5th Metatarsal Fracture Recovery
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Hello. I have a number of questions.
8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. I just got out of my cast yesterday and was out in an air cast/boot. And the doctor left me with a number of questions unanswered and my next appointment isn't for 4 weeks with no physio or such before hand.
1. Today I have been able to start walking, worst I have been is using one crutch, mostly able to walk with no crutches, is this ok after only a day? I don't want to go on doing myself damage. The doctor told me that for my next appointment there is a chance that if I feel able I could come in my own normal footwear, but he never said anything for until then.
2. When showering, afterwards, am I able to weight bear for a step or two without the boot on to sit down again to dress etc. I'm unsure on this
3. What exercises are good to strengthen my calf muscles and also to gain back full range of motion in my ankle, I know one or two from sports injuries, but i haven't been told anything of this nature for this specific injury.
Any help would be very highly appreciated, as I just don't want to damage my foot further and either permenently injure myself or hinder the healing process
As aside information, I'm 19, a little overweight but in relatively good shape.
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JMas52 laura145
I had a non displaced fracture of the fifth metartarsal 3 weeks ago today while landing in a basketball game. The fracture is lower down the bone than the 'Jones' region, slightly into the skinnier part (xray attached), and was a decent fracutre, going around 2/3 to 3/4 of the way through the bone. The first 2 weeks I non-weight bared (crutches with a bandage). After 2 weeks I could walk fully weight baring with minimal pain and my physio informed me I walk with the assistance of crutches, partial weight bare and that I could swim, of which I did throughout the next week with no pain. I can now at 3 weeks walk around the house full weight baring, but still use the crutches when leaving the house and am able to do some rehab (leg press and other leg weight machines). I intend to play in a tornament 4 weeks from now (7 weeks total) is this realistic, and is it normal to progress through your recovery this quickly, because i've become nervous from the online "horror" stroies (5'11 155 pounds 18y.o male)
graham00230 JMas52
7 weeks sounds a bit quick to go to a tornament, although I guess it depends on what your physio/consultant says.
Suzy888 JMas52
Do you have any pain and does your foot swell? Do you limp when you walk?
All in all, how long did full recovery take.
Thank you.
HannahL laura145
rowan88 laura145
elizabeth56745 rowan88
Andrea217 laura145
Just wondering how soon after getting the walking boot and ok to walk did it take you guys to actually be able to on your own.
naz1965 Andrea217
Andrea217 naz1965
Don't forget the exercises too don't know if your further along but for me I've started the abc exercise. If you look up DrMichelleWolford on YouTube she has 3 excellent videos showing her 3 phases of the walking boot and transitioning to full weight bearing.
naz1965 Andrea217
Andrea217 naz1965
naz1965 Andrea217
Andrea217 naz1965
I forced myself to walk on it with the cane even though I was feeling some pain because it's subsides as the days go by. Try to not use two crutches and just the one and go around walking like that for as long as you can gradually putting the weight is good. You're used to two crutches so try one, then maybe 4 or more days later try hands free. I did it that way and now I don't use anything. I do walk slower with the boot but I'm walking so for that im grateful
elizabeth56745 Andrea217
naz1965 elizabeth56745
naz1965 Andrea217