7 weeks in 75mgs

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Hi all. THanks for reading my post. I have been on sertaking for about 9 months. Started at 25 then up to 50. 50 worked well for a while then it stopped and anxiety and depression came back so doc put me on 75. Again this worked for a few weeks after the initial getting used to the new dose. So once again I'm feeling really down and I feel so useless. Having some really horrible thoughts like I don't want to be here anymore as im a failure.

I work hard 40 hours a week and have a great job. Luckily it's from home. Plus I have 2 kids one 8 and one 10 so I run my home too. All my pay goes to mortgage and bills so I have no money for myself. My hubby pay goes into savings and if I need things or spend money I get questioned. I just feel I work and shouldn't have to justify my spending. He doesn't go into a huge discussion but the fact I feel unappreciated and worthless and that all I do is work. His job comes first but yet I'm the bigger earner? Can't talk to him as I usually get shot down in flames and just makes me feel worse.

Just having a bad week. Maybe it's time to up to 100

Sorry for the moan


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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jay, don't apologise for the moan! Im single and feel unsupported but equally there are so many people in relationships that feel like that too. Youre doing a great job keeping your job down, your home and kids...ive hardly worked since on sert and its still been hard! As for the ser, im on 125 and still getting a little anxiety for stressful situations so i may go to 150. A friend of mine is on 150 and that seems to be her dose, she was in a bad way and is doing brilliant, another colleague has been on 200 for years. Its a good sign for you that youve noticed an improvement on increasing the dose, but yes it sounds like you need to go to 100, give it a few weeks and see if thats your dose. You will get through this, you are not worthless in fact you sound pretty much like superwoman to me, holding everything together! Anyone who gets through the initial side effects of sert is one tough cookie! Make an appointment with your doc & keep us posted x

    • Posted

      Aww Julie thanks so much for your lovely reply. Well sweetie this super woman really fells burnt out.

      My hubby just called there and said you are quiet. I said I'm ok. And usual repky from him.. you felling depressed again? I thought this sertaline was helping so again I just said yes it is!

      You are right you can feel lonely in a relationship and sometimes I feel I would be better with just my kids dog and cat. X

    • Posted


      I know how you feel..my husband used to say to me 'why are you depressed? We have no debt, you have a lovely home, a car, some are worse off than you'...I took him to my next Gp appointment, she told him 'what your wife is going through with her menopause and her Thyroid condition isn't fun or very nice, and depression and anxiety is a side effect of her health issues'..his outlook has now changed

      I've been on Sertraline 50mgs for about 5 years and just had my HRT dosage reduced and I've noticed a dip in my mood, was going to up it 25mg, but scared of the side effects.I also noticed a difference when I'm given a different brand of Sertraline.

      Just try and hang in there x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay, there are so many people saying the same thing about wondering if theyd be better off single. Its so hard for people to understand if theyve not suffered anxiety or depression. Ive had the lack of understanding from friends and certain family members and youre right, its easier to make out we're better when we know we're not. And superwoman is burnt out cos she's doing too much and needs some time to recharge! It doesnt make you any less of a superwoman lol. Hang in there hun, you'll feel better with a dose increase. My anxietys really low on 125, just the dizziness thats a problem n not sure if thats the sert or the betablockers lowering my bp too much but will ask at docs monday. Job interview tomorrow (no i really didnt want a job change in meno with anxiety problems, long story but its not by choice). Are you in menopause by any chance? My anxiety started in lead up to meno and rocketed when periods stopped, this last year. Im on hrt as well as sert n betablockers! These forums have been an amazing support, its so good to chat to people who really understand and encourage each other thru this difficult time. Where abouts are you hun? Im in Nottingham UK.

    • Posted

      Hi Lesley, ive just read your comment and am wondering if my new dizziness has been caused by a brand change of sert, it started around that time i changed! What are your side effects?
    • Posted

      Hi Julie

      I had the dizziness, an internal shaking, tiredness low mood and hot eyes, and felt as though I wasn't taking anything. The brand that causes it with me is made by Lupin, Purple and white box with a pink flower and the tablets are light blue, every time I get this brand I always have problems ..When I picked up my meds on Monday I

      got the ones made by Accord and I when I saw them I said 'yesss' and did a fist pump..the Pharmacist asked me why I was so pleased, when I told her she assured me I would never get the Lupin brand again...she said it may take a week or so for the Accord brand take over.

      Hope this helps x

    • Posted

      I never evn thought to ask about 'brand' Mine is labelled Aurobindo. Anyone else had those?


  • Posted

    Hi jay Don't 'suffer in silence'. Ask you GP for a referral to your local 'Talking Terapy' set up. There will be one local to you in the mental health support sector. Well worth every minute and good luck.


    • Posted

      Also ask your GP for a full blood test, to include thyroid function and any vitamin deficiencies you may have...you may an underlying health issue
  • Posted

    Hi thanks all for the replies. Yes I'm going through the dreaded menopause at 48 😑 I'm just so up and down and My thoughts are completely irrational. 😣

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I'm 59..and post-menopausal, So I can really understand..lately my enthusiasm has gone, don't want to go anywhere, do anything or see anyone and anxious about driving. sometimes I think to myself 'is this it?? Is this my life??'

      These forums help cos you realise you're not alone 😉

  • Posted

    Hi Jay, yes, I think you should up it to 100mg. Also, I think you have to have a discussion with your husband. I went thru a similar thing myself where being a Christian woman married to another Christian I was constantly shot down in flames every time I fought for what I felt is equal human rights and my husband even tried to use the Bible to dominate me and control me! So at my wits end, I suggested marriage therapist and we quit twice because my husband was getting into verbal fights with the therapist, claiming the therapists both males were on my side. So he finally went to see a therapist on his own and is slowly improving. No, you earn more than your husband, you take care of bills and mortgage, you should not have your answer or ask for approval for any purchases. You are a responsible adult, you have earned that right. He should appreciate you and you should feel worthy, respected, and loved. I was sort of going thru this in my marriage until I said after my attack I need more in my relationship. Also, my husband had wanted to separate from me when I got my attack but then wanted to reconcile after I got better. I forgave him, but he had to change. Please speak up, don't suffer in silence. Xx

  • Posted

    Thanks all again. Feelong a bit better today as I have made up my mind that I will stand up for myself and speak up.

    I think I will up to 100 mgs but I'm scared of side effects. If honest when I went from 50 to 75 I didn't really feel any side effects so maybe this will be the same.

    How does 100 feel?

    Thanks again everyone

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