7 year recovery.....still on-going
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i went in for my first op about 7 years ago......i went through about 4-5 operations in between......a few months ago i had to get a skin graph on my wound.......this helped and it finally healed.....brilliant, until about 3 weeks ago, my wound opened AGAIN......imm thinking theres no hope anymore and im just going to leave it, and live with it.
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I always feel like just giving up with it,too, as it never seems to work, 80% of the treatment socially and medically has been poor, to say the least, and I get so down,too...but this only lasts until I get the sinus again.
I really hope things start looking up for you,soon, reply with your progress,maybe?
look forward to hearing back from you, all the best.
Then in 2009 I had one more infection that only took one course of anti biotic's to go away and it helped as the doctor had had it too.
Now I am with a new doctor and I ended up having surgery because the first doctor who was a trainee didn't give me medicine. I went back the next day and the doctor was amazed I didn't receive treatment and I admit I probably left it a bit late but fellow sufferers know how the condition ( pilonidal synus ) can flare up very quickly. So I ended up with more drugs, then I got so bad I rushed myself to A& E and needed surgery the following day. Since then I have been on at least 5 courses of medication. And I truly believe that if the district nurses had dressed my wound at least once a day I would not have had the bad results I have. One nurse didn't even know if I should stand up while being dressed, how stupid can you be. I had a male nurse and wasn't warned so I could have been in danger living alone. And they said they prefer for my kind of wound to have me mobile as soon as possible, but considering it's in an area where there are tones of bacteria all the time why would you want to cause it to get sweaty and rub together? The fact that they only dressed it every other day , and sometimes the dressing wouldn't stay on properly for a day. And I couldn't dress it myself is the reason I think it keeps coming back. If they leave a dressing inside the wound that is covered in bacteria then no wonder it stays infected. I have seen 2 surgeons since my operation who both said it's fine but it obviously isn't. The first surgeon hardly looked and the second was really kind and helpful and said the problem is there isn't enough known about the condition and why it's hard to treat. I am getting so frustrated and it always seem to come back near summer when I want to go on holiday. I think if I had gone to an out of hours doctor near Christmas when I noticed it was weeping and slightly bloody, but it was too far for me to go alone.And I was meant to have a referral to see a surgeon but the appointment I had with the previous doctor was a month ago and the wound was tiny then , how do they expect to make a diagnosis if they leave it soo long. And my doctor is so frustrating that you can only make an appointment at 8 am , so you are waiting while everyone else phones at the same time, I don't understand why they do this. I really hope they don't want me to have more surgery, I want to refuse it but I don't want it getting worse. The doctor I saw last at the hospital said the success rate was low with this kind of surgery, so why risk it? I don't get why they can't make a smaller insicion and just drain out the fluid that keeps it infected?
Charliewales sparkleyjewel
I hope you have recovered from it or are dealing with it x
7yearitch Charliewales
My advise is eat right ..eat to recover.
I hope this helps anymore advise just ask for it.
Charliewales 7yearitch
I will take your advice on board . I do need to lose weight , I have also stopped smoking 4 months ago aswell which they said will help but who knows. I don't just get them on the rear I have a condition and get then other places. I have done a thread all what's happened. Thanks for your honestly and well wishes. And pleased yours hasn't come back. X
7yearitch Charliewales
Charliewales 7yearitch
as to my progress well,......its all good ,....ive gotten into fitness and developed a pma (positive mental attitude) which does help,......im keeping it clean and most importantly DRY,.......i cant stress how much this simpl solution works wonders,............DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY by any means neccessary, i used to leave tissue or toilet roll there after a showe to dry my wound,...........well its worked so far.
sparkley i really hope you have success with your ailment, keep yer chin up, and there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
trust me
yours sincerly 10year itch ........as ive had it longer than 7 yrs