7 weeks on sertraline, depression back with a bang!! some friendly advice needed....

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So iv been taking 50mg of sertraline now for 7 weeks, tbh i have seen little change! My health anxiety has not been as bad but over the last week my depression and intrusive thoughts are ruining my life, my anxiety is so bad aswell! Im wondering should my dose be increased as surely 7 weeks would be enough time to see an improvement! Im just so down its worrying me that im feeling this low again sad

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there

    sorry to hear all that. You will get good days and bad days on these. Don't rush to increase your dose straight away, as side effects and sometimes anxiety will also increase. But of course see your doctor if intrusive thoughts worsen. Seven weeks is not that long so think positively, you may be starting to feel better in seven weeks but that doesn't mean the depression is gone in that short a time. These are not a quick fix, more a helping hand, but it does get better.

    Is there a fun activity you enjoy where you can regularly get out the house possibly? This might distract you hopefully while the medication works while you weren't paying attention to it! I know this is easier said than done. Do you have a supportive friend or family member? Remember exercise is a fab healer, as is a short daily walk in the sunshine, if you can manage it before 11am this has been shown to be a mood lifter.

    other ideas you might have tried or might consider: rescue remedy for anxious days, and CBT online (google MoodGym), before increasing meds. Worth a try first.

    I do feel for you, and wish you the best of luck! 

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      Thank you so much for your help and advice! Xxcc
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      Sher I reckon 7 weeks was about when I started to price some good days and then the bad days left pretty much for good. I hope the coming week shows improvement for you. Try to stay positive the meds do help
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    It took at least 7-8 weeks for me to start feeling my mood lift as well, you get more and more good days in a row uninterruped by bad days, you'll see.  Also get as much sun and daylight as you can, I got one of those sunrise alarm clocks and it works really well. Stay on the same dose until you get used to it, it does take time and you shouldn't rush it. As PharmaSarah said do talk to your doctor and others about the distressing thoughts, it helps to take and CBT may also help.
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      Thank you! Im thinking of maybe changing from taking mine at night to morning time to see if it makes a difference? Should i skip 2nites and start tomarrow morning or take 2nites and take it in the morning again? Xxx
    • Posted

      I'd definitely take it in the morning - can disrupt sleep if taken at night as it is not sedating. Best to take with breakfast, it's important to take with food. Sorry to go on, nagging pharmacist talking. You should be fine rescheduling your timing of dose from the night to the morning, by just starting the next day in the morning. This is preferable to getting withdrawal symptoms if you leave too long in between doses. Unless of course your doctor has given you specific instructions to take at night. As another poster said, just expect to feel a bit weird potentially while you make the change. You'll soon get used to it. Good luck


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      Thank you for your advice should I take tonights dose then take again in the morning? Xx
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      Well I would, as if you skip a night you may get discontinuation symptoms, but it's up to you. You could take the night dose a bit earlier and the next morning a bit later to space them out, and then start at the desired time the following morning, but probably unnecessary. I'm sure your doctor will talk it over the phone if you want to check with them first. It would make sense to be taking it in the morning though! 
  • Posted

    Does your doctor have you taking Setraline at night? I never understood that, I think it's much better to take it in the morning so if you get any of the usual little side-effects within the first few hours at least you haven't ruined a night's sleep - poor sleep only makes things worse. I take mind in the AM as soon as I wake up so I am distracted by rushing around getting ready to go out when it comes up.  Maybe take 1/2 tonight and 1/2 in the morning, then the next day take the whole one BUT I would call my doctor and tell them what you want to do, and why, first. Remember any time you make even a minor change with these things there may be a day or two where you feel weird, but it will pass. I have found that consistency is the key smile
  • Posted

    I'm not a doctor, so I would def call them first.

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