52 & wondering if my monthly's will ever stop
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I have been in perimenopause going on at least 10-12 years now. I was told by gyno. this year that she thought I would probably stop having monthly's this year. I just don't know. I keep waiting and hoping, .. I thought maybe this month I would skip one, but nope this morning it was here. I am on a low dose birth control pill and wonder if that may keep me from going completely through menopause? I don't know? I'm just ready to be done with these. lol.
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jane66356 reva31742
I could have written this post 😊 I’m going to be turning 52 myself in a couple months wondering the same thing? I’ve been peri for 7 years. I had a couple of 50-55 day cycles thinking I would start “skipping” but no……back to being on time (or close to it) every month. I joked and said I’m going to end up with a world record and be 80 when they stop. Lol. I am not on any HRT and I’m pretty healthy. Every month I get my period I think “I’m getting too old for this” 😊
royalty3008 reva31742
jane66356 royalty3008
That's a frightening thought
I thought being postmenopausal would make things better. I have become intolerant of garlic for some reason during this peri phase. I get insomnia whenever I eat garlic...even when I eat it early in the day?
royalty3008 reva31742
That will happen things you've eaten your whole life and all of a sudden your body rejects it. I have always been healthy and well toned. I hate menopause and everything that it does to your body. I have tried many supplements to try and stop the Hot flashes, nothing so far works.
Things that may work cause to many side affects as if I need to have more problems. No thank you. I just thank God that I did not get the b××××y part. 😜 I deal with it and just hope that it may get better as I change my food diet and drink lots of water.
debra16694 royalty3008
Amen Royalty! I was going to post to my “Peri Menopause Sisters” Be careful what you wish for... I didn’t stop my monthly’s until almost 55 1/2. I seemed to handle post meno fairly well until 3 years ago when all hell broke lose & it has become a complete “Sh-t Show”. There isn’t a day that goes by where I am not experiencing some kind of issue , whether it’s digestion issues, headaches, brain fog, hot flashes/flushing (horrible), burning body parts, tingling/electric shock in extremities, anxiety/depression/, blurry vision, shaking and did I mention irritability up the wazoo. Hey, I don’t mean to be “Debbie Downer” and am hopeful that you will never experience one tenth of these symptoms, but for many of us, this post menopausal thing has been a friggin nightmare & I for one, would gladly take my monthly’s over this, even the flooding that came with the end of Peri for me - So, enjoy those monthly flows, at least you know your body is functioning instead of, the full on raging battle that my body is currently at war with - I am praying for the post, post menopausal days -
aly48544 reva31742
Sorry girls but I'm 56 andvstill getting periods!?
I started hrt 8mths ago hoping that would put a stop.to it bit still they keep coming....x