5th Metatarsal Fracture Recovery
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Hello. I have a number of questions.
8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. I just got out of my cast yesterday and was out in an air cast/boot. And the doctor left me with a number of questions unanswered and my next appointment isn't for 4 weeks with no physio or such before hand.
1. Today I have been able to start walking, worst I have been is using one crutch, mostly able to walk with no crutches, is this ok after only a day? I don't want to go on doing myself damage. The doctor told me that for my next appointment there is a chance that if I feel able I could come in my own normal footwear, but he never said anything for until then.
2. When showering, afterwards, am I able to weight bear for a step or two without the boot on to sit down again to dress etc. I'm unsure on this
3. What exercises are good to strengthen my calf muscles and also to gain back full range of motion in my ankle, I know one or two from sports injuries, but i haven't been told anything of this nature for this specific injury.
Any help would be very highly appreciated, as I just don't want to damage my foot further and either permenently injure myself or hinder the healing process
As aside information, I'm 19, a little overweight but in relatively good shape.
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Thank you!
joyce1947 martha69827
sydney_92742 joyce1947
joyce1947 laura145
jake41854 laura145
melissa54907 jake41854
I'm in the same boat..I'm 6 weeks into the 5th metatarsal fracture thats non union and displaced..needing surgery. I'm scared to use a crutch as I am sort of clumsy and have trouble with my eyes..I'm still working on it part time and not exactly able to stay off it like I should be..they gave me a shoe in the er but I've found a tall boot to work in to keep it stable..will they have to re brake it with surgery?
b100 laura145
JazziJ b100
I too was panicking about healing times after trawling the web.
Like you I was in a cast for a week from A&E, but was given a hard soled shoe on my first visit to fracture clinic, i was hoping for an air cast but this is even beter, and told that it is better not to imobilise the ankle. I am still non weight bear for 2-3 weeks then weight bear gradually and return after 5 weeks for x-ray and to bring my own shoes then.
The shoe had made normal day to day activities much easier, can wear normal trousers, put foot down for short periods and can shower.
Like you say every break is different, but it may not be too bad.
jazzbaby b100
thank you for the ray of light you shined on this forum- much appreciated!
i think i have the same fracture as you and even the 10 days after my injury, before i got myself to hospital to do an x-ray and needed surgery (i was in denial), i still managed to hobble around on it with only a bit of pain. after surgery, they put 5 pins into the foot to hold the pieces of bone together, they gave me crutches and said to only WB 25%. last week, week 5, i underwent the second surgery to take the pins out. the surgeon vaguely told me to WB the same as before and continue with the crutches for 3-4 more weeks. after being EXTREMELY careful this past week by staying at home and only moving around when neccessary my pain is almost non-existant! i'm hoping this is a positive sign but i'm still confused as to how long i need to wait before getting back to running and my yoga practice. i certainly don't want to wind up back at square 1.
Mel_C_1237 JazziJ
I'm 42 and have broken my fifth metatarsal on my left foot over a month ago. It was a mid shaft break. I only got it xrayed 4 weeks after the injury. Ive had a cast on for almost two weeks now and the doc said no weight bearing. I see the specialist in two days and have no idea what he will say. I was a runner and am going nuts about being immobile. So how are u doing now??
KevRan Mel_C_1237
sena70954 b100
Ana_Martha b100
angela78631 Ana_Martha
Ana_Martha angela78631
Yes, thanks. Good luck. It sounds like it is slow progress but you are getting there. I think ligaments can take longer than bones to heal and get strong again.
darlene04896 b100
I broke my fifth metatarsal 12 days ago. After being in a soft cast and non WB for only a week, the doc put me in a compression boot and told me to WB as pain would allow. I've had little pain, but this morning my foot was rather sore. I'm wondering if I'm weight bearing too soon or if others out there are weight bearing as early as this, too. Some say WB helps heal faster; other say the more rest, the better. Confusing!
bailyBoo02511 darlene04896
I also had a fifth metatarsal break after 16 day's was told to WB also in the boot, the Dr said I was healing. I been WB for about a week now and no pain or swelling so.I will be going into week 5 on Tue . already feel I don't need the crutches but going for an another ex ray on Wed . I am following my DR 's orders as he the ortho and saw my ex ray's so I feel he know best . Glad your on your way to recovery and walking again.
Hugs Baily
dotquek Mel_C_1237
latisham22 dotquek
A few months ago I rolled my ankle, I work 12 hrs a day on my feet as a nurse tech, I never would have thought it was a 5 metatarsal fracture. One day after work I decided to go get and X Ray because it was painful after working. Needless to say he confirmed it was broke. The er doc put me in a boot and said wear this all times out of bed, and to follow up with orthopedic surgeon. Approx 1 week later went on for my appt he did another x Ray and said I needed a 5th metatarsal ORIF. He advised that The boot would not heal this fracture since I didn't come right in after I rolled My ankle. But guys when I injured my foot it didn't start hurting till months later, ...Update i had My surgery 10/26/16. My foot is still numb because they gave me a nerve block and said it would be. Numb 12-48 Hrs, I'm NWB for a month so I'm trying to stay in the bed as much as possible. For now im in a soft cast up to My knee. The doc said I won't be back walking or working till 01/27/17
After the first month he'll transfer me to a knee scooter. Good luck everyone. May the good lord heal you all.
bailyBoo02511 latisham22
Hope you feeling better soon
tb1016 latisham22
I hope all is going well with you!
melnarvo tb1016
I am 6 weeks post surgery on my 5th displaced metatarsal fracture. I rolled my ankle on 5 October and broke 4th and 5th. I had surgery on the 5th to insert a plate and five screws, but the 4th was not displaced, so the doctor said to leave it. My latest xray shows some union and the surgeon has advised to not weight bear until there is no pain, and then only partial, with my boot and crutches. Today was the first day I gave it a try, with minimal pain.
I've also gotten the tingling, aches and pains intermittently. I can't wait til this heals! I normally run, cycle and crossfit so this has really been a struggle mentally
latisham22 tb1016
Thanks for the Well Wishes. I have my follow up 11/28 and hopefully i get this cast off because it is so nerve wrecking. The pain is still terrible i'm wondering when will it go away.
misty8770 latisham22
Hi I rolled my foot really bad a week ago and heard it crunch. I work 12 hr shifts as well and denied it's broken. But it still hurts in pinky toe and down the side of foot. What were your symptoms? Did u bruise any?
sandi27417 misty8770
AthenaRising melnarvo
I hope you got an X-ray. I agree that fracture types and treatments vary by doctor. I am 55 yrs old and almost at 5 months recovering from a 5th metatarsal mid shaft spiral fracture of my right foot. My Doctor says it's a Jones fracture, and apparently a pretty bad one. I also broke it with a mid-step off my porch twisting my ankle. My biggest concern was if anyone saw me, lol. I was headed out to do some errands, get candy, etc because it was Halloween. In the car, driving, I pretty much forgot about it, until I got out of my car. Woof - it was quite painful to walk. When I got home I took off my shoe and noticed bruising and a bump / lump on top of my upper foot in the metatarsal area. I iced and elevated it and early the next morning my husband took me to ER. I remember the x-ray tech, when I asked what he saw, he said "the doctor will review it with you... but is it looks like you're in for a rough few weeks at least" - what an understatement! The doc was great, put me in an air boot with crutches, NWB instructions and advised me to follow up with an orthopedic doc. Crutches are of the devil... 5 days later I broke my left toe on my good foot by ramming it into my left crutch! I remember looking down and my pinky toe was at a 90 degree angle! I was in shock and cussed like a sailor.
Anyway, I feel very fortunate I got into the boot so soon after the 5th meta. break. I made appt with a recommended podiatrist for a week later. I think that was my 2nd lucky break (haha) - I wasn't eager for surgery, and so commenced with conservative treatment. I was off BOTH feet for 2 weeks, then I was able to use my left foot again in ortho shoe while still NWB on right foot... for 3 months. Best thing I did, and wish I'd done it earlier, was renting a knee scooter for holiday travel. Don't hesitate, lol. At 90 days my insurance approve a bone growth stimulator which I use once a day. I was able to start walking in the boot feb 14th (bought a shoe lift on amazon that fit my left shoe and raised it up so I was level with the cast, another life saver.) I have been wearing tennis shoes for 2 weeks. It's still broken, but X-rays show mending, and Doc says using it carefully to walk at this point stimulates healing.
I did over do it a bit once in shoes. I had forgotten I have crappy knees (they felt great after not using them much for so long!) got a new puppy and did something while playing with grandson to my left knee... and a recent MRI shows a meniscus tear :-( and so now have to see an orthopedic surgeon.
By the way, from the start my podiatrist padded, taped and wrapped my foot, so that my arch and the fracture are supported. I now pad and wrap myself, but I think it made all the difference.
It's great to see community hear for us special Jones dancers!
J9metatarsal AthenaRising
5 months that's such a long time. I am 48yrs old. I'm nearly at 13 weeks spiral fracture of mid shaft 5th metatarsal. I also sprained my ankle which is still a little sore but I do ankl excercises which has helped. It's so frustrating! I'm back at work now and It's causing my fracture area to hurt and swell. I seem to get different advice from drs. I went to A&E the day after I broke it after falling down the stairs. They put me into a backslab for the first 3 days. On the 3rd day I had my first appointment with the orthapaedic. I was put in a cast boot and told to wean off that & crutches afer 3 weeks which I felt was too soon but I came out of boot after 4th week . I went to my physio who was treating me for another injury and said I was hoping to be off crutches at 5 weeks but he said keep using the crutches. At my 6 weeks checkup I had x-ray and a different dr from the first told me to go back into boot with crutches for another 4 weeks! Went back 4 weeks later, had another x-ray and though there is bone growth but still the gap is there. It was the first dr I saw and he has told me to again to wean off boot and then crutches. After 2 weeks I am out of boot and using a walking stick but my foot is painful. I'm ok walking round the house without a stick but now I'm back in work I'm sruggling with it. Luckly I only work 5hrs a day 4 times a week so can recover a little. I was very active before it happened & so have found it very frustrating! & you don't really get much information.
You are the first to say that your's hasn't healed months later. Do hope you can keep me updated on your progress as your's is very close to mine.
elgeorgia J9metatarsal
terry2017 elgeorgia
J9metatarsal elgeorgia
They've had me weight right from the start. Say it's good for healing. It will be 17 weeks at my next appointment and if it's not showing any sign of knitting together then I'm going to express my frustration. I'm usually so active. I usually go to the gym and even compete in total warrior assault courses so I'm finding it difficult not being able to do these things. Hope you're foot is soon on the mend.
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
terry2017 sandi27417
Sandi, thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge. My doctor has me non weight bearing. He showed me the break and the location of strong tendons that would pull the bones apart if I put weight on my foot too soon. If I don't show signs of healing at next visit I will discuss having surgery for a pin. You seem to have recovered faster by having the surgery.
J9metatarsal sandi27417
I know I don't understand how walking on it helps. I feel if I'd had surgery I'd be well on recovery. If there's still a gap on my next appointment then I'm going to ask for surgery. They said their is bone growth but it's a big gap to fill. If it's such a big gap why did they not choose to pin it in the beginning. That's one question that I will be asking.
sandi27417 terry2017
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
If you are in the US Docs don't recommend surgery right away because the evil insurance companies want the fracture to try healing on it's own first. Not sure how other countries with public health care work.
J9metatarsal sandi27417
I'm in the UK. I know someone who ended up going private after 12 weeks to have surgery on the same injury and her husband is a Gp. Been tempted myself to get a second opinion. See what happens at my next appointment on 8th of may, should have been 1st of may but it's a bank holiday so clinic is off, they only seem to do clinics on a Monday. Just to drag it on a bit longer.
terry2017 sandi27417
I'm in the US, and you are right about docs don't recommend surgery first, unless you are a professional athlete. My doc told me at first appointment this Jones fracture takes longer to heal and there is a possibility of surgery. When I got home I googled "Jones fracture" and everything I read about it was discouraging. I think if I pushed for surgery my doc would pursue it, I'll see how next visit and xray goes.
sandi27417 terry2017
james03256 J9metatarsal
I have my appointment may 2nd, and am going on 6w of NWB in a boot. I have been using a bone stimulator for the past 4 weeks, 2x per day. I made the mistake of waiting 3 weeks before getting an X-ray, and just sucked it up using hiking boots but bc I couldn't push off when walking, couldn't run, and got tired of the pain, I finally went to the ortho clinic. Tuesday I get X-rays and find out if there has been any healing. The other option from my doc initially was surgery to put a plate in... however even with the surgery it looks like 8 more weeks of nom weight bearing. A knee scooter makes a big difference getting around the house. Also, I have been wearing the boot all day and using a lace up brace at night with an ace wrap over that to try and keep compression as well as immobility. Reading these forums is scary, as these bones don't appear to want to heal.
J9metatarsal james03256
The difference in the advice that is given is unbelievable.. It's over 16 weeks since I broke mine and it's still painfull. I struggle walking a long distance. I'm wearing a normal shoe but only able to wear just theone pair which is like a walking boot. I go for my follow up 8th and I don't think it is healed yet just because of the pain and I feel as though the bones are rubbing together so maybe their will be union soon. Never thought when it happened that it would take so long. The doctorr I first saw in A&E said up to 8 weeks but the fella who put my back slab on said more like 4 weeks how wrong was he! and well the orpho hasn't said anything about how long. Oh well hopefully soon it will be a distant memory. Good luck on the 2nd, do hope it's good news.
james03256 J9metatarsal
I'll keep ya posted and also want to know how you make out on the 8th. I agree with previous comments as my doctor told me that you need compression and immobility to heal... maybe yours is starting to heal enough where putting some weight on it will stimulate more growth- I don't know. Seems like the 5th metatarsal is a bear bc of poor blood supply. One thing I did before getting checked out was to tape my foot and use a hiking boot which took away a lot of the discomfort when walking. My doctor told me he had a past patient who didn't listen to his advice, was a smoker (which can slow healing time), and wasn't good about keepIng weight off her foot, and she healed after 7 months. Seems like an awfully long time.
J9metatarsal james03256
Yes please do keep me posted. 7 months is along time! I don't smoke so that's one less thing against me. Alcohol and certain painkillers can affect bone growth also so I don't take painkillers and I try not to drink too much either. Dr said last time that there was substantial bone growth but there is I a large gap to fill. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow, do hope you get good news.
james03256 J9metatarsal
Hey J9metatarsal,
So I saw the doctor on Tuesday and I got some good news: Significant bone growth; continue 2w more in the boot, and can start putting pressure on the heel only (while in the boot). After 2 weeks: can progress to a shoe, starting with weight on heel and then progress to walking normally. I see him in 4 weeks. Date of my injury: 2/23/17: did not see doc until 3/17/17 so I walked on it for 22 days. At that time I had a displaced 5th metarsal just past the area that would be referred to as a Jones fx. I was in a boot for 2 weeks, more xrays were taken and showed no healing. I started with a bone stimulater a few days later and continued to be NWB unitl my visit on 5/2/17. So its been 9w and 4 days. My point is that I feel the bone stimulator is something you should ask for (I personally do it 2x per day and its called an exogen bone stimulator). Ill let ya know how I make out in 2 weeks once I start putting weight on it. Again, its healing nicely but not fully healed, he said "80 percent". Also, this doctor came highly recommended. The very first doc I saw on my initial visit wanted to put a screw in the bone and said I had a Jones fracture. So, I hope this info is helpful to you, or anyone else going through this. Its a very frustrating, painful, and variable injury, as these posts show. Peoples treatments and rehab are all over the place and theres alot of depressing and defeating info when you read it. Im sure the people that heal quickly, have surgery, or move along rather normally dont post their issues. So we see alot of negative. I was very nervous, and frustrated, but the good news is that both of our bones are in fact healing. Let me know how you make out at you're appointment next week.
leftfootfecked james03256
Hi James and everyone else who has contributed to this post. A fracture to this 5th metetarsal bone can be very complex and it appears everyone's recovery is different..
I can also report some good news. Yesterday I had surgery on my fractured 5th metatarsal. Screw fitted into shaft.
My fracture occurred 11 weeks ago on Feb 13th and have been NWB all this time and in a slipper cast. Saw registrar on couple of occasions before seeing consultant after week 10. Very fortunate that he fitted me in this following week.
So I am currently in a back slab cast for approx 2 weeks then remove and change to slipper cast. NWB for a further 6 weeks, but hey like you I feel like I've turned the corner and am on the homeward straight. They surgeons stressed the importance to me on NWB for full 6 weeks due to possible refracture of bone even with screw fitted which would require surgery again.
I realise I was unfortunate like us all to initially fracture but fortunate having had the time devoted to me by these skilled surgeons. I will be doing my utmost to ensure I follow their advice & instructions.
Can't wait to resume light training in gym and go out on mountain bike..
I'll post again in few weeks to give a further update..
Stay positive all :-)
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi James
80 percent is great news. I'm in the Uk & not sure if the bone stimulator exists here. I broke mine on the 6th jan but went to hospital day after as I couldn't walk on it. I had to rest it the first weekend but was advised to weight bare on the monday but with crutches too. I go monday so will ask about the bone stimulator if it is still not healed. I'm seeing a physio for another problem and he is treating my foot too, when I mentioned physio to the dr he said I probably wouldn't need it! I think the physio is helping as I sprained my ankle and the exercises he's given me have helped with the stiffness, he's not given excercises for my entire foot yet as he's waiting until the bones have joined. Do you get offered physio in the US? I will let you know how I get on. Will be frustrated if there's still a gap. You are right though atleast there is healing in our bones. Someone was saying 8 months down the line and they're still not healed! That'd be a nightmare! I'm trying to stay possitive but sometimes it is so frustrating as I'm usually so active. Take care of yourself and your foot.
Kind regards Janine
james03256 J9metatarsal
Hi Janine, we are offered physio here in the states, but I personally was not offered it at the last visit. It will be up to me to progress and see how it goes. If I am not doing alot better at my next appointment I will ask for it. Did you sprain you're ankle on the same side as you're fracture? I also am very active, and this has been a real shock to my system. I actually had developed a blood clot, or DVT, in my calf, from immobility, after a few weeks in the boot, so I have been on a blood thinner since then, and will hope to get off of it in another 6 weeks or so. I am eager to hear how you make out at you're next appointment and hope that the xrays show more healing. How is the fracture area feeling at this point? And how does it feel when you walk?
james03256 leftfootfecked
Thats so good you were able to get the surgery done, and now you are on you're way to recovery. One question I have is, how did you're bone look after 11 weeks of being non weight bearing? Was there no healing at all? I was fortunate enough to have bone stimulator, which must have really helped significantly after reading so many of these posts, including yours! Look forward to hear how you're recovery is going.
leftfootfecked james03256
Hi James...
So I had xray after 9 weeks and it pretty much looked same as initial xray. It's a shame we cant attach photos here would be interesting to compare fractures.I took picture of my xray when the images were displayed on monitor in hospital.
My fracture was a displaced fracture running diagonally along the shaft of the metatarsal with a clear gap of approx 3mm where fracture occured
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi James.
You have been through the mill haven't you! Yes I sprain my ankle the same side when I broke my metatarsal and if I'm honest it was the sprain that caused the most pain at first. My whole foot is painful when I walk but guess it's because it hasn't been used to it. My break hurts sometimes especially when I move my foot a certain way. It is feeling much better but depends wether I've been on it aotI I'm back at work and on my feet alot so that affects it. I walked a couple of miles last friday though slowly but next couple of days it was very painfull. Don't think we generally get offered physio here, think you have to pester for it but it's only because I'm already being treated by one and he said to ask to be refered to him that I'm getting it and I was already getting treatment to my shoulder that I injured many years ago and wasn't offered physio then so all these years later it's causing me problems and has done since I did it falling from a horse. I don't really have much confidence in our health care. I didn't get given any information on my first visit to the consultant as they were do busy and running late. I was 1 and a half hrs late seeing him and it took me a week to know what do with it and that's only because I got it from another hospital had information on their websight. It's 7 weeks since my last appointment so there should be some more growth and hopefully starting to knit together. 😉 Take care and I'll keep you posted about my next appointment. It is now 17weeks since I broke it. Who would think a little bone could be so much trouble!
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
Where did you say you lived? Guess Gov healthcare is not as good as I thought it would be. Have friends in UK and they seem to like it. My fracture was not displaced plus had screw put in so guess that is why mine was not as much of an issue. I did waste first 4 weeks to see what healing I would have. Some but not enough. Would have been another 8 to 12 weeks nwb then boot another 4. I was fortunate that once I had surgery it was just 4 NWB then 4 in hard soled boot. Never had pain after. So sorry to hear all these stories😩🤔
J9metatarsal sandi27417
Hi Sandi
I live in Cumbria, the lake district in the UK. I'm wishing I'd been given the choice of surgery. They never mentioned it to me but said in a letter to my GP that they explained to me that these type of fractures sometimes require surgery but they never said that to me but they were running behind and wanted you in and out as soon as possible so I hardly got any information. I've been advised if I do need surgery to have it done in another hospital as they're not that good at ours and that was someone who works there so makes you wonder. See what happens on monday. Glad you've had success and are no longer in pain.
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal sandi27417
My husband has private medical care through his work but would cost around £700 a year to add me and I believe if I was private I would have been operated on. My physio was surprised that I hadn't. I've been weight baring from around the 4th day though with crutches but seemingly it's good for circulation. It does kind of put your life on hold this fracture, do hope It happens again. It's good to communicate with people who understand. Will let you know how I get on. Take care..
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi James
Update on my foot. I saw yet another different Dr at my appointment yesterday but found this one very helpful, he explained my fracture to me and drew diagrams to show what healing there was, I wish I'd seen him in the first place as I had heard good things said about him. There is some good callus formation in one part of fracture but not the other, it's a bit hard to explain without pictures but my fracture isn't straight across but at an angle so on the right there is good callus formed but not on the left of it. I have to go for a CT scan and he is going to show it to a foot and ankle specialist who are obviously at another hospital and decide what to do next as it has taken so long to get this far. So I may be having surgery on it. I hope I don't have to wait too long for the scan. I'm a bit frustrated as I feel if I'd had surgery at the start I'd be well in recovery by now but it might turn out they decide I don't need it. Only time will tell.
james03256 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi Jim
In the morning it's not too bad but as the day goes on it does get very sore and also if I do too much, it's not as painful as it was for the first 14/15 weeks. I've just stopped walking with as much of a limp. I've found my opposite hip is painful but I tend to put most weight on that leg. I'm just wearing a pair of good supporting shoes, I can only wear the one pair so I wear them all the time for work and going out. I'm not using a brace or anything. I got given a walking stick off my physio but didn't find it helpful as it didn't take the weight off the foot and my foot was very painful! that was around 12 weeks. I just ended up going back to using a crutch then after a week I wasn't using anything. I've been weight bearing pretty much from the beginning with crutches as was encouraged to do so and was fully weight bearing at around 13 weeks. How is your pain? And are you weight bearing yet?
james03256 J9metatarsal
Hey Janine,
I don't have any pain and really haven't had much since I went non weight bearing. Remember, i waited 3 weeks to get looked at, and was walking fully on it, with pain, like you describe. So for the past 6-7 weeks I have been non weight bearing, and wearing a walking boot, and at night in bed I wear a small brace to try and keep it immobile. The wild card has been the bone stimulator- it must've really helped. Again, my break is not fully healed yet either but the doc is pretty confident it will be soon. At this point I can bear weight through the heel and use one crutch, but I'm going very easy, little by little each day. I have very little to no pain. Next week, I can basically "get rid" of the boot, and transition to a shoe, like you, and again, gradually get back to normal. once I put a shoe on, and start really bearing weight, I don't know what to expect, but I may "tape" my foot to give it some more support, and just progress slowly. My calf has shrunk on my left side bc I haven't been weight bearing, and overall I've gained some weight bc I'm not exercising. My goal is to get back to sports and exercise as I did before .... but it is a journey! Hang in there, and keep me posted and I'll do the same.
terry2017 james03256
I've been following all this conversation. I broke my foot (non-displaced Jones fracture) broken through 5th metatarsal into the 4th back Feb 25 after tripping and landing badly on foot. Was NWB for 6 weeks, started taking supplements including 3,000 IU of vitamin D, B complex and multivitamin. I tested very low in vitamin D on lab tests. I was then allowed to bear weight in fracture boot for a couple weeks. I'm now in stiff soled shoes inside of house, but wearing fracture boot outside. At last appointment my doctor said I am healing well, but no more details than that. I don't have pain while walking, but my foot still swells later in the day, and does seem sore. I am doing PT at home twice a day without pain. A question for anyone: after starting to walk in shoes, how long does it take to get back to a natural walking gait (not limping)? Is it normal to still have some swelling in afternoon? I have next doctor appointment Friday, am hoping to continue to get good report. Will be traveling internationally in a week for a vacation, and expect to need to bring the boot. Keep me posted on all your updates.
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi Jim
You might find that it will be painful once you start walking without the boot as I found it less painful to walk in the boot. I could walk quite alot with the boot and crutches but once I went without the boot it was very sore and I couldn't get very far without stopping. Do hope your's doesn't cause you too much trouble but the like said you walked on ir for you waited 3 weeks before you got it checked. My left calf shrank too but is now the same as my right but because I haven't done as much walking or excercise then they've caught up with each other. I've been using handweights and stomach excercises to try and keep fit. There's quite alot you can do on a chair. Look on youtube there's some good videos of excercises to do with a broken foot. Hope the weight bearing goes well and doesn't cause you too much discomfort. It's been a long road but slow and steady seems to be the key to this injury. Take care and let me know how it goes as I will you.
J9metatarsal terry2017
Hi Terry
I didn't start wslking normally until last week and that's 17 weeks but everone's different. You should take your boot just incase and let the airline know because I went to Madeira after I broke mine and they were very helpful. They gave us a wheelchair to use around airport and assisted us on and off the plane. In Madeira they used a special lift to take me on and off the plane. I still have swelling but only if I've used it alot. Good luck friday. Keep us posted.
james03256 terry2017
Hi terry, we are in a similar situation: our injuires were about the same time, and we both have healing, and both walking in a boot (i just started a few days ago). It doesnt bother me but I am not pushing off. Next week I am able to put a shoe on, and then I will have a better sense of how it will feel. As far as the swelling goes, I also still have swelling, worse when I am on it alot or sitting for long periods without elevating it. One of the best ways to decrease the swelling is by walking b/c of the "ankle pump" which is exactly what we dont get by walking in the stiff boot. What type of shoes are you wearing indoors and do you have pain when you push off that foot while walking? It will be interesting to compare once I am using a shoe next week......
james03256 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi Jim
You must deal with pain really well. I thought I did. When I first landed on my foot it was my ankle that was the most painful so I put some oce on it and then my break hurt and came up like an egg, I knew I'd broken it as I couldn't put any weight on it at all but then again I sprained my ankle which didn't help. I left it untill the morning before I went to A&E and only because at 11pm at night I would have been there hrs but instead it just took 2hrs from start to finish. I found as the weeks went on that most of the pain was underneath the fracture. Hopefully you won't bevin too much discomfort and you will soon be back to your basketball. Let us know how you get on without the boot. Take care.
terry2017 james03256
James, I am wearing a pair of athletic shoe that has a stiff sole. I was able to try on 8 different stiff soled shoes to find what was most comfortable. My injured foot is a full size larger because of swelling than my other foot, so lace up works best. I pretty much heel walk with limp, but when I make effort to use whole foot it doesn't hurt, but a little sore, and very slow going. One of my PT exercises is to stand flat footed with both feet, and then raise to ball of both feet and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat. That doesn't hurt as in pain, but is difficult right now. Keep us updated when you get in the shoe.
Emis Moderator comment: I have removed product/company names as we do not allow repeated posting of these in the forums. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service.
terry2017 james03256
I had a pretty good report and xray last Friday at my Orthopedic appointment. The bone fracture has essentially healed 99%. Bone density is "washed out" as the doctor said because of the time I spent Non-Weight Bearing. That was to be expected, and should improve as I continue to walk in stiff soled shoes. The swelling is more than expected, but not unusual and might take up to 3 more months to go away. I explained that an area under my foot above heal close to arch (opposite side of fracture) is sometimes painful, and after examination the doctor said I have the beginning development of plantar fasciitis. He prescribed additional physical therapy for both improving stretching and strength. Overall I was encouraged. I am purposely attempting to walk with normal gait, bearing weight from heal through push off and am able to do so without pain just very slow. Jim, have you started walking in a shoe yet?
J9metatarsal terry2017
Hi Terry
That's great news! You must be relieved... I have to have a CT scan and already have my appointment for Thursday the 12th, thought I would have to wait longer. I'll find out what they plan to do next as they're isn't much healing gone on in the last 18 plus weeks! Glad you're on the mend. Only 1% more and you're there. Good luck and I hope the physio helps. Take care
terry2017 J9metatarsal
Thanks Janine. Sorry you haven't had much healing. That must be so discouraging to wait so long. That was my fear at onset as my doctor prepared me at first visit based on location of fracture. Hope you get a solid treatment plan from the CT scan that puts you on the road to a quicker recovery. Good luck! Terry
J9metatarsal terry2017
Thanks Terry. Hopefully the scan will show more growth than the x-ray and I won't need an op. 😉 It's on the 25th next week not the 12th! Doh. I didn't really get told much on 1st visit as they were rushed off their feet and I was full of cold so wasn't in the right frame of mind to ask questions. I now take a list of questions I need to ask. Take care
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
Good luck. For me, surgery was easy, took 45 minutes, no pain!! 4 weeks NWB, 4 in boot then absolutely normal!!! Don't be afraid if you need it however, can't vouch for your physician🤔
J9metatarsal sandi27417
Thanks Sandi. Hope my surgeon does as good a job as your's did. Were you awake when you had it done? They say 6 weeks recovery here not sure if it's nwb or wb from the start. Countries seem to treat things differently. Glad your's was a success. Hope mine is too if that's the road I'm on. Take care..
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
I did have consioius sedation but of course, don't remember. The gave me a 36 hour block as well. Good luck!!!!!!
james03256 terry2017
Hi Terry,
Great news overall for you, minus the start of the plantar fasciitis; hopefully you can keep that under control before it gets too bad. But great news about you're fracture. I took you're advice with the hard soled shoe and ordered what amounts to a post op hard soled shoe, that I will use starting tomorrow, and Ill let ya know how it goes. From there I plan to go into a hiking boot, and then progress as I can. I think the best news that you shared was no pain with pushing off........ ill keep ya posted. Do you have to see the doctor again, in a month or so?
james03256 J9metatarsal
Keep us posted with you're scan Janine, which I guess is next Thursday. As far as what my surgeon told me here (US), if I had the surgery it was 8 weeks non weight bearing but then you move along pretty quick. Seems like Sandi had a fantastic recovery, so if you need it, it will go well I am sure, but keep us posted.
J9metatarsal james03256
Thanks James. I will let you know how it goes. Good luck with the shoe. I'm sure you'll come on leaps and bounds now. Take care.
J9metatarsal sandi27417
Thanks Sandi..I'm not bothered if I'm awake so long as I don't feel it. It's removal of stitches that bother me. I can have ops and be fine but when I or I see others having stitches taken out I have funny do's! 😕
sandi27417 james03256
james03256 terry2017
I am walking in a stiff soled post surgical shoe for most of day, alternating with a stiffer type basketball sneaker for a few hours. I am walking with one crutch, and have minimal pain, although at times it aches. I am not pushing off yet, keeping most of the weight on the heel and not forcefully going up on my toes; I will start to progress to that probably after my next doctor appointment which is 11 days away. Overall the swelling is decreasing and I have to say Im doing pretty good. I am exercising every day, gently, with ROM exercises. How are you doing?
james03256 J9metatarsal
Hi Janine, did you get you're scan? Any updates, how are you feeling?
james03256 terry2017
also wondering how you're plantar fasciitis is, and if it is hindering you're recovery?
J9metatarsal james03256
Hya James. Yes I had my scan but won't find out the results until the consultant looks at it. Not sure when that will be. I'm walking better though my foot seems to roll inwards and my little toe is starting to hurt now also. It's hot here at the moment so that could be why. The area where my break is is still a little painful but not too bad. Glad you're making good progress out of your boot. When I hear from the consultant I will let you know how it goes. Take care
terry2017 james03256
James, I'm doing as well as I can. I'm wearing stiff soled athletic shoes at all times. We are now in Portugal and there are several steps and cobblestone pathways. I'm not in pain but still get sore after walking for a bit. I am being extremely careful watching where I step with every step, so I move slow. I continue PT to stretch and improve strengh in my foot. That has helped my gait and the plantar faciiatis. My doctor wants me to ice the bottom of my foot 3 times a day for plantar faciiatis, but getting ice in Portugal is tough. I'm lucky to get ice for my pack once a day. Overall, I feel that I am progressing well, even though I'm very slow. Hope you get a good report at your next doctor appointment.
J9metatarsal james03256
Hya James & Terry how are you both doing? I finally have an appointment with the Consultant to discuss my CT scan on the 5th of july. I was thinking maybe I had been forgotten about. How have you been coping without the boot James? And how did you manage on holiday Terry?
terry2017 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal terry2017
Hi Terry. That's great news about the healing. Glad you managed to get about on holiday too. I was speaking to someone who waited 9mths before they operated and even now 1yr later they still get pain but are able to carry on as normal. Anyway keep doing the excercises and take care. Will let you know how I get on. Janine
james03256 J9metatarsal
Hey Janine,
So I am doing pretty good: saw Doc: said 99 percent healed and could slowly return to all activity. I returned to work this past Monday. I am using a running shoe or a basketball shoe, and am making out pretty good. I dont have much pain in the fracture site, but I do have discomfort in other areas, as well as some small swelling which is an annoyance. I also have some issues with circulation in that leg which I notice b/c the color is off a little versus the other leg, but I did have a blood clot (still on blood thinner for 2 more weeks- I get a repeat ultrasound to make sure its gone) so Im hoping this gets better with time. I am basically walking normal but not pushing off with that foot quite as well. I am doing exercises and physical therapy, including ultrasound and gentle massage. It really is a long road, but to put it in perspective: my injury was in February and I was dx with the fx on March 23. So its about 11-12 weeks since my diagnosis. Tell me about where you're at, and how you are feeling?
J9metatarsal james03256
Hi James. That's great news that you're nearly fully healed. Must have been hard going back to work after all that time. I was of for 11 weeks and that was bad enough. Do hope you're ultrasound gives you good results. I'm walking better and can walk further but it is still painfull especially if I've been on it alot and like you other parts of my foot hurt too. My break feels like cramp sometimes I'm guessing that's my bones moving. I feel better in myself now I can do more but I still can't do what I did before. See what they say on the 5th of july. It's over 23 weeks now. Hopefully if they decide to operate it won't be too long before it is done. Good luck with your ultrasound. Let us know how you get on. Will let you know how I get on. Take care. Janine
james03256 J9metatarsal
Figgie james03256
Hello James and Janine and others,
I've read some of your posts with interest. I hope this finds you all in a good place
I am in Week 11 since fracture of my 5th metatarsal. A mid-shaft, jaggedy-y break. I stumbled down stairs and landed on outside of foot on April 10.
The problem I'm having, and wondering if anyone else experiences, is that I have virtually no pain at all, which leads me to walk on it excessively and do too much, and then it "tells" me, later, when it's too late!! - that I shouldn't have done that. Yesterday I was in such a good mood thinking it was healing, but then I went to the gym and did some handstands, and I hurt it.
I am afraid I have interrupted the healing many times.
At 7 weeks, x-ray showed virtually no healing. There is a significant gap / space for the bones to grow together.
I have wondered whether I would be healed by now if I had had surgery right away.
Two different doctors - at 2 weeks, and at 7 weeks - said I could walk on it with boot. I didn't feel I needed the boot, and didn't use it. My problem seems to be psychological because I can walk on it without pain, as long as I limp and put weight to the inside, but that causes it to start healing, and then I go and do too much.
I am very desperate! The timing couldn't be worse. I've suffered 30 years not being fit, after being a gymnast as a child. I finally know how to get in shape, and I was fit 3 years ago with a combination of bikram yoga and walking, and I just quit my job so I could return to that exercise combination, but the injury occurred at the precise moment I quit my job to get back to this way of living. .... Plus I have properties where I need to do the yard work. Very frustrating! I feel sorry for us all.
sandi27417 Figgie
james03256 Figgie
Great question, and quite a predicament you are in. I was in a nearly similar situation, and after three weeks of walking on a broken fifth metatarsal, I finally went to see an ortho. I then spent two weeks in a boot, but slept without the boot and did some gentle range of motion exercises with the boot off. I then went to see another specialist, who x-rayed my foot and basically showed me that there was zero healing. So at this point I'm at five weeks. The solution was approximately eight weeks of very strict nonweightbearing in a boot, and my doctor set me up with a bone stimulator. I was very lucky that virtually full healing took place. The key was immobility, nonweightbearing, and the use of the bone stimulator. Trust me when I tell you I understand your predicament, I recently bought a house, and have a 14-year-old daughter who is with me full-time. This threw my world upside down, but the time does go by and before you know it you're healed. I am now back to work (2 weeks), continuing with therapy, and walking 1-3 miles with minimal discomfort... I'm not fully there - but I'm happy to be walking. To Sandi's point- surgery may be the quickest and smartest option but that's for the specialist to decide. Just know that you have support here and it looks like we've all been through it.
james03256 sandi27417
Sandi how are you feeling, specifically how's the foot, any swelling or pain? And what are you able to do at this point?
sandi27417 james03256
james03256 sandi27417
Wow that's fantastic Sandi
sandi27417 james03256
james03256 sandi27417
You made the right decision as The outcome was great for you. In my case I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks or so, then could slowly put weight on it through the boot and progress to a shoe ...... but- in my case it was a HOPE that the bone healed. It's looking at this point like I made the right decision too. It's helpful for those going through this bc most of the stories are nightmares and all you read about it a lot of non healing. I think our 2 cases give a good representation of 2 different successful ways to heal. And there is hope!
sandi27417 james03256
When I first got on the site I could not believe the stories however, I do think many with issues did not take NWB seriously. It really matters and is so difficult!! Also believe people are scared of surgery. My fracture was simple non displaced so popping a screw in literally took 45 minutes from start to finish. So many fractures are much worse. I have had a total shoulder that I tripped through as well. Horse riders are worn hard, put away wet and tough!!😂 Also crazy!!!😱
Figgie sandi27417
Thank you James and Sandi! I wish we could post our x-rays on here to compare our injuries!
James did you experience any pain during your first 5 weeks, when it was not healing? I have been assuming that no pain means healing is happening, and that's why I didn't wear the boot ... I was able to limp carefully (in stocking feet) and didn't have any pain when I did that, so I thought it was healing, but on the 12th day, that was the first time I failed to "limp carefully" and then the following day, had pain indicating all was not well...
On Day 12 I traveled to Oregon (I live in Pittsburgh PA) to spend 2 weeks with my mom helping her recover from a spinal surgery. I walked too hard in the airports so that following day, Day 13, is when I got it x-rayed and learned it was broken.
Mom thinks kids are for doing housework, so I cleaned her deck, her bathroom, and wasn't wearing the boot most of the time. I felt the right thing was to keep weight to the inside, and I could do that more easily without the boot. With the boot, I could only walk on heel.
I live alone in a big old house with six cats to care for, and have two other properties where there's tons of physical labor I need to do. I only have a rather difficult "friend" who does "help" me but he's difficult. Financially the clock is ticking. I only have a few months I can spend being physically active before I will need to return to a sedentary job for income.
I am hesitant to see another (third) doctor because I have been so disappointed with the two I have seen. Not worth the money. They weren't able to really talk to me about how to walk or my concerns about the boot not being the right thing. I asked both if I should wrap it with tape or anything and they said no, but I did start to do that and I think it helps. Surely it has to help with movement. When you bear weight, the bones spread (move). With just a little tape wrapped around my foot, that limits the spreading / movement, I would think.
I have high-deductible insurance and low income so this is a lot of money for me but I probably need to "get over" that and see another doctor. I'll ask about the bone stimulator, too. Thanks for your time sharing your experiences. I hate writing / posting like this, so I appreciate when others take the time.
leftfootfecked sandi27417
I'm 7 weeks post surgery after a displaced fracture of 5th metatarsal which i did back in February. Fracture didnt heal after 10 weeks so had surgery recommended by consultant with screw fitted.Had my cast off last week and now in a removable shoe and am able to weight bear with aid of crutches. I can slowly see the finishing line. Such a slow injury to heal
J9metatarsal Figgie
Hi Figgie. I feel your frustration. I am in England & treatment is so much different than the states. We're encouraged to weight bear from the start but in a boot. You maybe should listen to your drs as with you not having much pain you could cause more problems. I'm 24 weeks down the line and one minute it feels fine & I think great but then next minute I think oh yeah it's still broke. This forum is great because you can have a good moan to people who understand how it feels. Sounds like you have a hectic lifestyle and find it hard to rest your foot but you really need to rest it as much as you can. I'm hoping that if I do end up having surgery that I will be able to get back to doing stuff I used to do because at the moment if I walk too far I suffer badly the next day. I'm fine when at home as I can rest when I need but work effects it. Sometimes it feels like cramp where my break is! If you need to vent your frustration then feel free to come on here. Take care of yourself. Janine
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
Figgie J9metatarsal
Thank you so very much Janine. (That is my best friend's name
If I could live in England, even fat with a broken foot, I'd be happy!! I was there on many trips when I was very young and it made such an impression on me. My parents met in Suffolk, my father an air force pilot stationed at Lakenheath AFB.
You are still considering surgery? 24 weeks is a long time.
When I do have pain it is minimal, but just enough to tell me I have done something wrong. What I feel the next day, if I have overdone it, is a warm feeling in my whole foot. It is not actually pain.
I'll be at 11 weeks in a couple of days.
This morning I had a definitive reaction to the boot. I know the boot isn't good for me! When I talk on the phone I always pace. I was wearing the boot and pacing, absent-mindedly (while talking to my friend Janine..), and my foot started hurting. I know the boot isn't good for it. That's why I haven't worn it.
I know what I need to do, and what I need to avoid. I need to walk / limp carefully, with my foot wrapped with a little tape, and avoid the following:
no lifting / carrying anything of any weight
no handstands
no yoga
no yard work
I have to do litter boxes but I am now in the habit of doing that very carefully.
Do you have a job where you have to be on your feet a lot? I am lucky that I don't and yet as mentioned, I just quit my sedentary job specifically so I can spend a maximum amount of time on my feet....
I am not a runner but I love to walk. I walked at 6 months old and started gymnastics at age 3 - on the advice of my British nursery school teacher who observed that I was far more monkey-like than other kids on the playground. At age 13 I was the state champion.
Thank you for the support. I have never liked to come on the internet and whine, and always have been amazed at how generous people are with their time, offering kind words to strangers. Writing is difficult for me, so it's more of an effort, but that doesn't mean I don't also have empathy and wish others well
james03256 Figgie
I did the same thing - I taped it and walked slow, avoiding pushing off- whenever I pushed off it was a sharp pain. I got tired of the pain, but I could've taped and avoided it if I was careful...... in the end I just hated not being able to be normal .......
Figgie james03256
I can't believe you didn't bear weight for weeks! I can't imagine how that's possible. You wrote that the time goes by, but, you had another person in the house, and probably television. I only have six cats
One option for me is to go on my gut feeling that my foot will heal as long as I am extremely careful. In other words, it's a psychological challenge, to walk carefully, in stocking feet or a sensible shoe, and do NOTHING out of the ordinary, ever. Also to not walk on uneven ground, which includes my yard, which is a mess.
The prospect of having to go no-weight-bearing might be enough to keep me focused 100% on what I need to do, and avoid. No lifting and moving heavy things, and no showing off my old gymnastics moves at the gym
J9metatarsal Figgie
Well Figgie your friend has a very good namd. Haha..
How lovely that your parents met in England! So you are half english! It's not such a bad country to live, except for the weather sometimes. Like now it's summertime and well we had nice sunny days but the last couple have been a bit stormy!
I work in a clothing department so yes I'm on my feet alot. I only work part time though but it does hurt at work mostly if I'm standing alot. I remember at 11 weeks I was in alot of pain and couldn't walk much at all and when I did I walked very slowly and had to keep stopping for a rest. I was also walking on inside of my foot then too but am walking pretty much normal unless I've done too much then I walk on the inside. Also I used crutches when I wore my boot and also I used to take it off when I sat down and put my foot up. Did you use crutches?
I'm hoping if I do end up having the surgery that I won't have to wit too long as yes it's already been 24 weeks!
I know someone who had the surgery after 9mths! Crazy!
No wonder you end up over doing it sounds like you can't sit still for long. I was going stir crazy when I first did it. Spent much of the time crying and feeling sorry for myself because I'm usually very active. Walking rescue dogs, going to zumba, insanity and assault course's, they're on the back boiler now and I do miss them.
If I'd been given the surgery at the beginning I reckon I'd be pretty much back to normal.
Anyway you keep your chin up and take care. Janine
J9metatarsal sandi27417
I know Sandi! Who would think a small bone would cause so much trouble! Hopefully I will get somewhere on the 5th of july when I finally see the consultant as it's coming up to nearly seven weeks since I last seen them. 😕 Keep safe riding your horses. 😉
Figgie J9metatarsal
I do use crutches when I go downtown and park on the street, then I crutch to the gym, to use the recumbent bike and do some simple weight machines. But I've only just started that recently.
My parents are both from the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. - Oregon and Washington state (Seattle) -- but, oddly, they met in England in the 60s. I exist because my mom was adventurous. She didn't want to settle down, so she dumped her college boyfriend and found a way to get out of the U.S. -- teaching school at the Air Force base in Lakenheath. I always tell people, my parents' love affair didn't last --they divorced after 13 years -- but my mom's love affair with the British Isles has endured. Our house was a "museum" filled with valuable antiques they purchased there, cheap! My mom has returned to England or Scotland almost every year. She lives for it. She now has a friend in Dumfries, Scotland, she hopes to visit this year.
The podiatrist I saw said she had a patient whose foot had not healed in EIGHT years, but she immobilized it, and then it healed. So, it sounds like, when a person has had enough, and they are ready to sit still for long enough, it finally heals. I keep thinking that I have "ruined" the healing, but maybe that's not the case. Maybe you always have a chance to start over. ...
james03256 Figgie
You're comment about the 8 years should give EVERYONE hope- but you made a good point - my doc said immobility and non weightbearing were and are the key to healing
terry2017 Figgie
I hope you are able to take the time to follow your doctors instructions completely and allow your foot time to heal. It is really difficult to follow those directions when you are not feeling pain, or only a little bit, I understand. I broke my 5th metatarsal at base (True Jones Fracture) across into the 4th. The break was non-displaced, and my Orthopedic Ankle and Foot Specialist put me in a boot Non Weight Bearing for almost 2 months. He told me to keep the foot immobilized, and to wear the boot even at night - not fun. I was able to get a knee scooter to get around without putting any weight on my foot during that time, thank goodness. Doctor stressed the importance of NWB, drawing a diagram showing how the ligaments from the heel will pull the bone apart if I put any weight on my foot. He also put me on supplements of vitamins D, C and folic acid. I followed his instructions, and after a couple months was able to bear weight in the boot. I wasn't in a lot of pain but did have discomfort from continued swelling. At the 12 week visit, xray shows the bone healed. I am walking in a shoe, continuing to do physical therapy and stretching exercises. I still get some swelling toward end of day. Hope you are able keep your foot immobilized and allow it to heal. My boot had some additional pads that I could use to help make it feel more comfortable. Keep us updated on your progress.
J9metatarsal Figgie
Hi Figgie. 8yrs! Goodness how could they have left it so long? As Jame's said immobilisation seems to be the key in the states but here they say that weight bearing encourages good circulation and helps with bone growth. I was encouraged to go back to work after 11 weeks as they said using it would help with circulation but it hasn't really helped. In some places they are starting to use bone stimulators here but not in my hospital but then they only use them if the bone hasn't healed after 9mths plus. 😕
I'm sorry your mam and dad separated. Sounds like mam is deeply in love with Britain. I'll be Scotland in Greenock for a wedding next week. Let us know how you're getting on. 😉 Janine
tash49034 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal tash49034
Hi Tash. Frustrating isn't it! There was no healing at all at 6wks. After around 17 wks there was slight bone growth but not much so they sent me for a CT scan which I will find out the results on the 5th july . I will be at about 25 wks then. Think they may suggest surgery as I'm sure it's not healed still as it still hurts in certain positions & after much use. You could be having more discomfort & swelling because you're using it more. James on here used a bone stimulator & he's pretty much healed. It is a long process even with the bone healing well. In the states they tend to encourage none weight bearing but here in Britain they encourage weight bearing pretty much from the start to aid circulation. Good luck. Janine
james03256 tash49034
Janine is right, I did use and am still using the bone stimulator- I had the exact same injury as you, except I had 0 healing after 3 weeks of just "taking it easy"... I had to go non weight bearing and use a bone stimulator to get bone growth. If you're bone showed full healing on X-ray than it may not the the broken bone that's the issue... you need to have the root of the cause shown unless you re fractured it by walking on it and overdoing it as Janine said. Plz keep us posted
Figgie tash49034
Oh bummer I spent a half hour writing a post yesterday but I don't see it here. I guess it didn't go through. Ergh.
Well I guess the short version is that for me, after being told by 2 doctors (first a podiatrist, then an orthopedist) that I can walk / weigh-bear, but always in the boot, except for sleeping, I have figured out that barefoot is best - no boot, no shoes.
I can walk pretty much fine. I have to refrain from pushing off the broken foot, so I walk with a limp, and that's causing pain / discomfort in the opposite hip, but, if I am very careful, and stay barefoot / shoe-less / boot-less, I do not have any pain at all, which, I assume, means the foot is healing. (If it's not, then, I figure, there's nothing I can do and maybe surgery will be necessary.).
I also need to avoid yard work, weeding, or walking a lot on uneven ground (ie, my terrible yard) and avoid moving kitchen appliances ..... Yes, I did that.
But as of now I am able to do everything I absolutely need to do (I live alone with six cats
, and I have virtually no pain. The only time I have pain is when I go out for long periods and wear a shoe, even a soft athletic shoe will cause pain after a certain amount of time.
I have a break of the shaft that's diagonal and jagged. I am at 11 1/2 weeks now. The x-ray at 7 weeks showed no healing.
I was depressed for quite a while. Last week, my foot was feeling a lot better, but then I went to the gym and did too much (did some handstands....), and the next day my foot was warm -- for me, a bad sign -- and I was depressed again for three days, over last weekend, while I did nothing.
This week, I feel like I am finally figuring out how to handle it, and feeling very unimpressed with the doctors, because it seems like they could have done a lot better job helping me to figure it all out a lot sooner. They were wrong about the boot -- it causes pain, in my foot but also of course it throws off the whole body -- and if they had listened to me, they would have heard me say that my first 12 days I had absolutely no pain, and I was in the house, limping in stocking feet (no shoes) (I happened to be without a car a that time, so I wasn't doing much).
Well I wish everyone speedy bone healing!!
tash49034 james03256
@figgie, i have found the boot to be hard too since it is higher on one side. My knee on opposite leg hurts more than my foot now, so have stopped wearing the boot again too. ACE bandage and firm soled shoe seems to be the best for me. my normal gait is starting to come back again too. Fingers crossed for speedy healing for all!
sandi27417 Figgie
pam80836 J9metatarsal
sandi27417 pam80836
That sucks because my foot ortho said heel walking continues to separate the fracture even if just a stress fracture like I had. I waited 4 weeks but it would have taken months to heal on it's own. My doc said surgery was the fool proof way to go, 4 weeks NWB then 4 in ortho shoe then good to go. I am so darn sorry for you!!
CJ14 b100
I run and pole vault and am 5 weeks into a spiral fracture 5th metatarsal. I've been non weight bearing for 3 weeks since I saw the specialist, and was in a boot for two weeks before that. I have a pole vault camp coming in 3 weeks, (just over 8 weeks from the incident) and a running camp the week after. How long was it till you could run?
sandi27417 CJ14
james03256 CJ14
I was non weight bearing about 8 weeks and started walking after that but it's been a gradual progress since then. I am 43, had a displaced fracture from a basketball injury. From what I've read the re-fracture rate is an issue so you don't want to push it too much prematurely.
sandi27417 james03256
Another reason I wanted a screw inserted because I am a rider and jam my heels into those stirrups.
james03256 sandi27417
Very practical and successful plan you chose! Faster recovery, and no guessing Sandi. I took a chance going about 6w before I really knew if my bone would heal! I gotta tell ya, it feels good to walk painfree! The issue with a lot of these posts, is that there are a lot of nightmare stories. It seems like whether you choose surgery or no surgery, the key is you have to commit 100% to the plan. If you choose no surgery it's imperative to be compliant with the plan. I feel bad for those who are getting the run around with the medical professionals - one thing is for sure- my doc said the only way it will heal is no weight bearing and immobility. And again I had the benefit of a bone stimulator. It's an awful sacrifice to be off you're leg for up to 8 weeks or more, (in you're case, only 4 weeks), but it's worth it to return to life and sport.
sandi27417 james03256
J9metatarsal pam80836
Hi Pam. You'd think because the gap has widened that surgery would have been the best option. You'll probably get offered it 6mths+ down the line. My husbands Aunty had surgery after 9mths! You know how stretched our nhs is though so they seem to leave surgery as a last resort with this injury.
J9metatarsal CJ14
Hi CJ. I'm afraid your pole vault camp will have to be put on hold. I was supposed to have done a 12k assault course last wknd but 6mths down the line I'm still not able to do anything too physical. I know it's frustrating but there will be other pole vault camps in future.
pam80836 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal pam80836
Hi Pam. Well fingers crossed you get somewhere next week. I still have pain in fracture 6mths later. And it was very bad around the same 11 wks mark. I walked very slowly. Now I can walk faster but with a stiff shoe and sometimes I get a sensation like cramp which I suspect is my bone moving! 😕 I go wed to see consultant & I think I will be finally having an op. Take care & keep us updated how you are getting on. Janine
Figgie sandi27417
Sandi - Interesting your doctor had some awareness about how the boot forces you to walk. This has been my frustration with the doctors I've seen. They didn't ask me how it felt to walk in the boot. I'm the only one who can feel where the weight goes and how it seems to affect the broken bone.
I am in the U.S. and all three doctors said I could weight-bear as long as I'm in the boot. The first doctor was just an urgent care doctor. Then I immediately saw a podiatrist who also said I can weight-bear but always in a boot. Then at 7 weeks, I saw an orthopedist who reiterated that I can weight-bear but in the boot -- and he said this even though it hadn't healed. But he blamed the non-healing on my non-compliance with the boot. But he didn't listen to me when I told him that I can feel the boot is not good for my foot - which is why I hadn't complied.
The only way I can walk but still keep weight OFF the broken bone, AND immobilize the broken bone, is to walk in stocking feet and roll my foot inward so I'm walking on the inside of my foot. In the boot, it is not an option to walk this way. In the boot, I have two options for where to put weight: either on the heel or on the entire foot including the So walking in the boot causes movement of the broken bone, regardless of how I walk.
I'm still on the roller coaster where my foot feels so much better after a couple days in the house walking in stocking feet, so then I put on shoes and go out shopping and doing errands, and I spend too much time in shoes, and probably also too much time on my feet, and then my foot expresses unhappiness. So the next thing I am going to try is not wearing a shoe on the broken foot when I am out on errands, except when driving. I'll wrap it with tape and a bandage and put a sock over it.
Today I am at 12 weeks since the incident (stumbled down stairs, landed on outside of right foot). I haven't had an x-ray since 7 weeks, at which time it showed no healing, so I'll make an appointment for another x-ray to see where I am. Surgery would be very expensive but I'll consider it if doctors say it's an option.
I quit my job specifically to spend some months getting physically fit again, and then I planned to get a non-sedentary job, like waitressing. Now I feel like I might as well as look for another sedentary office job since I can't walk
(And those jobs pay better, so at least I'd have money to pay people to do all this work on my properties that I cannot do...)
Figgie sandi27417
Figgie tash49034
Tash - Yes the boot screws up the whole body. I actually haven't worn it - against doctors' orders, because I think it's the wrong prescription -- but the limping (now 12 weeks of limping) causes pain in the opposite hip. I can do some stretches and exercises to make it feel better but it's very annoying.
I self-prescribed athletic tape around my foot, but I need to be more compliant with that. Basically I am stuck on a roller coaster because I can spend a couple days doing the right thing, which results in my foot feeling like it's healed, and so then I go and spend way too much time on it, causing it to hurt, so I then have to go back to sitting around for a couple days.
You and I both had no healing on x-ray at 6-7 weeks. Were you weight-bearing those first 6 weeks?
Figgie pam80836
Pam - I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. Hang in there!! I too had x-ray that showed no healing - at 7 weeks. It's discouraging but let's not lose hope! The podiatrist I saw said she had a patient who was 8 years post-fracture and it had never healed, but she put her in a boot and then it finally healed. She said that was unusual, but still, proof that our bodies have a will to heal themselves.
sandi27417 Figgie
sandi27417 Figgie
Figgie sandi27417
Sandi - I figure every woman has experienced buying a pair of shoes that feels perfectly comfortable in the store, and for the first couple hours even, but then suddently after a certain number of hours wearing them, pain!! I've been having that sort of experience with broken foot. I can wear my old running shoes that are almost like barefoot running shoes, but after a certain amount of time, they are not comfortable anymore. I've found that no shoe is OK for a long period. I need to change frequently, at least, or go without shoe as mentioned previously
Figgie J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal Figgie
Hi all. Yes been to the Consultant today & he's happy with how it's going. He doesn't see the need of an operation. It's not fully healed but about half way there. I had an xray today too and you can still see the fracture and half of it has no callus what so ever and there is a chunck out of the bone but he wasn't concerned about it. I must admit I don't feel 100% positive about it myself because of how it feels that's why he showed me the xray. But he said I can slowly get back to running/ excercise etc but stop if it hurts too much. I go back in 3 months now. He said the pain was normal & there's still a long way to go. Only time will tell I guess. Least I could see it is healing which is good.Good luck everone with your recovery & keep us postedhow you are getting on as I wil you. Take care.. Janine
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
Wow so different than my doctor's orders however; I do believe everything eventually heals. Good luck with the process!!
terry2017 J9metatarsal
Janine, so sorry this has taken so long for you. At least you did get to see some healing on the xray. Did the doctor think that the bone is moving like you suspected? I'm surprised he wants you weight bearing if the bone is indeed moving. Good luck and keep us updated. Terry
sandi27417 terry2017
james03256 J9metatarsal
Figgie J9metatarsal
Janine - Do you mean he only showed you the x-ray because you questioned his positive outlook? He wouldn't have shown it to you? That seems odd.
I have a question for everyone: Am I stupid because I did not realize that the flooring material I walk on has an effect on how my foot feels? I have been going in circles because I can walk around my house all day long and have no pain, so I think the foot is doing great, and based on that I spend a whole day out shopping, and then by afternoon it feels pretty bad, and so I then return to staying home. I've been attributing the pain to quantity of walking but today realized it is not time spent on my foot but rather what surface I am walking on -- the soft wood at home vs. the concrete floors in grocery stores and most stores (and the sidewalks of the city). Maybe I am completely stupid but even so, this is another bit of information I would think doctors would mention. I can't believe they don't have a standard one-pager they give to broken foot patients with all these things I have had to figure out on my own over the past 12 weeks.
Now I know it's the cement / concrete that's the problem, I will definitely use crutches more when I am out and about, and spread my errands out just a couple a day rather than be out the entire day.
pam80836 Figgie
Oh wow I can't imagine it not healing for that long. I return next Thursday so fingers crossed it has shown something. It's so frustrating having to depend upon others.
J9metatarsal sandi27417
Thank you Sandi. Hopefully in 3 mths tome it will be completely healed now it's knitting together.
J9metatarsal terry2017
Hi Terry. He doesn't believe it's moving. Just said it's normal to have that kind of pain at this point.
J9metatarsal james03256
I will James. I'm happy that at least there's 50% healing but not 100% confident about the Consultant as it was the 1st one I saw and he's the same one my mam saw when she broke her arm & shoulder. I was with her when she had xrays in A&E and I could see it was broke, that was the thursday & on the monday we went to see the consultant & he was moving her arm up & down & I said to him that he was hurting but he said it isn't broken! I said yes it was I'd seen the xray & so he showed me the xray & it was the one for the other arm! If I hadn't been there my mam would have been sent home with a broken arm so no I don't feel confident about him. My heart sank when he walked into the room. I'm going to ask my Gp to look at my xrays & the CT scan just to put my mind at rest. How are you getting on now James & how are you feeling in yourself?
J9metatarsal Figgie
Hi Figgie. No we don't tend to get shown xrays here only usually in A&E. I've only seen the 1st one and the last one. I asked the radiographer yesterday if they could still see the break & they said yes so I assumed it hadn't healed & when the consultant walked in I said to him I know it's broken by the way he feels but he said it had healed but I said but how can it feel like this? That's when he showed me the xray and then he said partial fixture! Well that's not healed , that's healing! Most probably didn't have a full look at it untill he showed me. That's another reason I'm not confident as you can still see break even though there is growth.
You're not stupid. I also fing different floors effect my foot too. At work the floor is hard & I do suffer pain working but at home I have wood floors & it's not too bad but I can also rest more at home.
J9metatarsal pam80836
Hi Pam. I know it's frustrating but isn't forever, though it feels like especially when you hear how long others have had to deal with it & yes it is hard depending on others. Fingers crossed next week you get good news.
james03256 J9metatarsal
well Janine I am feeling good- as far as working, walking, Doing outdoor work around the house, I have no pain. I can also do "calf raises" without pain. I haven't jogged yet, but I will try to ease into it over the next few months to keep you posted. I do hope you have 100 percent healing the next time You go back. Try to do the best you can to allow healing - once my bone was "90 percent" healed (approximately) the doctor told me to walk on the heel and then slowly progress. how about you're pain and activity?
J9metatarsal james03256
Glad you're managing to do more James. Helps when you're able to be more active. I was able to walk quite alot at the wknd though it does hurt & I do sometimes get a feeling like cramp around the fracture sometimes which I thought was the bone moving. I'm going to start going to zumba again as I can do the gentler intensity. If I don't feel I'm ready then I'll just stick to walking. Consultant did say I could start excercise, even though it's not fully healed yet. though slowly build it up. I will listen to my foot. I'm going back to my physio soon, so see what he suggests. Had to stop seeing him for a while as because of the none union they're wasn't much more he could do for me untill there was union of the bones. Got to wait for a referal again. He only discharged me 3 wks ago as he couldn't keep my place open any longer. Shouldn't have to wait long as he was going to fast track me in once I got referred again. I'm on holiday tomorrow for a week in Madeira so see how I cope with the hills this time but atleast I'm not in the boot this time. Take care James and keep working on your recovery. You'll soon be jogging round.
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
J9metatarsal sandi27417
Yes Sandi the difference in treatment between our two countries is strange. I know if I'd been private like my husband there's no doubt that I would have had surgery pretty much as soon as I'd broke it. Only time will tell. Role on 3 months unless I have major problem before then. Will let you all know anyhow.
sandi27417 J9metatarsal
Bet you will heal Beautifully!!!🤞🏼👍🏻👌
J9metatarsal sandi27417
Haha Thanks Sandi.. 💅
tash49034 Figgie
Hi Figgie, yes was weight bearing in moon boot or stiff soled shoe since the original injury. am 10 weeks today, 5th met isn't sore to press on, but at some angles I can feel a bit of a pinch. I think I have plantar fasciitis now though, my heel and arch burns when I walk long distances. Have got some orthotic inserts. Next xray on Monday. Better see some bone fusion!!
anastazie31748 sandi27417
Hi, you seem to be knowledgeable in such things. I have a 5th metarsal break Jones break. In July it didn’t fuse so I have had surgery, 2 weeks post op in a hard cast for 4 weeks. At 6 weeks the hard cast was removed the X-ray showed not complelty healed but getting there. Today is my first day in my after surgery shoe. So I went from no pain to sharp pains everywhere. However I have been immobile for a while. And well I do have a foreign object in my bone. So this may just be the process. I guess Now I have a lot more questions on how this healing process goes. This may be the norm. But your posts were helpful. A lot more than my surgeon. 😊
barbara82266 J9metatarsal
just got on this forum due to breaking my 5th metatarsal base at the end of April. Hows your foot doing? Did you ever have surgery? so tired of wearing the boot but i dont want a screw put in either. i have another appt in one week. Ibhad an xray at my work one week ago and rhe fracture line went from 1.1 mm to 1.7mm so idk.