfortunatelymy doc told me he could do a d&c but it wasn't a garanteemto stop the bleeding so he's going to do a coloscopy you know what that is then he will do the partial hysterectomy I haven't stopped bleeding yet any suggesions
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa

      maybe your having a Coloscopy ( Colposcopy)  / Biopsy

      i had a coloscopy ( Colposcopy) a few weeka ago at a well woman check, after a smear to check cervical, vaginal, Vulva cells etc..

      a Colposcope is a magnifying viewing device.. not at all painful...

      ages ago lisa i bled for 21 months, ( after Depo Provera injection) from heavy, to normal, spotting, light, with hardly a two day break in between.

      all did stop and all is normal now) this was also beginning or peri menopause for me too, i also had two big follicular cysts like satsumas but they also dispersed and all is normal now...

      no partial hysterectomy required for me .. all sorted its self out ..

      jay xx


  • Posted

    Hi Gillian 

    when i was first in peri i had 21 months of bleeding constant, from heavy to flooding, normal, light and spotting, hardly a free day in between..

    i wasnt given any progesterone ( provera) 

    but was given an ultra sound at the end of the long 21 months and i had follicular cysts that grew like satsumas and may have needed surgery ... Luckily ... They did disperse after another period came, and with some homeopathic doctors meds to my amazement..

    but previous to the 21 months bleeding , i had the depo provera injections that is suppose to stop periods and they are 3 monthly injections ( contraception) i only had two depo provera injections and it caused all the bleeding in my case 😩 and I was also apparently in peri meno..  I was all over the place in the beginning ..

    i was then aged 40 - 41... I then had a 9 - 10 years natural peri and now aged 50 have just reached menopause ( after one year no periods) 

    Maybe they have given you the provera to lighten the flow

    jay jay xx


    • Posted

      Thanks jay jay.

      Thanks so much for your reply.   Goodness, it sounds like you had an awful time in the early days.   As I've said my symptoms have just started but  "knowledge is power" !  

      I normally take any health issues in my stride,  but I made the mistake of reading the side effects of provera ( eek!) -  so I thought I'd give the forum a try . The bleeding seems to have settled down after just a couple of days so time will tell.

      Thanks again for your support.


    • Posted

      Hi Gillian

      yes it was a tought start but the depo provera through me into chaos..

      the provera you have been given will no doubt be short term and sort you out abit .. so all should be good ..

      try and treat yourself to a mega b 100mg B complex time realeae ( holland and barret) with at least 100mg of B6 in it.. Boost you up and helps no end ..

      So vital in peri we lack B 6 ...

      Jay xx 

    • Posted

      Hi gillian

      yes you think right there..

      take it in your stride and stay positive ... Acceptance of menopause is the key and don't dwell on it ..

      we all vary when we start it..

      like we do when we first start our periods ..

      some are young age 11 some are age 15 so that explains why we are all in peri at different times.. 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Jay

      I'm googling Mega B as we speak! Really appreciate your advice.

      Gill smile

    • Posted

      useful info for new ladies...  t

      his helped me no end ..

      i take 150mg B6 daily in the morning..  also B12 for energy... brilliant 

      i also take many other supps..

      Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6

      Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.

      During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.

      Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.

      For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.

      Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.

      All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.

      Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.

      **** B6 supplements of 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity

      B6 may also assist HRT absortion if ladies are taking HRT.

      I take the B's

      Jarrow B12 5000mcg cherry red label for energy

      also Vit E good for flushes etc .. 

      Menapol Plus ( natural relief and supplement) 

      Maca ( energy & sexual health) 

      Calcium & Vit D ( bone Health) 

      Magnesium ( spray or tabs )  all rounder health and flushes and relaxing 

      Kelp ( thyroid health) 

      jay jay xx 

  • Posted

    Well I'm taking provera it don't help I'm still bleeding I went to the doc he sug a dnc but it wouldn't guarantee the bleeding would stop I said oh no so he's going to do a coloscopy and then do the hysterectomy taking the uterus out

  • Posted

    Hello Ladies. First of all thanks for all your sharing. Its really does help  to understand what is going on with my body and mind.

    At least I know now that I am not alone to feel that way. Fatigue is really bad at the moment. Well, I had a lot of bleeding last month and couple of months before. First, the doc gave me some hormons to stop bleeding, then i had normal period for two months. Then again the same story. He suggested d&c, i was reluctant for few months. then decided to do it. had it done last Thursday, now hoping that it will be ok for a while at least. my problem is iron level goes so low, i have ferritin in my body 0.1 when it has to start from 20 the norm. Taking iron all the time for the last few years. Very scared to take any hormons. I wonder if there is any alternatinve? x

    • Posted

      Hi inessa7

      hope the D&C helps you..

      a good B mega 100 complex id very good for menopausal symptoms, anxiety, aches, pains etc .. with at least 100mg B6 in it..

      if your short on iron you may need B12 supplements..

      Jarrows 5000mcg cherry red label is the best and strongest, 

      both B6 and B12 great for energy and we lack these in menopause.

      also a Good Vit E .. 

      i take ..

      B6 150mg

      B12 injections

      Menapol plus x 2 a day natural meno supplements

      Solgar Chaleted Magnesium 

      magnesium oil spray 

      Kelp for thyroid health

      Acidophilus 3 billion probiotic for digestive health

      Vit E 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Jay, thank you very much for your advise, I will start to take some of what you are suggesting. Inna xxx

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