7 months on

Posted , 12 users are following.

HI all,

Just thought I would keep in touch with all you hippies and hippies to be.

Well here I am at 7.5 months post hip and suddenly feeling so much better. I am walking, putting my own socks and shoes on most of the time and driving as normal although I have changed my car to an automatic.  Last weekend we went down to Brighton and I managed to descend 101 steps to the under cliff walk at Peacehaven (see Pic) walk 0.5 mile and  0.5 mile back and then climb 101 steps to the top. I was so pleased with myself. biggrin.  The picture shows exactly where I walked. Follow the red linelol 

This morning (Monday) I went to hydrotherapy and when the physio knew what I had done at the weekend she said "ok you do all your excersises with floats on", ( take heed don't tell them everything boasting doesn't always save you biggrin I managed it and now am totally whacked and in need of a well earned rest. I have been through a patch where I didn't think I would ever get better, but now all of a sudden everything falls into place and I have my life back. biggrinbiggrin I still need my other hip doing, this is the one that gets aggrivated and painful nowadays but it will be done soon.

My message to everyone is don't give up it soooooo worth it, ups downs sulks and miseries all steps along the way. biggrin. Love Gillxxx


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33 Replies

  • Posted

    Well done you! I saw my surgeon yesterday and he said that after the first three months the healing process slows down and can last a year, so don't expect the same fast results. Good advice!

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