5th metatarsal non displaced fracture - ramble ahead

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Fractured when twisted ankle. Has anyone been told to stop wearing aircast boot and then told to put back on sometime after. Was told could leave boot off after 4 weeks and wear trainers. Foot still hurt so went doctor was sent for X-ray to see if healed as doctor only pressed foot when said leave boot off. I waited a week to get X-ray - told results would be with Doctor 5 days therefore presumed must be healed or would have been told there and then. Looked online for result after 5 days and just said X-ray result N/A so again presumed nothing to tell. Foot still hurting after 2 more weeks phoned doctors to be told X-ray had been abnormal also said 4th and 5th metatarsal not just 5th so go to A and E. Went to local one as had previously gone to one near daughter and so 2 weeks after second X-ray get told to put boot back on and go back to original hosp where I was given a return appointment of 5th Sept but told more or less I wouldn't really need to keep it. Local hospital wouldn't give me an explanation as didn't have info or X-ray from other hospital to compare. I thought all your info was shared automatically.

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    i have been involved in variouys ways with the NHS since 1972 and I've lost count of the number of integrated data sharing systems between hospirtals, between hospitals and GPs etc none of which worked some which didnt event get out of the box. So the short answer Janet is that the extent to which data is ahared is very limited.  Following my referral to a local hospital that hospital ordered sonme extra tests and referred me back to GP wh then could not access them so unfortunately you need to stick with one hospital or group near your GP.


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      Thanks - I just thought with today's technology that info about you would all be under your NHS number.

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      Well, this sounds familiar. My network shares info., but do the doctors read it? This I have to make sure. I went to sports ortho, then specialist in foot ankle ortho - all in same bldg. The foot ankle ortho knew what to do, but only after MRI which took awhile. I think we have to be agressive as to our diagnosis and treatment. Some docotrs have big egos, one,  and ,two, are also fearful about giving advice that turns out wrong. 

      Of course some people wear the boot then take it off to wear other support shoes. Today, I feel like I need to wear boot and use crutch. We all want to think it's an exact science. My friends say "how much longer do you have to wear that boot?". The truth is that the boot was never the cure,  non-weight bearing is/was for me.  FYI - mine is stress fracture. 

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    Updated information and communication is the key to good treatment.  Too bad it's not readily shared among those who "practice" medicine.  I had a 5th metatarsal fracture that showed on xray and I was put into a non weight bearing cast for 4 weeks followed by 4 weeks in a high boot that I had to wear even to bed at night just so I wouldn't be tempted to walk to the bathroom in bare feet.  Hated it all because I couldn't drive etc etc. Then I had physical therapy and home exercises.  All okay now but still worried about twisting my ankle and falling again.  Good luck in your journey to recovery without pain.

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