6 months after hemorrhoid surgery recovering experience and advice on how to get through it
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So i figured i would post my experience after 6 months, since when i got the surgery and was looking for info it seemed like 99% of the posts i found only covered the first few weeks or so. Then the person goes MIA when people ask for a update.
So some back story im 27, and had my surgery on 11/23/17. So in about a week i will be at the 6 month mark. I had 4 hemorrhoids removed all together. 3 smaller internal ones and one medium sized external one. Overall would i do it again? definitely, but there is alot of stuff i wish i knew before hand.
Plan on taking atleast 2 weeks off of work, more if you in any kind of driving job/physical labor job. If you fall into that category take a month off if you can, if your doing physical labor take it easy for atleast 2 months.
My doctor originally told me i would be back on my feet within 3-5 days. But i spent the first week pretty much laying in bed on my side. After about a week i was able to walk around and do normal activities somewhat, but it was not a comfortable experience at all. Bending over hurt, walking up and down stairs hurt, getting in and out of the car hurt and i pretty much carried a pillow around everywhere i went. Overall though i think the 2nd week was worst than the first. You should get some good pain meds to get you through the first week or so, but once they run out you start to feel everything u didnt feel the first week, plus combined with the fact you going to be moving around more. If i had to do it again, i probably would have suffered more the first week and taken less meds then saved them for the 2nd/3rd week. A word of advice looking back is even though you are in pain you should take the minimum amount of pain meds you can. They will make you constipated and the last thing you want after hemorrhoid surgery is to be constipated. Trust me i learned that hard way. Start taking fiber pills a week or so before surgery and dont stop until you feel 100% better. Try not to eat anything hard either. I pretty much ate, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and bought a bunch of those ensure drinks for the first two weeks. You want whatever is going in you to come out as easy as you can. Liquids/soft foods are your friend.
It took me about 4 days after my surgery to finally use the bathroom (why i said dont take to many pain pill) and im not going to lie it was excruciating. It took about 2weeks in total to be able to use the bathroom without being in alot of pain and 3 weeks for it be be "comfortable". But the first two weeks were definitely the worst. I legit almost passed out i was in so much pain a few times. Dont push just sit and wait. If it doesnt work try again later. You will be in there for a bit, take you time. Over all id say it took about a month to use the bathroom normally. I bled almost every single time for the first 2-3 weeks. Then it slowly stopped over time. In the end it took about 2 months for me to stop bleeding. Also dont be afraid if you look in the mirror and see what it looks like. Its going to look horrible the first month or so. But after about a month most of the swelling should have gone down and it will start to look more "normal". Within 1-2 months id say about 50-75% of the swelling should be gone depending on how much work you needed.
It took me about a month in total for me to be back to doing my normal activities without being to uncomfortable. The only real issues i had was sitting for to long, or bending over to pick stuff up. It isnt really a pain, its more of a tightness, kind of the feeling of having a pulled muscle. I was originally told the swelling/tightness would last for 2-3 months. For me i say that more of a minimum. While the swelling went down alot after 2 months (id say about 75%) the tightness and stiffness stuck around. I went back to the doctor at the 4 month mark to ask him about it and he told me i still had some healing going on for the external one and to give it a month or two. After 5 months the stiffness has gone away, now that im coming up on month number 6 and i would say im about 99% back to normal. Which sort of makes sense since scar tissue takes around 5 months to heal. While 6 months seems like a long time to deal with this its really more like 2 months of actual pain. The third month your going to be annoyed here and there by it, and 4-6 you should start to forget you even had the surgery.
The only real issue id say after its all said and done is i still have some loose skin where the stitches were on the eternal one. When i mentioned it to the doctor on the 4th month he said it can be easily removed with a office procedure in about 2 minutes if i wanted. But i should wait to see if it goes down a bit. I originally had a little loose skin on the other side (from the internal one swelling) when talked to him and thats completely gone now. So i figured id wait another month or to see what happens before i have that done. But once that is gone it will almost look like i never had the surgery at all.
Overall im really happy i had it done. Yeah it sucked for a few months, but ive been dealing with them since i was 15 years old. So 5 months of pain to no longer deal with hemorrhoids was well worth it. Id definitly do it again if needed (but i pray i never have to) lol
Lastly this might fall into the TMI catagory but im bi some im going to include this for the girls/guys out there who like anal sex because when i searched i found almost nothing. One of my concerns about this whole thing was my sex life. My advice is take a break for atleast 5-6 months before you try to put anything in there, then when you do start small. I tried around month 4 and it hurt alot, wait till your feeling 100% better then wait a extra month. Your getting a new a**hole in the end. Imagine the first time you ever put something in there, well thats how its going to be again. If you feel any discomfort, just wait a bit longer. I tried again about a week ago, and while it still wasnt easy it was 100x easier then it was at month 4. So you sex life isnt gone, its just postponed a bit and you need to slowly get back into it. It was a night and day difference between month 4 and 6, so i assume its going to get even easier as time goes on.
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jessica07777 neal0270
Five days in, two sh*ts down and i have to say this morning i lay on the toilet floor crying like a baby begging a god i don't even believe in to help me!
I am 28 years old ( a complete bombshell!!) long blonde hair , green eyes , fit as a fiddle, size 8 dress , 5'8 height , HUGE zest for life and pro horse rider!
It would be a complete understatement to say the grade 4 hemmeroidectomy has not rocked me to the core !! Talk about having to literally deal with your own s**t!!!!
I don't think i will ever be the same person after this whole experience and yet something tells me this is just the beginning ..... and life as i know it has forever changed .
In all fairness , no one i know has experienced this, albeit, its not exactly a conversation starter!!
i just hope in the following days i will get better but my real issue resides in this complete terror to s**t and or eat! What has life come to? 😦 #sad times!
( No Fs given! i think NOT!!!)
.........written by the once happy jolly hockey sticks girl Jessica xo *
Oh! The irony of it all!!
faye39922 jessica07777
what got you yo the point if having the op?
i had 3 of my grade 3 internal hems banded in jan 2022 but sure enough after just a few weeks the bleeding with bm started up again..
the bleeding with bm happens at least twice a week and sometimes more...
i always had hems as an adult but after my first child i suffered for almost a year with bleeding which was put down to internal hems and a fissure...
after my second child it started up again and i had investigations where several grade 3 internal hems were found and banded.
it was so painful and i just dont want to put myself through that again for them to fail again let alone have the surgery..
the bleeding does stress me out and if it happens it upsets my whole day.
dfreybur neal0270
Today I am 4 weeks post surgery. It will be several weeks until my next/final follow up appointment.
My bladder control is almost normal. Last night I didn't get up to urinate.
My bowel control is slowly moving towards normal. I still whimper in pain during a bowel movement but the amount of pain is slowly tapering off. The amount and frequency of fresh blood in my stools is now similar to before I started.
Since I still continue to improve I just might end up pain free in a few more weeks. For the first time in decades. If that happens.
OuchThatHurts neal0270
Hi Neal and everyone else,
I want to add my thanks for creating this discussion. It has been easily the most useful information I've found on post- haemorrhoidectomy information and thought I might share a few things about my own experiences so far.
I'm on day THREE after my surgery. Let me tell anyone who is wondering, the pain is real! I'm a 37 year old male, I play rugby and like to do my own mechanical and DIY work, so I'm used to getting bumps and bangs, but I'd say, for me personally, pain is at about 6/ or 7/10, but it's CONSTANT. It doesn't go away, even when on prescription opioid pain medication and that's very wearing. I got two hours of sleep on night one, which made day two a bit of a nightmare as I was just a zombie and couldn't focus on anything.
For anyone wondering, the operation was a doddle! I had a spinal anaesthetic and couldn't feel a thing. I was in hospital for a total of about 4 hours. It all felt like it was going so well, so I just want anyone reading this to know not to get overconfident! Once all that anaesthetic wears off, you're GOING to feel it.
The one thing that I've found really helps so far is a warm bath. Because you're floating, it takes a lot of pressure off your anus, so I've had about four of those per day so far! I've found it a great way to get through that last hour as your previous round of painkillers are wearing off, but you can't have your next round yet.
I've already had two bowel movements, which I understand to be slightly unusual. They have both been very uncomfortable. My particular surgery involved some special stitches to starve the haemorrhoids of blood instead of removing them with a scalpel- I can't recall exactly what the doctor called the procedure. The point I'm slowly getting round to is that the first BM just pushed all my haemorrhoids back out again! I had to GENTLY encourage them back in. Very painful. No one at the hospital mentioned that anything like that could happen, so I wanted to share as it really freaked me out. The second BM I didn't have this issue- I think I'm terrified to push at all after that first episode- but there's a feeling like my passage is partially blocked (which I suppose it is until the haemorrhoids fully die and make more room) so it's still very uncomfortable and feels like I'm tearing open my wounds all over again. I'm taking a stool softener medication, eating All Bran for breakfast and taking one fiber supplement a day. This is actually veering my BMs towards diarrhoea, rather than constipation, despite the opioid painkillers- again, hopefully this will help others get the balance right.
dfreybur neal0270
I am now 5 weeks post surgery. I was told the recovery would be 6 weeks so I might not post any more.
I don't seem to bleed any more with bowel movements. That was the goal.
There is still pain with bowel movements but it does continue to taper down. I'm only on generic for Celebrex. As of today I stopped also taking Tylenol. I know longer cry out in pain during a bowel movement. They still hurt more than before the surgery and they are very exhausting but it does continue to get better.
I now have as much as 1 minute of warning before a bowel movement so I haven't had an accident recently. And this too improves gradually.
I sure wish I knew about the bands to seal off hemorrhoids while they were still small. If I had those decades ago I might not have needed all of this.
Thanks for all of the information here. This is my way of giving back. For those still new out of surgery, it's a horrible experience but it does get better. Very slowly.
anncatherine neal0270
I had hemorrhoid surgery 8 months ago. I have very good bowel movements with no pain for bleeding. My problem is it still hurts to sit for more than 2 hours. I still do my sitz bath and take advil. I start having pain 1 hour after last bowel movement. Pain last 4-5 hours. I went to surgeon and he thinks I have a condition called Rectocele. He told me to do a fiber supplement (which has helped a lot) and Pelvic floor execise's.
Nothing is helping the pain. Does anyone know what I can do. I've had pain every single day since my surgery October 27,1922.
Thank you
anncatherine neal0270
I had a Hemorrhoidectomy October 2022. I had grade 4 external and 2 internal. It's been 8 months and still in pain. I wake up no pain after 2-3 normal size bowelments with no straining and no bleeding. The pain starts around 1 hour after last bowelment. It can last 2-6 hours. I've tried Advil it didn't help. The only thing that gives relief is a Sitz bath. That only lasts 1/2 hour without pain. I've had a Cat scan which showed nothing. the Surgeon used an anoscope to see inside better and he said I had a little inflamation.
He keeps telliing me he doesn't know what the problem is. He's mentioned I have a weak Pelvice Floor and that could be the problem. I do PT for pelvic floor for the last 5 months and nothing changed. I can't sit for over an hour. I am very angry, discouraged and hopeless. Can anyone help me.
Thank you ,
ann catherine
AnonX anncatherine
Hi Ann
I am two weeks in from grade 3 surgery and I'm also having the same problem! This problem even happened before surgery, I go to the toilet then 30 - 60 minutes later the pain kicks in.
The surgery itself I feel went really well and I have recovered great even in this short amount of time. My only worry is that this constant pain after BM will continue months after recovery.
I've also found that the pain can become worse if you haven't fully empted after going to the toilet, it's almost like I haven't finished, strange I know. I hope you find something out about this as like I said the pain is the same as before surgery and this makes me really worried that while the hemorrhoid removal was successful there is still an underlying issue that I need to deal with.
If you would like to DM me to talk some more please do as I feel we are going through the exact same issue. Good luck.
emil93710 neal0270
Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time to tell how your recovery period went with all the details. I might need to do the surgery and anything other people did experience, will help me to know what to expect and confidence in having the surgery done.
zuff42094 neal0270
i had been researching for months and never found anything that helped about long term post surgery symptoms, finding you post has saved me from so much anxiety.
i had my piles surgery for 3 internal and 3
external ones 3 months back, the doc told me to take at least 3 weeks off from work. like you all know the first BM is from hell. I cried a lot of times the first 2 weeks. I started to get better in the 4rth week by 2 months i was so much better, felt like everything was in the past, then i got a peranal abcess, it drove me nuts and gave me so much anxiety again, had to get a minor surgery for that. I was finally recovering from that and now my butt hole has started to hurt again, it hurts when i sit and walk. i was loosing my mind and looking up everything online for long term effects, as i was told that i will be all good after 2 months and i didnt understand what was happening to me now. But reading your post and everyones comments here has given me hope and given me a timeline now. That it can take upto a year for things to fully heal and calm down. i m great full to anyone who has posted and commented here.
joe87007 neal0270
Hi there i have a similar experience and it isnt getting much easier honestly. I am a 34 year old male and mostly in good health and weight. I had horrific hemmoroids last December 2022, and struggled for 8 weeks until February until my GP referred me to see a colorectal specialist. I tried the Steroid cream ( Hydrocortisone) did nothing . When my referral went through and I seen a specialist. She stood by the door with her coat on and bag, she asked why I was there, I told her I had pain in my bum area. She had a 10 second look and said it was nothing then told me to have a better diet, Diagnosed me with IBS and chronic diarrhea then discharged me. my appointment was at 4.30 so she just wanted rid of me and cared less. This is Blackpool Victoria hospital a hospital have had many issues with already. Anyway I went back to my GP, as I wasn't happy, and he sent me to the Spire hospital for a second opinion. I seen another doctor at the Spire and he was a real gent. I explained my difficulties going the toilet in severe pain with prolapsed external Hems and he was more then happy to help. The only issue was because my treatment was NHS funded it would take 3 months on a waiting list. anyway fast forward to May 21st I finally had surgery, I had 8 internal hemmoroids banded one external prolapsed hem chopped, skin tag removed and sent for biopsies. I was put to sleep for this surgery lasted about 30 mins. Post op was horrific I was sobbing in pain on the ward until the nurse gave me some pain relief. I rested about 2 hours as I felt dizzy to move after anesthesia, had something to eat . then was allowed to leave only after going to the toilet. The thing about the toilet was I bled heavily all over the bathroom floor and sobbed again. I am a male and this was horrific for me. 😭 The doctor inspected me and said I will be ok after new pads . Then after about another hour I was finally discharged. I knew the healing process wouldn't be nice. but I eat only weetabix and herbal tea for the first week. My first bowel movement after 5 days was horrible, I never ever pushed but it was very hard to go for a poo. I did ok until probably the last 40%, then my body had enough of waiting, and forced it out at 110% I had no control whatsoever the contraptions in the lower part of my bely was horrible, I didn't even think the body especially a male was capable of this But it did, it forced out my poo as it had enough off waiting and I'm guessing with the immense pressure I had in my bum hole so much blood and so much pain. So for about 2 months I had bleeding everytime I had a BM. I also had a nasty smelling yellow mucus coming out too. this lasted about 4 months but honestly come November this year I still get the odd mucus and dribbling down my bum . I have some days where its fine. but others where it just stings and burns. This is 6 month post surgery. I asked my GP and he said because I have IBS and chronic diarrhea it will take much longer to heal from the Hemorrhoidectomy maybe even a year or longer. There are days where its still uncomfortable to sit down and the stinging always comes and goes i get anal fissures which sting too . I have another referral from my GP. For February next year to see another Colorectal specialist
so and it isnt getting much easier honestly. I had horrific hemmoroids last December 2022, and struggled for 8 weeks until February until my GP referred me to see a colorectal specialist. I tried the Steroid cream ( Hydrocortisone) did nothing . When my referral went through and I seen a specialist. She stood by the door with her coat on and bag, she asked why I was there, I told her I had pain in my bum area. She had a 10 second look and said it was nothing then told me to have a better diet, Diagnosed me with IBS and chronic diarrhea then discharged me. my appointment was at 4.30 so she just wanted rid of me and cared less. This is Blackpool Victoria hospital a hospital have had many issues with already. Anyway I went back to my GP, as I wasn't happy, and he sent me to the Spire hospital for a second opinion. I seen another doctor at the Spire and he was a real gent. I explained my difficulties going the toilet in severe pain with prolapsed external Hems and he was more then happy to help. The only issue was because my treatment was NHS funded it would take 3 months on a waiting list. anyway fast forward to May 21st I finally had surgery, I had 8 internal hemmoroids banded one external prolapsed hem chopped, skin tag removed and sent for biopsies. I was put to sleep for this surgery lasted about 30 mins. Post op was horrific I was sobbing in pain on the ward until the nurse gave me some pain relief. I rested about 2 hours as I felt dizzy to move after anesthesia, had something to eat . then was allowed to leave only after going to the toilet. The thing about the toilet was I bled heavily all over the bathroom floor and sobbed again.
6 Months later
There are days where its still uncomfortable to sit down and the stinging always comes and goes i get anal fissures which sting too . I have another referral from my GP. For February next year to see another Colorectal specialist so hopefully i get more answers. 🙏 I still take my IBS medication, Lopermade, Buscopan for stomach cramping omproznal to settle my belly. But mark my words guys!!!! Google says you heal from a Hemorrhoidectomy in 8 weeks it's total rubbish, I'm nearly 7 months post op and it's still uncomfortable and painful to sit down I guess it will take much longer in my case .
Hopefully the February appointment next year will shed my answers 😉 Thanks for reading. Hopefully i get more answers. 🙏 I still take my IBS medication, Lopermade, Buscopan for stomach cramping omproznal to settle my belly. But mark my words guys!!!! Google says you heal from a Hemorrhoidectomy in 8 weeks it's total rubbish, I'm nearly 7 months post op and it's still uncomfortable and painful I will update this if anything changes ❤️
victor77788 neal0270
Hi can anyone tell me please if there's another way to make the 1st poop after haemorrhoidectomy painless.? I had my surgery on monday the 1st week of January 2024 and its been 6 days now I haven't pooped. Docs are pressuring me to go poop but anytime i try pooping the pain in extremely brutal i I can't bear it. I tried pooping on day 4 but only a very small hard poop came out and it was filled with clotted blood i didn't even know it was a poop until I crushed it to confirm. I tried pooping 2nd time in day 6 but again the pain was lethal and nothing came. Doctors said to me that i should force the poop and push it with all the strength for it to come out. Anyway guys I haven't pooped and am still looking to see if there's a painless way out of the 1st poop