6 Common Unnecessary Surgeries
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I've said enough times in the almost 4 yrs post op with Anterior replacement at 72, WISH I hadn't done it.....how would I be today if I had not. I know I've "traded" a lot of pain issues....no more groin pain....which is the main reason I did this but omg....what other issues I'm left with and doing damage control as best I can.
Have met a woman on line who had a replacement from my same surgeon and she is believing NOW, she may not have needed this done...
So that is now going to be forever in my mind....once it's done, we can't reverse things, of course....I knew that going in, but never thought I'd be left with such a mess....
I now believe a 2nd or 3rd opinion would be in order, unless, of course, it's an emergency and one is sent to immediate surgery....otherwise we "elect" these replacements.
Our health system which has it's flaws, for sure, allows for more opinions on many issues regarding surgeries. Just more food for thoughts...
I hope all here with so many post surgery issues have good results down the road in more months/years.....me too...but for me it's 4 yrs soon and I deal with so much. j
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1 like, 14 replies
judiwoo joy47826
joy47826 judiwoo
I didn't read any of these type forums before surgery, I just talked to 3 people who had good results with Anterior and the surgeon I chose too. Read about the surgery procedure and history of MD, but that was it....
Had I been on any of these type forums, I don't know what I would have done....I guess in many ways going in blindly was better for me.
I've said before I had 5 good months post op and then went downhill....
We all have our experiences and there are two sides to all stories and everything in between.
I'm MORE a person into alternative healing anyway, and if this could have been done without a surgery, I'd be the first in line...
No apologies necessary, you are entitled to your thinking.....j
patricia80401 joy47826
joy47826 patricia80401
Dealing with other body OA and Fibro, the thought of it traumatized me more....but at 72 I guess things got back enough and I had good comments from 3 people so I did it....thinking if these people did good, so will I.
It's changed my life, so guess it's a good thing I'm much older, as I don't "yearn" to do things as I had a full life....
And as I said to others, maybe the magnesium I took for many years and not drinking fluoridated water, saved me until 72.....
I got into prevention in my early 50's and can't go back to the old thinking....
patricia80401 joy47826
hope4cure patricia80401
Very good way to describe especially how as we age find our joints have the wear and tear disease OA.
when I think back at all the fun I had younger over many sports and life's mishaps as well as accidents I'm astounded that I am still here.
hope4cure joy47826
It's better to have healthy tissue and bone to support the hip components . It's a question of healing properly without necrosis or infection which a have a difficult outcome or death of not properly followed. Docs are not magicians and need good bone and tissue for good results. I am a bit concerned of others thinking they should put this off ASAP due to needing revision down the road. Now most revisions r only the cups that have warn.. They do not include removing all the total components.
Ex rays shows OA . ITS NOT a widly performed surgery without the patients suffering supignificant and unrelenting pain befor THR. We are often relieved from the major unrelenting pain after several months of painful rehab.
I have two hip implants ( 3 includingg the cup that were replaced from wear and tear) a then another has been a nightmare always painful MOM. Any way most of u know the drill. The hip wasrecalledby the manufacturer duets MOMissues
It's on the X-rays for many of us showing OA which is how thedisease is diagnosed. I am not regretting all the things I did to put myself at risk for OA. I has had a tremendously amazing life, did everything on my list. I am fortunate and grateful.
Also grateful for THR to stay mobile. It has improved my life and given me mobility. Not without pain and not without any regret.it is what it is....
I just keep moving considering the alternative without THR .
joy47826 hope4cure
I know NO ONE in my personal group who have done these therapies, which are basically in the Prolotherapy group of treatments....I've had dextrose Prolo and it's worked in shoulder joints...
Lack of more money keeps me from it. Need enough for the rest of my life, can't live too long, as I could run out of money....many in the same boat as me.
I still smile but my life has changed dramatically., Too much arthritis in my bode.....j
gloriajoy joy47826
Personally I am not surprised by your findings.
I had a hysterectomy for fibroids a long time ago (about 30 years).At the time I needed a lot of persuasion to sign the consent form.
It may have been that there were no known alternatives at the time.There was also no internet!
Needing to get back to my business which I foolishly judged more important than my own wellbeing I went ahead with the operation.Luckily the op.went well and I recovered faster than expected.
However no consideration was given to oestrogen loss and I was ignorant regarding medical matters at that time.I wonder what the effect has been on my bones as I now have advanced osteoporosis,a condition which is exacerbated by oestrogen deficiency.
I recently learned that fibroids can be treated without surgery.Of course new and improved treatments are being developed all the time.It may be that surgery was the only answer 30 years ago,but I have a sneaking suspicion that some surgeries are in vogue from time to time, and Hip Replacement is currently in favour.
All the more reason to check and double check before going under the knife.
Of course surgery may be the best decision for many,but we have a duty to ourselves to make certain as far as possible.
I appreciate your input and read your messages wiyh great interest.
Many thanks
Joy (gloriajoy)
joy47826 gloriajoy
From the hysterectomy I ended up with sciatic nerve damage, still with me after all these years and I knw how to work "it out" when it flares...
I've been taking DHEA for about 15 yrs and here is a summary of it...we can buy it otc, but in Canada is a prescription drug...I'd think the same in UK.
My first integrative MD I ever saw included DHEA testing in my labs with him...I take it and get labs done once a year to keep in check. I have no side effects and take 25mg per day.....I'd bet many people's levels are in the tank if not up on this master hormone...
I'll be back, gotta lay down a bit.joy
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kaleani75551 joy47826
carmen56984 joy47826
Hope things work out for you.
My gut tells me our medical world doesn't want to eliminate jobs, so yes, I'd like to be optimistic that health insurance COULD help people get these therapies, but I'm too realistic on the ways of the world and conventional medicine...
Stem cells and PRP and Dextrose Prolo are all holistic/alternative healing protocols....
Just like my supplements, I pay for them, no insurance there for sure....so it's too complex and one needs their own money to do this work.
The Prolo work was around long before the pharma world took over.
Her surgery leg is longer, mine is shorter....it seems her only resolve would be a revision NOT what she ever thought she'd be going thru.
The Surgeon NEVER mentioned the leg discrepancy possibility....nor to me either....
She has seen 2 other surgeons since and one would not comment much nor talk against the surgeon, they don't do that....
The other surgeon told her he would have never done a replacement....not truly needed....
She now knows how guilable she was to have done this traumatic surgery....she is worse off now since replacement....
Just saying.....so many young people here doing this....
Really very disturbing how surgeons love to do surgery, needed or not.
I don't know how your MD's are paid in your country but MOST here make a LOT of money......
I know in China the doctors are govt paid, maybe so in the UK too.