5th metatarsal fracture help

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Hello everyone ! I fractured my 5th metatarsal non displaced on September 30th. I am currently in a plaster cast and have had zero pain what so ever since the night I fractured it. My cast is non WB. What was everyone's recovery like? I'm

Hoping when I go back in 3 weeks I'll be put into a hard soled shoe or boot, did anyone else go through this? I need some uplifting spirits As I am incredibly miserable and unable to be independent which drives me crazy!'

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    Hi Everyone.....

    I dont know why I have not sought out a forum for my foot before now considering I have been dealing with my fracture since last July 2015. I fell down some stairs last july and fractured the base of my 5th metatarsal. It wasnt fully a jones fracture or an avulsion fracture. So, the doctor treatment me with a walking boot for 8 weeks. At the 8 week mark my bone showed no signs of healing. Followed up with more x-rays in another 4 weeks, still no healing so we got an exogen bone stimulator. Another 8 weeks goes by and still showing no signs of healing and is painful to walk on. At that point my orthopedic surgeon decided that surgery would be needed. I went in for surgery on Jan 4th and was in excrutiating pain following surgery that was bad enough that i went back to the hospital 3 times and each time they just gave me more pain meds. The surgeons office said that post op heel pain was normal and that i probable just had a low pain tolerance. I was taking 2 percocet every 4 hours and my pain was still 10 out of 10. It turns out the reason i was in so much pain is that the screw that was placed was being pulled away from the healthy bone slowly and on top of that the cast was too tight and I was developing a severe pressure ulcer on my heel. All of this would have been discovered right away had the doctors in the ER bothers to x-ray my foot or take the cast off to see why i was in so much pain. The issues were not discovered until my 3rd week post op follow-up xray and cast removal. At that point i already had a huge black pressure ulcer on my heel and my doctor informed me that I would need another surgery because the bone was not in the correct place anymore. So back I went for another surgery on february 1st. This time he took out the screw and used sutures to hold the bone fragments together. I suppose one benefit of the second surgery is that I wont have any post-op issues with the screw causing issues. I am now 8 weeks post op and am just starting to bear weight again after 3 months of not walking. So far everything is looking ok following the second surgery on x-ray, but the pressure ulcer is slow going. This whole thing has been such a nightmare for me. I am hoping that there is light at the end of the tunnel now! Basically everything that could go wrong with this break has gone wrong.....

    I wanted to ask others who have had surgery, how did you find walking again? I find my whole foot aches and my calf muscles keep spasming even with crutches. I am wondering how long before you were walking normally again?

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      Let me first start off with saying I am so sorry you're going through this mess! Although I did not have surgery I had a very hard time walking and had to go to physical therapy to learn again. I had shooting pains throughout my entire foot and felt like I was walking on ice knives and needles. And oh gosh, my calf had the worst spasms ); I cried all the time. I finally spoke to someone that said to start taking calcium magnesium and iron vitamins as well as eating a lot of bananas. The spasms stopped. Another thing that helped me was bone stimulators from PT. maybe speak to your doctor about getting in to PT for strictly a bone stimulator, it definitely can be attributed to my walking again
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      Greetings Teresa,  I read what you wrote a few days ago and just cried because you really went through hell and I didn't know what to say to you.  I was mad at the doctor who treated you, mad at the ER cause they should have done more, and just mad that anyone had to go through such a horrible ordeal.  I'm glad that I found this forum and glad that you did too because there are some really nice folks with good feedback that have gone through some of this.  Now it is your turn for good things to happen and it seems you are on the right track with your healing.  I did not have to have surgery, but I am also just starting (1 week ago) weight bearing on my R foot.  So I guess I am right where you are in the healing process except that you have much more healing to go through that I do.  I was NWB for only 4 weeks and had been in a boot for the week before that.  I guess I thought it was strange that they had you in a boot for such a long time.  I was injured as you were I fell on stairs.  I went to the ER and was put in a boot.  I thought the boot was great except that it was my R foot and I couldn't drive.  A week later I had my first Ortho visit and ended with me being put right into a NWB cast.  I was shocked because I thought I was going to be told how well I was doing and got really depressed at having to go into a cast.  After hearing what happened to you I've decided that I am just such a whining baby.  Whine, whine, whine.   Anyway I am finding walking somewhat difficult but I have a high top boot and a walker.  I think a walker would be much better that crutches which would hurt under my arms.  Have you tried a walker?  When my foot aches, and it's not the whole foot just the R side, I take Advil and that helps.  I have had many muscle cramps in my calf and elsewhere in the past but not with this injury and I've taken Magnesium.  I got the raspberry-lemon flavor powder at the health food store and I mix it into a drink mix usually raspberry tea or lemonaide.  If you try it be carefull with the amount.  I started with 1/2 the serving size and still had to run to the bathroom.  I'm sure you know to stretch the muscle that is in spasm to relieve the pain.  I was wondering is physical therapy would be part of the recovery process.  My Dr. doesn't tell me much.  When my husband broke his hip and had it pinned, he went to PT.  I have been doing some stretching and flexing, also I still elevate my foot when sitting.  Maybe it helps.  As far as a timeframe for walking normally again, I have no answer.  You have to remember that you are just starting again with weight bearing after all the @$#% you went through.  I definitely think there is light at the end of the tunnel for you.  You are much stronger than I would have been and I hope for the best for you.  Let me know how things go.  You are in my thoughts.   Hugs,  Dev's Mom      
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      I am glad to know the spasms are something others have experienced. They are aweful! I am currently taking a multivitamin and extra zinc to help the ulcer heal. I might look into other supplements to see if they help. Thanks for the suggestion smile


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      Thank you for your words of encouragement! This has honestly been one of the toughest things i have had to go through. It doesnt help that I am in the middle of nursing school and have had to withdraw for a year to have this surgery and get back on my feet for clinicals. I am trying my best not to dwell on my anger at the medical staff becuase it gets me so worked up. I can't even believe that this has happened and the whole thing could have been avoided if they hadn't been lazy. I havent tried a walker, but it might be something to look at. I have been using a knee scooter for the last 3 months so i am a bit wobbly on crutches having never used them during the rest of the recovery period. I need to keep reminding myself that its just the beginning of recovery and i need to be patient, its just so hard when I am so anxious to resume my normal life. The ulcer still has a long way to go but it has been healing quickly overall. The first pic was take Feb 21st and the second was taken yesterday. Thankfully i am youngis (30 lol) and am not diabetic so I have that working in my favour. (sorry if they are too graphic....I just know a lot of people arent familiar with pressure ulcers so i thought i would share what i am really dealing with)
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      Dear God, you poor thing! At the very least this experience is going to make you a very caring and empathetic nurse :-) Have you tried an iWalk? It saved my butt for the first few weeks I had to be non-weightbearing. Not the cheapest thing, but worth every penny. I was lucky enough to borrow one.
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      Yes, it has certainly made me realize the importance of taking patient's reports of pain seriously. When i am finally a registered nurse this whole thing will help me undstand what its like for my patients. I am past the point of being completely non-weight bearing now so the iwalk wouldnt help, but thank you for the suggestion..... its just the long journey of learning to walk normally again.
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      OMG!! YOU CANT BE SERIOUS. I mortified. That is almost one of the worst sores I have ever seen. Except for gangrene, that is the worst. I am soooooo sorry you have had that to deal with on top of a broken foot. You have made me ashamed of myself for any complaining I did while inbthe healing stages. You deserve a medal. I do hope you have seen a lawyer. That is inexcusably! Someone has to answer for that for sure. Looks like its healing well. Thank God! Im sure keeping it proped up above your heart helps to releave any pain and burning you may be having. Did they give you anything for pain? Do you have a cream that has an antiseptic plus anesthetic in it to pit on that sore? I pray its not too painful although I dont know how it couldnt be. Please do keep us all informed on your pogress. Im sending positive thoughts your way..!
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      I'm with you hinky, I feel ridiculous for any of my complaining after seeing/hearing all that! Yes, I too hope she's got a lawyer...
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      Ya, it is pretty horrible how bad it got. My ortho surgeon said he has never seen this happen in his 20 years practicing to a healthy young person who is mobile and not a diabetic. I basically felt every second of my heel dying..... It's not painful anymore, but I think that's because the nerves were killed off and it's scar tissue that is regrowing. I am currently using medihoney on the wound and an absorbent dressing, which has been amazing and really helped to get rid of the dead tissue. The yellow you see in the wound is not pus, it's slough which can happen in more severe full thickness wounds. It's only a little bit painful when I try to walk with my crutches because it pulls on the skin and puts pressure on the wound base. I will keep you guys posted on the wound. I have been taking pics with each dressing change so I can see the progression smile 
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      if I also wanted to add that you shouldn't feel bad for complaining about your recovery. Everyone is entitled to complain when they are going through rough things. You get a total card Blanche for foot fractures lol they all suck no matter how bad they are 
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      No lawyer ..... I just want to put this all behind me. It can be a 3-5 year battle to see anything from it and it's a big "if" even at that point. 
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      Here are some more pics of the progress along the way.... It has been slow going but I am trying to stay positive. At least my scar from the surgery is neat and tidy lol
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      Wow!!!! Well, the old,saying "You've come a long way baby sure holds true here!! Thank goodness your healing well and it looks really good in the last picture. Keep up the good work.
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      First and foremost i would definitely contact a lawyer. You need to voice the issue before it happens to anyone else. That is truly unexcusable. I know you want this behind you, I was put into a situation where i wanted it behind me and didn`t contact a lawyer even though i know i shouldve. I am so sorry you went through this i really am. Yes, the spasms were a normal for me. Unfortunately. But eating more bananas and taking the vitamins have definitely put that at a standstill.


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      Hi Teresa,  You're right I've never heard of or seen a pressure ulcer.  If I saw one when they took the cast off of my foot I would not have been able to breathe because I would have been sobbing my eyes out.  If I had been 30 lol, however, I probably would have been so p*ssed that anyone on that floor would have had their ears burn right off even though they may not have been the cause of the problem.  "Problem" isn't at all a strong enough word to express what you had to go through.  I must say that seeing the pictures of your ulcer healing progress is quite remarkable.  The medihoney must be a great product!  I totally understand your desire to not to be involved in a malpractice law suit, but I think you should seriously reconsider. Talking to an attorney may give you options that you are unaware of and with knowledge you can make an informed choice.  You have been damaged.  Damaged way beyond "pain and sufferring".  You have lost a year of your life, your schooling, and, therefore, your career, including wages as a nurse. Who is paying the bills that were totally unnecessary had it not been for their negligence??  Gosh, I seem to be going on and on, but remember all medical practices are fully insured and you have very good documentation including medical records to support the negligence.  I don't think the process, once begun, would go on for years. I doubt after you told your story, like you have done in this forum, that you would have to be that involved.  Let the attorneys for the profitable medical facility and the profitable insurance company deal with your attorney.  They are responsible for what happened NOT you and they need to take responsiblity in the only way they can with money.  Any settlement, if you don't want/need it can always go to a medical school or charity.  In my humble opinion, they should pay and pay big for what they have done to you physically and emotionally.  In a grocery store parking lot I backed fully out of my space and was about to take my foot off the brake to drive forward when another car (didn't see me behind them?) and backed out and hit me right in the driver's side back door of my car.  You bet I called my insurance company and they called theirs and the two companies fought but, I got my car fixed.  That's why people and businesses have insurance..........even for "accidents".  You had an accidental fall.  They failed in their duty to properly care for you.  That is not what I call an accident.  Okay, I'm off the horse.  This week I'm working on putting more weight on my R foot than I did last week.  Last week, while on the walker, I let my arms carry most of the weight for my R foot.  I'm now trying to step equally on my L & R foot while using the walker for balance.  Some of the time I bring one foot level with the other then move the walker, take a step and bring the foot forward and level again.  And sometimes I try not to stop in between steps but simply let the walker roll forward as I walk forward.  That's so exciting.  How are you coming along?  I think a walker would help you much more than crutches.  I did have a scooter when I was totally NWB.  I loved it in the house, but it didn't do stairs.  I still have it, probably through this month, and I still use it first thing in the morning to speed to my coffee and I am a little un-coordinated first thing in the morning.  Take care and keep in touch.  Dev's Mom  
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      Just had my last post to you go to "moderation"  Hmm.  Hope you get it eventually or at least part of it.
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      I'm with you on the lawyer for Teresa.  My message to her is being "moderated".  OMG what did I say???  Oh, since we have seen pix from her, there is a way to post the puppy!  Keep healing everything, back, knees, foot, and smile too.  The smile helps!  
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      Thank you for your encouragement. I think i might get a consult with a lawyer just to see what my options are. I am doing better day by day at this point. I havent had any calf cramps this week while walking so i am happy about that and my ulcer has made more progress. I have a follow up -ray tomorrow afternoon to see how the bone is doing since i have been weight bearing. Fingers crossed that everything looks good smile
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      I hope that you had great news at you doctor's visit.  It did sound like everything had been improving......no calf cramps and further ulcer healing.  I think you will finally have some control in your life and doesn't that feel good!  Just thinking about getting a consultation with an attorney is a big step (no pun intented) for you.  Congrats.  I go back to the Orthopedist next Tuesday.  I have no clue what's in store.  I think I have been improving too.  I am walking in my hi boot without a walker.  I have been doing some ankle stretches when the boot is off like when changing clothes.  I'm a bit worried that my foot will heal but my ankle will be a problem.  I will ask the doctor on Tuesday because if I hadn't twisted my ankle I wouldn't have fallen and my ankle was never xrayed.  Just learned today that I have mild glaucoma and will have laser surgery for it 5/4.  It's a b*tch getting older.  Tell us about your medical visit.  I did have my fingers crossed for you.  Dev's Mom
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      Hi Devsmom! Yes, i got good news at the doctors last week. I am allowed to transition to fully weight bearing now. He is still following the ulcer progress closely to make sure there are no complications. The bone is looking good and i have another follow up on May 13th. He did say i may need to have a debridement done on the ulcer if it hasnt made enough progress at that point. Basically they take a scalple and scissors and cut away the remaining dead tissue. It can be very painful so i am hoping that will not have to happen!

      In terms of your ankle, it is possible that there could be remaining issues. Hopefully the orthopedist will be able to help! Keep us posted on how things go smile

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      OMG what great new about being fully weight bearing now.  I also consider myself fully weight bearing now.........that is, in a huge high boot which makes me walk really funny.  I alternate between walking on the ball of my left foot to make my stride that same height as my R foot  or wobbling high to low strides which confuses my L hip.  I've been afraid to put weight on my R foot without the boot.  I see the doctor tomorrow and see what he has to say.  I hope for continued healing, no cast and being able to at least sleep without the boot!  Being able to drive again would be too much to ask.  That debridement sounds gross but I think you've already been through gross and that medihoney(?) has been working well.  What would be painful if it's just the dead tissue that is being removed??  If the debridement becomes necessay I'd worn them that you expect no pain!  I've been exercising my ankle twice a day, well stretching it..........with no weight on the foot.  You know flex and point, circles, sole in and sole out, writing the alphabet with my toes.  But that doesn't strength it until I can put weight on it.  I'll let you know what's up after my "visit" tomorrow.  wink
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      Ya, the medighoney is working very well. It has done a good job of removing the slough (white part in the wound). Basically the doctor wants all of the slough that is in the wound to be gone for it to heal well. The below picture is what it looked like on saturday, so it has come a long way since the last pic i posted 2 weeks ago. The painful part would be the scraping away of the dead tissue since healthy tissue is usually taken with it as well. I am going to be sure to get good anesthetic before hand because i feel i have been through enough pain at this point!

      Sleeping without a cast is heaven isnt it! Its funny how the small things end up being such a big deal after so much discomfort lol!  When i was in a boot last summer i had the same problem of the mismatched leg heights... for me i found a higher running shoe helped even things out a lot. 

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      Oh, it is looking much better.  If it will heal better......debride away, with good drugs of course.  I'd also need anti-anxiety meds.  I don't know if this would help your heal or not but it is an inexpensive, feel good treat that I use instead of coffee ice cream.  I make a sugar scrub for my hands.  I put about a tsp. or so of plain sugar in the palm of my hand and then squirt on some hand cream and rub away, rinse, and my hands feel so smooth.  I'm going to try it on my feet!  I use cheap Jergens original cherry almond scent cause it reminds me of younger, easier, days and grandma.  I do have a higher soled shoe that I have worn at home but it's a slip on sandal with out any real support.  I have looked on line at the Vionic shoes that Hinky or Shawney like.   I'd like to see them in person and try them on.  My foot is a bit narrow and if I don't have a good fit for it my foot slides down and my toes end up squashed at the end of the shoe.  Sometimes I just have to tie the shoe on quite tight.  I've never tried a running shoe.  Mine are all aerobic or crosstrainers that allow for both forward and side movement.  I can't wait to get back into my routine 9:00 step exercise class.  I've put on at least 5 lbs.  Grrr  
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      Hi Teresa,  Just touching bases.  I did have my Orthopedic appointent last Tuesday and I had great news!  He is done with me!  Said I could walk on my foot without anything.  I think doctors are very strange these days.  They don't exactly tell you just what is best for you to do and if you don't ask questions hmmmm.  I didn't even bring a real shoe with me because I had never put weight on my foot except when in my hi fully padded boot.  I wasn't prepared for being good to go.  I asked him about my ankle being weak and that I didn't want to twist it again and break another bone.  Then he told me about an ASO (ankle support orthotic) brace and did I want one?  Duh.  Yes! I asked if I could go back to my exercise classes and then he said a Physical Therapist could determine if that was best.  Well, then Doctor am I going to PT?  Well, patient do you want too?  Yes, if it would be helpfull!  It was like in the ER when they asked if I wanted a cast or a boot.  Of course I said a boot because who would want a cast??  Well, if I had known better I would have asked for a cast and saved a week of recovery time.   It's like you have to tell them what you want and don't know what the choices are.  The Physical Therapist is very nice. I have a limited range of motion and have exercises for that and strength and balance too.  I'm riding an exercise bike and will start with a senior class 2X weekly.  My husband drove me to an empty parking lot and I drove around it and then around my neighborhood.confused  PT will be weekly.  It would have been a crime if I said that I didn't need it.  I'm much slower walking than normal and hope to get faster.   Laser eye surgery (glaucoma) next week.  I'm sooooo glad I can drive again and sleep without a cast or boot!  I'll be thinking of you with crossed fingers on the 13th.  Keep us all up to date.  Dev's Mom
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      Hi Shawney!

      Thanks for checking in with me smile I am doing well... my heel has been progressing steadily. There is only a small portion of the white sloughy stuff in the wound, so i am thinking that it might not need a debridement. I rescheduled my appointment for the 13th for this friday the 20th. I go back to have the wound looked at as well as a new x-ray. I am walking without crutches now, which is really exciting! I am not walking completely normally yet. I still experience pain when i walk, but it mostly due to atrophied muscles. Its not that deep aching bone pain that i used to have when my fracture was a non-union. It feels more like sore tired muscles. I just have to keep pushing through to rebuild all of the strength i lost over the 3.5 months of non-weight bearing.

      How are things going with you?

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      Hi Teresa,

      I've been wondering how your doctor's visit went for you.  Nice that you have been walking without crutches.  Hope that you are walking normally again and that your heal is all better.  Most of the last 5 days I have been walking normally but at first with a bit of a limp.  I do see my doctor again on the 16th.  I've been doing all my PT exercises and have been going 2 X's weekly to group exercise "senior" classes.  I try to stand during most of the class.  Not ready for step aerobics yet.  Still fighting with all the weight gain while I was NWB or just hungry, slow and lazy.  I tried a pair of sandals at a shop in town but had to take them back as I seem to be in between sizes.  Also the arch was quite high for me.  I wanted sandals with a strap in back and nothing between my toes.  All the Vionic sandals had the toe piece.  Perhaps that wouldn't have been a problem.  I'm still getting foot and ankle swelling and redness but that doesn't hurt.  Well keep me up to date because I care about how you are doing. smile     

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      Hey Devsmom,

      Sorry, i have been MIA... I am in the midst of packing for a move. My wound is still there and am expecting at least another 1-2 months for it to heal fully. I have included a picture below so you can see how it looks now compared to before. I did end up having to get it debrided, which was quite painful but only last about 30 seconds so thankfully it was brief! I am walking mostly normally (with open back shoes). I find that when i first stand after a while my whole foot and leg is sore, but after i am moving for a bit it is not painful. I think it is just the long NWB period i had. I have to go back to see the surgeon in another month for x-rays and a follow-up on my wound. I didnt have an x-ray last time, but i think he is going to see good things on my next film. That old dull ache when i had the non-union isnt there anymore. Now its just a sore muscle feeling. I also get the foot an ankle swelling at the end of the day, but its totally normal for quite a while after an injury of this magnitude. I hope your exercise classes have been going well and that you are getting back to normal as much as possible.

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      Hi Teresa,  Your heel does look better!  I'm glad that the debridment pain was short lived.  But, as I said before, you shouldn't have had to go through any of this horrible experience.  I'm walking pretty normally too and picked up a very cute pair of open backed summer sandals.  My foot occasionally reminds me to take it easier with a moderate throbbing.  The swelling and redness varies.  My follow-up isn't until 7/25 and I also hope to see and hear good things like being able to get back to my step aerobic class.  Currently I'm going twice weekly to a "senior" class and continuing my PT exercises.  I do forget the balance ones and there're the ones I guess I need the most.  I'm very glad to be able to get back onto my yard and garden.  This is the time of year that I could spend too much $$ at the nursery.  I was surprised to hear that you were moving.  For me that has always been very stressful and tiring.  I hope that you are very careful and have lots of help.  Are you staying in the same area or moving a distance?  I hope that you will still be able to get back to your nursing school.  When we moved in 2004 from AL to just North of Portland in WA State I didn't know a soul and so I joined Clark County Newcomers, Weight Watchers, and the Parks and Recreation Marshall Center where I go to my exercise classes.  That's were I made new friends.  School works too.  Let us know how things are going medically and moving wise.  You take care now.  Dev's Mom 
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      Hi Hinky,  I marked my calendar to touch bases with you on 7/23 but I'm late as usual.  So, how was your 1 year anniversary??  It seemed to me that you have been doing great and certainly are an inspiration and font of knowledge on the Jones fracture.  I was "released" last week by my orthopedist.  I'm pretty much back to doing everything that I was before my fall.  I'm so glad to be back gardening again!  I can return to my step aerobic classes if I wear the ASO brace on my ankle.  I don't know if I've got the guts to get back on the step since I fell on steps in my own home.  I think I'm also using my husband as an excuse because I have to take him to many appointments leading to hip replacement surgery the end of next month. Instead of him driving me all over I'll be driving him all over.  I'm also wondering how some of the other "Jones's" are doing like Shawney and Teresa.  I'm thinking of all you gals!  Dev's Mom

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      How sweet of you to remember me in the Ann. Of that fateful day. I
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      My phone went nuts and sent my message before I was done answering you! I was saying ,how sweet of you to remember me on my Ann. Of that fateful day. I was working that day on the same train's as I was that day. All I could think about was what had happened on those steps. Do you know they have yet to fix those wavy steps. They tell me they would have to take that car off the train to fix the steps and they can't afford to have it out of service right now. I freeze every time I have to walk down them. As for me I'm doing great back to all my normal stuff. Just finished another play and my foot didn't give me any troble on stage. Solo I'm good.. Hope hubby does well with his hip surgery. At our age life does become trade offs..LIL. Keep in touch. Thanks again for thinking of me. We have developed a nice little sorority of 598th metatarsal girls on here.

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      Hi Hinky and Shawney and Teresa.  Yesterday I finally went back to an aerobic class.  Yeah!!  No it wasn't my step class because It still scares me and my husband is 5 weeks out from hip replacement and not driving.......so I'm trying to be carful.  The class was Zumba.  I was way in the back row and sucked, but I "danced" for the whole hour.  It was fun and I'll go back next week.  I think I might look up Zumba on the internet to learn some of the dance steps cause all I know is the chacha. I'm also going to have to learn to move my hips.  I would like to hear how the 3 of you are doing.  Well I hope.  Teresa you even moved!  Devs-mom   


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