60 and still suffering
Posted , 16 users are following.
Hi I am nearly 60 and still suffering with hot flushes ,low mood just wondering if any ladies my age are still suffering I really have had enough
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Posted , 16 users are following.
Hi I am nearly 60 and still suffering with hot flushes ,low mood just wondering if any ladies my age are still suffering I really have had enough
3 likes, 20 replies
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mauiblue carol52673
Hi Carol I'm sorry that you have had such long-standing suffering what have you done during this time and what are you doing to help yourself?
In all honesty it's very discouraging to hear that at 60 the same thing is going on and I'm sure I would echo others people sentiments.
I know that women go years and years with hot flashes that doesn't totally end but if you were dealing with low mood for that many years that is not humane I certainly hope that I can get over the hump and at least figure it out let me know thinking on ya
carol52673 mauiblue
debra16694 carol52673
Hi Carol - May I ask you when you started suffering? Was it in Peri? post Menopause? When did you actually start menopause? At what age? Reasons why I am asking is that I am 61 & am still suffering, but really the last two years have been the the worst & I went into menopause @ 55 yrs of age - I just think you can stop menstrating, but it’s really when your hormones take the plunge - & if I hear one more person, friend, dr or anybody tell me “you are too old to be suffering from menopause” I may just go postal and slap them silly! 😍 you are not alone -
lori93950 debra16694
We are completely debilitated . This has to be recognized as a syndrome ! This is way too serious not to be.
Ok and I’m getting ready for bed again at 7pm ! Sick of trying to ‘stay awake’ .
debra16694 lori93950
kelly55079 debra16694
debra16694 kelly55079
Toddpodd debra16694
lori93950 carol52673
Sochima822 carol52673
I'm constantly dealing with hot soaking flushes but it comes from eating chocolate and drinking coffee or tea. The day I stop drinking any of those 3, my hot flashes subside, and my low mood goes away. I had stopped for 3 years and life was wonderful but since I started working I took up the old bad habits of drinking those 3 again. I love coffee mocha. I've started to cut back on tea and coffee to 3 times a week or less in hopes it will reduce some of the flushes. The perils of menopause.
Gillian1956 carol52673
Hi Carole I'm 62 and yes still suffering the hot flushes and feel down it seems never ending I remember my first hot flush when I had just turned 50
supemack39 carol52673
But you will get better......We have to believe this so we can endure it all. Appreciate the days when you feel normal, and remind yourself that tomorrow may be a good day. Take care x
loretta63638 carol52673
katyD211 carol52673
Hi Carol....
59 here, 60 in February if I don't throw myself into traffic by then.
Kidding....sort of. Looking back I can say my peri began at 45. Had changes that I didnt realize were a part of it all. Started missing periods, hot flashes. But I've still not gone an entire 12 months without some type of a flow happening. I've gone as long as 10 months and started again. Doc says my bloodwork says menopause one time, 3 months later ..no. She also says i am probably done with the worst of the symptoms and there is light at the end if the tunnel. Whatever. Do not want to do HRT orBHRT, so ,I live with my fibroids, hot flushes, all 66 symptoms on the list and pray it all ends soon. I feel you, hon...you are hardly alone. Be encouraged that it will probably just end...you'll realize you've felt pretty good for a couple weeks...and smile.
debra16694 katyD211
Hi Katy - you are a ray of sunshine & should be applauded for your positive attitude - Bless You!
katyD211 debra16694
why thank you!😘