7mnths post op and they finally treat me for chronic osteomyelitis, anyone else suffering?
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So trimeallor ankle fracture aug16 infection showed itself within 2 weeks so 3 more ops and 7mnths later finally a consultant who specialises in infections has taken over and finally following debridement open bone biopsy have been put on 3 month course Iv through a picc alongside oral antibiotics OPAT nurses visiting daily and a plan for free flap surgery put in place...
Anyone else suffering... to be honest I would rather be fighting cancer... no emotional support for osteomyelitis, no one understands the daily pain, no one understands the illness at all!
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Kellz04 chelsea91977
I completely understand I was recently diagnosed with osteomyelitis in my t9 and t10 of my spine it is extremely painful and I often feel like people think it doesn't hurt me as much as it does. I'm currently on my fourth week of intravenous antibiotics of a 6 week order . because of pick line in my arm my insurance wont allow me to complete my medication from home. and have been in a nursing facility for the past month. Although the people are great here me being away from my everyday life is really taking a tole on me I'm feeling better slowly but still in a great amount of pain. Feeling alone and scared if the treatment don't fully work what will I do. The morphine pain medication I take does help but i still feel a considerit amount of pain. It is a pain I can not see myself living with forever. I feel because osteomyelitis is so rare people dont realize how serious and painful it can be.
HoneyBadger302 chelsea91977
Man, I hate hearing these stories, but also am trying to prepare myself in case things don't go well.
I had a tib/fib pilon fracture that developed a fracture blister on Dec 3, 2016. My second surgery was Dec 30, 2016. On April 19, 2017 I was diagnosed with an infection on the tibia plate - I noticed on one set of paperwork they had osteomyellitis listed...not sure if that's a general term for any infection, but I was under the impression my ortho was going to remove hardware if the bone was infected - during the debribement he left the hardware in there for now (most likely will be removing it later this summer).
In the meantime I was also referred to an Infectious Diseases doctor, and I'm currently started on 6 weeks of IV antibiotics to keep the infection from getting worse - from what I understand, the chances of killing it off with the hardware retained is slim to none, but my ortho is trying to buy a couple more months of bone healing to reduce the chance of re-fracture (which he believes would be way worse than what we are currently dealing with).
My infection is from enterbacter cloacae, not MRSA at least, but not a good one to deal with, either. Currently being treated with Cefeprime, which seems to have generally good resuts on the enterobactor bacteria from my research.
I'm just really glad my doctors did NOT mess around with this - as soon as I presented with symptoms, I made an appointment, and was literally in surgery 14 hours later for clean/debribe/culture and a visual check on things. Oral antibiotics until they got the IV stuff started.
One thing I can say - BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. Read the journal and scientific articles, know what your options are, know if your doctors are following good protocal or not - and if not, SAY SOMETHING. Ask questions, but doing your own reasearch helps you know what to ask!
I'll be asking my ID doc about the status of the infection - is is actually in the bone, what are the chances of it becoming chronic, etc....
HoneyBadger302 chelsea91977
HI chelsea (and others) - pretty sure I'm no where near the end of this potential mess, just at a lull for me. On Dec 3, 2016, had a tib/fib pilon fracture. Surgeries seemed to go okay, but the area where a fracture blister had developed was stubborn about healing. I was released for weight bearing, and about 3 weeks later had an infection manifest over my tibia plate. Other than the delayed healing on the blister, until that week, no symptoms of an infection.
I was in surgery for a debribment the next day after the appointment I got with my ortho. He immediately referred me to infection diseases, who started me on 6 weeks of IV antibiotics and a PICC line. I'm now on oral antibiotics until we pull the hardware in a couple months. Since this, the skin has healed well and things *seem* to be okay, but from everything I have read, we're never truly in the clear.
Best wishes in your recovery, and it's sometimes just nice to know you're not alone, because you are right, other people just don't get it!! I don't have a SO or close family, so end up dealing with most of this alone or begging help from friends. They try to understand, but I don't know of any who've gone through it themselves...
sorry, didn't see my original post, can't seem to delete the double post!
nancy15469 HoneyBadger302
I have just been put on iv antibiotics last week for infection from hardware
. I thought surgery was going to be the worst part of broken elbow, but this infection has been worse. Pain is bad! How are you now? Hardware removed?
nancy15469 chelsea91977
Hi Chelsea,
I'm newly diagnosed with this after ORIF of elbow and I'm scared it will not be beaten. Would love an update on how you're doing! I have no found a success story yet
vicki96403 nancy15469
For 12 months I struggled with a massive open wound. Full of infection. I was attending the hospital every second day for wound dressing. Finally the wound closed. But it didn’t feel right. I presented to my GP where she immediately picked it up. Sent me for CT scan. Results Chronic Osteomyelitis. Due to the infection being undetected for so long.
I was in surgery with in weeks where the majority of my big toe bone was removed and the 2nd and 3rd toe joints removed. They were all attacked by the infection. 4 months later I was back in surgery having my foot re built with a metal plate and screws.
All was going well until just recently. The wound is still not fully closed, my last opp was August. My last X-ray revealed that the screws have now snapped. I just cried.
My doctor says it won’t harm me to leave them in there. I’m not comfortable with that. Does anyone know weather or not broken hardware should be removed???
So that’s where I’m at. Still a long way off. I’m totally over it all, and it does really get me down. It’s effected my life negatively in so many ways. I hope your journey is successful and your outcome is positive. Please keep us posted ❤️Vicki
nancy15469 vicki96403
vicki96403 nancy15469
Hi Nancy, thanks for replying 😊
The thing I’m concerned about is that my specialist doesn’t want to see me for 3 months. Then he’ll do bloods and a CT scan then to see how it all is. My feeling is if broken hardware needs to be removed, shouldn’t it be done now and not 3 months down the track?? I’m sure I’ve read somewhere broken metal along with a fracture inside the body is a cause of Osteomyelitis?????
My foot is very tender , like it was when my Osteomyelitis was undetected. Time I make my own move I think.
Thanks for listening 😊
nancy15469 vicki96403
I have heard if broken hardware is not in joint it can stay, but obviously if you're having pain it should be removed. Tenderness, swelling and general malaise made me go into hospital to get checked out. I would be considered If I had tenderness again and not wait for 3 months. Having a piece of mind does good for healing.
Have you found any success stories of recovery from this? I can't find one
vicki96403 nancy15469
Thankyou for your advice tho, I really do appreciate it. Nobody I discuss this with have even heard of this. It’s hard for them to understand what we are really going through.
Vicki. xoxo
nancy15469 vicki96403
david38919 chelsea91977