6 weeks on Citalopram-still feel ‘shaky’-is this normal?
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I've posted here recently-apologies-but I have a 6 week review with my GP tomorrow and just wanted some reassurance. Is it normal to still feel a bit shaky-nothing dramatic but an internal sort of shakiness which makes you feel like you're not really inhabiting your own body? My anxiety is improved so I do feel that it's working but this side effect, along with a general groggy/zombie feeling still endures. My previous posts have been about feeling tired but hopefully this will pass soon. I don't really want to change medication.
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Lady1990 judith52739
Hi Judith,
Ive been citalopram 30mg for years for anxiety which worked well up until this lockdown I got really anxious again so was upped to 40mg 4 weeks ago. I still feel very anxious but feel there has been some improvements. I do get shakey but I put this down to the anxiety. I read somewhere that the body shakes to get rid of that extra adrenaline.
judith52739 Lady1990
Thanks Lady1990, that does sound more than likely. I'm on a very low dose so probably physical symptoms are still present like the shaky feeling. I can never be sure what's anxiety or what's a side effect at the moment!
Lady1990 judith52739
I hope that your review goes well. do post to let me know.
judith52739 Lady1990
Thanks, that's very kind. I will do. Like you, lockdown and the pandemic got to me quite badly. I had no idea that I could feel quite so ill with anxiety.
Lady1990 judith52739
How did your review go Judith?
judith52739 Lady1990
Hi Lady Jane, it went ok. We've increased my dose to 5mg each day instead of every other day (so sensitive to meds!) as we agreed it needs to approach a therapeutic dose. The increased dose I think is helping me better although feel a little nauseous again. Don't feel quite so 'shaky', think my body was a bit confused with me not taking it every day and it was such a small dose! Hope you are doing ok?
Apols for calling you the wrong name! x
So today is my birthday and I seem to be feeling anxious with what I can best describe as a 'jittery chest' . I have been on an increased dose for the last two weeks (only 5mg per day-lightweight!) and wonder if this is causing the nervousness as it settles down again? Also, I suspect, because it's supposed to be a special day I feel the increased pressure to 'feel good and have a good time' so it's frustrating not to feel as carefree as other birthdays. I'm sure day will improve.
angela39244 judith52739
how are you feeling now ?
judith52739 angela39244
I think I'm ok largely but still seem to feel a bit jittery and seem to be more aware of my heart beating-just an odd sensation really. It's nothing too dramatic just disconcerting and it feels like anxiety although I've read on this forum that this can be a side effect. I'm 3 weeks into an increased dose so I expect I just have to wait for it to settle. Has anyone else experienced this effect?
angela39244 judith52739
I am 5 weeks on 10mg but still feel jittery at times especially in the morning I am hoping it passes soon, how much do you take ?
judith52739 angela39244
I'm only on 5mgs per day as I'm so sensitive to medication. I can feel it working but side effects are difficult to deal with sometimes. Do you experience jittery feelings in chest like I do?
angela39244 judith52739
yes I do still get a jittery feeling in my stomach and chest mainly in the mornings and then it eases off the side effects are difficult at times as you dont know if its anxiety or drug causing it
judith52739 angela39244
That's exactly how I feel. Very confusing. At times it almost feels like I've developed a heart problem although I know this isn't likely-it just plays on your mind alot and makes things worse!
angela39244 judith52739
yes it does and you start to worry about every little twinge, with me its my stomach as the anxiety made it difficult to eat and the Cit made it worse as I had nausea so it has been a struggle
jfreckles7 judith52739
judith what dose are u on and what did your doctor tell u to do? He said to increase your dose 5mg each day?
im in the same boat it seems with thr pandemic getting laid off not working for months now starting a new job im so anxious and worried cant stop crying, i keep making decisions based on my emotions and then i second guess my self and dont know if im making decisions because im unhappy in my current situation or if its the anxiety from the current things happening and in the world and im just overwhelmed 😦 i just want to feel normal again
judith52739 jfreckles7
I'm so sorry you're feeling overwhelmed at the moment. It's so understandable with all the worry and uncertainty caused by the pandemic. I'm not at all experienced enough with antidepressants yet to offer advice but I think you could do with accessing some kind of cognitive behavioural therapy to help you sort out all of your conflicting emotions and help you see the way forward. I'm currently getting CBT and it's really helping me, in conjunction with the medication. In the meantime I would keep in close and regular contact with your GP and explain how overwhelmed you are so you can both make sure you're on the right dose and make appropriate adjustments as necessary. I'm only on 5mg per day-a really small dose as I'm so sensitive to medication. I'm guessing you're on a higher dose, I'm not sure. I'll review dose at end of the month. I don't have severe anxiety, but it did get bad in the early days of the pandemic and lockdown. I also have some health anxiety too which I'm trying to resolve. I really hope you start to feel better soon-I'm sure you will-just keep having on-going talks with GP. Will you let us know how you get on? x
jfreckles7 judith52739
Hi Judith,
So i am also very Sensitive to medication to I was put on 10 mg for years like every other day and i was ok then when this whole pandemic and everything started And it got bad so i thought maybe 15 mg will help i tried that and side effects we’re so bad i can’t handle it and then I thought maybe I need to go to 20 mg to be on that therapeutic dose And i think that was even worse. I haven’t took anything in two Days and I have started to feel better just a little bit of morning anxiety but that’s it I was thinking maybe I will stay on 10 mg every other day like i used to or maybe just try 5 mg like you are on. it’s so hard and confusing because I don’t want to go through all of the side effects but just want the anxiety to stop u know.
judith52739 jfreckles7
Yes, I agree, I can't bear the side effects and feel that I won't be increasing to 10mg again. That made me feel terrible for the first week I took it. 5 mg seems about right for me as the anxiety is a whole lot better. The crying and panicking seem to be largely behind me (not completely but a whole lot better) and I tick along ok on 5mgs. You could try it that way and see how you get on. I do agree, there's so much trial and error, but you'll find the right level eventually.