53 and still in peri menopause
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Hi ladies. I’m 53 and still having periods every couple of months. In fact they have been regular up until just last year. My question is is this normal to be having periods at my age ? And could I still become pregnant ? 😫😫😫
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mauiblue debra58829
My Cycles were regular through the age of 52 like clockwork, then abruptly stopped.
Pregnancy is always a possibility but the chances are quite low now.
tina00239 debra58829
I am nearly 55 and had regular periods up until last October when I bled none stop. My Dr gave me Norethisterone to stop it, and did bloods to check what was going on. My ovaries were having their last hooray and crashed at end December. I went head first into menopause and got every symptom that you can name, and really severely, so my Dr put me on HRT which has helped me so much. He never mentioned contraception to me as I think that it depends if you are still ovulating or not. But if you are generally a healthy woman, if I were you I'd ask your Dr if pregnancy is still possible. Better safe than sorry. I am doing a lot better on HRT. Had ultrasound scans recently, had womb thickness of 8mm and ovaries of 6.5cm I thought this was abnormal but apparently not. I've been given all clear, but my Dr has changed me back to pills from patches to ensure I have a regular bleed and my womb lining doesn't get any thicker. You just need to ask the Dr any questions you have to get the full picture, as most of us can only give general advice based on our own experiences which may not apply to you. So to be sure, go straight to the horses mouth. XXX
delilah82600 debra58829
It is normal and potentially you could. Like the other poster, at 52 I bled for 68 days, doctor ran a bunch of tests and I came back completely healthy. Went back to regular periods until this year. At 55 almost 56 I haven't had my period in 3 months. Doing fine but the hot flashes are irritating. It is the cycle of life!
katyD211 debra58829
Hi Debra...I think normal is relative to your family history and your individual health; but I know a LOT of women your age and older who are still having periods. I am one of them. I am 59. Do not freak out!!My mom and older sisters went long and are healthy. Mom just passed in April at 94 years old. My doc is keeping tabs on me...I just had a hysteroscopy last week with normal results(I do have fibroids, which she said is a factor in my bleeding but we're dealing with those)
But I'm sure you're normal...stay current on check ups!
oh..and my aunt had my cousin when she was 52...so yes, you probably can still get pregnant. 😉
juanita93228 debra58829
I think if you're having periods pregnancy is a possibility since you're still ovulating.. I would take precautions until I hadn't had a period for at least a year and a half(just to be safe). My Mother hadn't had a period in a year when I was conceived. Oh and I knew a lady who had periods until she was 57. Don't freak out, it seems to be winding down.
debra16694 debra58829
lena53512 debra58829